import os from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from import Options as ChromeOptions from import Select def test_multiple_values_dropdown(): options = ChromeOptions() options.browser_version = "107.0" options.platform_name = "Windows 10" lt_options = {}; lt_options["username"] = os.environ.get("LT_USERNAME"); lt_options["accessKey"] = os.environ.get("LT_ACCESS_KEY"); lt_options["build"] = "Handling Multiple Values Selection in Dropdowns"; lt_options["project"] = "Handling Multiple Values Selection in Dropdowns"; lt_options["name"] = "Handling Multiple Values Selection in Dropdowns"; lt_options["selenium_version"] = "4.0.0"; lt_options["w3c"] = True; options.set_capability('LT:Options', lt_options); # LambdaTest Profile username user_name = os.environ.get('LT_USERNAME') # LambdaTest Profile access_key accesskey = os.environ.get('LT_ACCESS_KEY') remote_url = "https://" + user_name + ":" + accesskey + "" driver = webdriver.Remote(remote_url, options=options) driver.get("") # Find the multiselect dropdown element in the page dropdown = WebDriverWait(driver, 3).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, '//*[@id="__next"]/div/section[3]/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/select'))) # Using the webdriver Select class to select multiple values multi_select = Select(dropdown) driver.implicitly_wait(3) multi_select.select_by_index(0) driver.implicitly_wait(3) multi_select.select_by_value("AZ") driver.implicitly_wait(3) multi_select.select_by_visible_text("Iowa") print("All selected values using the SELECT Class in the dropdown are: \n") for option in multi_select.all_selected_options: print(option.get_attribute('innerText')) driver.close()