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Save SQLvariant/472021981475d1cd917ac07205a2bcc3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use Invoke-ExecuteNotebook to build a SQL-on-Linux instance in a Docker container, by calling Invoke-ExecuteNotebook to execute the Notebook, and passing in the sa_password & digits for the name/port number to the Notebook as a parameter.
<# Download the PowerShellNotebook Module from the PowerShell Gallery #>
try {Import-Module PowerShellNotebook -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Install-Module -Name PowerShellNotebook -Scope CurrentUser} finally {Import-Module PowerShellNotebook}
Import-Module PowerShellNotebook;
<# Download the Jupyter Notebook in this Gist #>
Invoke-RestMethod -OutFile SQL-on-Docker-with-PowerShell.ipynb
<# OK, you should now be ready to move onto the steps in Build_SQLInstance_wStringCreds.ps1
Please note: you're going to need to have Docker Desktop installed & running for all this to work #>
Invoke-ExecuteNotebook -InputNotebook .\SQL-on-Docker-with-PowerShell.ipynb -Parameters @{sa_password = 'Test9999'; SQLNumber = 97}
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"<img src=\"\" width=\"10%\"> ➕\n",
"<img src=\"\" width=\"6.5%\"> = ❤\n",
"# This PowerShell Notebook will walk you through how to setup a SQL-on-Linux instance in a Docker container, on your local [Windows] machine."
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"Note: You do need Docker Desktop installed for this to work. If you don't have it installed, you can use this Chocolatey command to install it:\n",
"Note: You need to run that command above from an **elevated** PowerShell window (Run as administrator).\n",
"choco install docker-desktop -y\n",
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"## Preparation Steps\n",
"0A) Before any of this can work, you must have Docker Desktop running. You must also have the latest SqlServer module installed from the PowerShell Gallery. `Install-Module SqlServer`"
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"try {Import-Module SqlServer -ErrorAction Stop} catch {Install-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope CurrentUser} finally {Import-Module SqlServer}\r\n",
"Import-Module SqlServer;"
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"0B) Use the code to download the AdventureWorks2016.bak file from GitHub"
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"$BakURL = \"\";\n",
"$BakFile = \"$($Home)/Downloads/AdventureWorks2016.bak\";\n",
"Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BakURL -OutFile $BakFile;"
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"0C) Pick a two-digit number, to be used as the number for this instance, as well as part of the port number. "
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"if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SQLNumber)) {\r\n",
" $SQLNumber = Read-Host -Prompt \"Please enter two-digit sql number\"\r\n",
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"Create a local directory for the container to use to store database files, outside of the container. This step will use the number you supplied above"
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"mkdir \"C:/SQLData/Docker/SQLDev$SQLNumber\""
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"0D) Set the `sa` password. Then build your SQL Credential using the value of the `$sa_password` variable. If you are running this using `Invoke-ExecuteNotebook` you may pass the password in as a parameter.\n",
"If you're running through this notebook interactively, make sure to remember the password you choose."
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"if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sa_password)) {\r\n",
" $sa_password = Read-Host -Prompt \"Please enter sa password\"\r\n",
"$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $sa_password -AsPlainText -Force\r\n",
"$SqlCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ('sa', $password)"
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"source": [
"## Create your SQL-on-Linux Docker Container\n",
"1) Create a SQL-on-Linux Docker Container with just the code below.\n",
" NOTE: You may want to change the password used for the SA account.\n",
" You may also want to change the Volumne path: \"C:\\SQLData\\Docker\\SQLDev90\""
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"docker run -d -p \"100$($SQLNumber):1433\" -v \"C:\\SQLData\\Docker\\SQLDev$($SQLNumber):/sqlserver\" -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e SA_PASSWORD=$sa_password --name \"testcontainer$SQLNumber\""
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"Start-Sleep -Seconds 15"
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"### Verify that the SQL instance in the container is up & running"
"metadata": {
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"Get-SqlInstance -ServerInstance \"localhost,100$($SQLNumber)\" -Credential $SqlCred"
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"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "Instance Name Version ProductLevel UpdateLevel HostPlatform HostDistribution\r\n"
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "------------- ------- ------------ ----------- ------------ ----------------\r\n"
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "localhost,10019 15.0.4063 RTM CU7 Linux Ubuntu\r\n"
"output_type": "stream",
"name": "stdout",
"text": "\r\n"
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"Now run the `Get-SqlDatabase` cmdlet against the container you created, and pass in the credential object you created in the previous step."
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"Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance \"localhost,100$($SQLNumber)\" -Credential $SqlCred"
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"2) Copy the backup file to the directory your container volume is mapped to.\n",
" Make sure you use the location you stored the .bak file in."
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"Copy-Item -Path \"$($Home)\\Downloads\\AdventureWorks2016.bak\" -Destination \"C:/SQLData/Docker/SQLDev$SQLNumber\" -Verbose"
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"3) Restore the AdventureWorks2016 database"
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"Restore-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance \"localhost,100$($SQLNumber)\" -Credential $SqlCred -BackupFile '/sqlserver/AdventureWorks2016.bak' -Database 'AdventureWorks2016' -AutoRelocateFile"
"metadata": {
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"execution_count": null
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"Now verify the AdventureWorks 2016 database was successfully restored."
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"Get-SqlDatabase -ServerInstance \"localhost,100$($SQLNumber)\" -Credential $SqlCred"
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"text": "\nName Status Size Space Recovery Compat. Owner Collation \n Available Model Level \n---- ------ ---- ---------- -------- ------- ----- --------- \nAdventureWorks2016 Normal 209.63 MB 1.31 MB Simple 130 sa SQL_Latin1_General_CP1\n _CI_AS \nmaster Normal 6.25 MB 584.00 KB Simple 150 sa SQL_Latin1_General_CP1\n _CI_AS \nmodel Normal 16.00 MB 5.70 MB Full 150 sa SQL_Latin1_General_CP1\n _CI_AS \nmsdb Normal 15.56 MB 1.20 MB Simple 150 sa SQL_Latin1_General_CP1\n _CI_AS \ntempdb Normal 72.00 MB 61.33 MB Simple 150 sa SQL_Latin1_General_CP1\n _CI_AS \n\n\n"
"execution_count": 16
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