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Santhosh NC SanthoshNC

Working from home
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export GITLAB_TOKEN=<<Replace the Personal Access Token here!!>>
terraform {
required_providers {
gitlab = {
source = "gitlabhq/gitlab"
# To initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files
terraform init
# To rewrite Terraform configuration files to a canonical format and style
terraform fmt
# To validate the configuration files in a directory (not accessing any remote services such as remote state, provider APIs, etc)
terraform validate
# To create an execution plan || using -out=FILE option, the plan could be stored as an external file
terraform {
required_providers {
docker = {
source = "kreuzwerker/docker"
version = "~> 2.13.0"
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<<Replace the Personal Access Token here!!>>
# To initialize a working directory containing Terraform configuration files
terraform init
# To rewrite Terraform configuration files to a canonical format and style
terraform fmt
# To validate the configuration files in a directory (not accessing any remote services such as remote state, provider APIs, etc)
terraform validate
# Optional to run || To generate a visual representation || Need Graphviz package
terraform {
required_providers {
github = {
source = "integrations/github"
version = "~> 4.0"
provider "github" {
resource "github_repository" "Document_as_a_Code" {
name = "document_as_a_code"
description = "A Repo for managing for CI/CD implementation"
visibility = "public"
python3 # To run the file to generate diagram
ls -lrt # To check the files. A file called custom_diagram.jpg will be generated in the directory
xdg-open custom_diagram.jpg # Opens the generated diagram in default image viewver.