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Created January 5, 2024 19:49
Pyppeteer Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide to Using Puppeteer with Python
import asyncio
import pytest
from pyppeteer.errors import PageError
from urllib.parse import quote
import json
import os
import sys
from os import environ
from pyppeteer import connect, launch
exec_platform = os.getenv('EXEC_PLATFORM')
# Can take values - headless and non-headless
chromium_version = os.getenv('CHROMIUM_VERSION')
# Pytest fixture for browser setup
async def browser():
if exec_platform == 'local':
if chromium_version == '121':
custom_chrome_path = "mac-chrome/"
elif chromium_version == '113':
custom_chrome_path = "mac-chrome/"
custom_chrome_path = "mac-chrome/"
browser = await launch(headless = False,
executablePath = custom_chrome_path, args=['--start-maximized'])
yield browser
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await browser.close()
# Pytest fixture for page setup
async def page(browser):
page = await browser.newPage()
yield page
await page.close()
# Ported code from
async def test_exe_path(page):
await page.goto('')
await page.setViewport({'width': 1920, 'height': 1080})
element = await page.querySelector('[name="q"]')
await element.type('LambdaTest')
await asyncio.gather('Enter'),
page_title = await page.title()
assert page_title == 'LambdaTest at DuckDuckGo', 'Expected page title is incorrect!'
await page.evaluate('_ => {}', f'lambdatest_action: {json.dumps({ "action": "setTestStatus", "arguments": { "status": "passed", "remark": "Title matched" } })}')
except PageError as e:
await page.evaluate('_ => {}', f'lambdatest_action: {json.dumps({ "action": "setTestStatus", "arguments": { "status": "failed", "remark": str(e) } })}')
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