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Last active June 28, 2019 13:04
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MLHEP2019 2 stage metric: generation
import numpy as np
def get_assymetry(imgs, ps, points, orthog=False):
# асимметрия ливня вдоль и поперек направнения наклона
assym_res = []
zoff = 25
x = np.linspace(-14.5, 14.5, 30)
y = np.linspace(-14.5, 14.5, 30)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
xx = np.repeat(xx[np.newaxis, ...], len(imgs), axis=0)
yy = np.repeat(yy[np.newaxis, ...], len(imgs), axis=0)
points_0 = points[:, 0] + zoff * ps[:, 0] / ps[:, 2]
points_1 = points[:, 1] + zoff * ps[:, 1] / ps[:, 2]
if orthog:
line_func = lambda x: (x - points_0[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) / (ps[:, 0] / ps[:, 1])[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + points_1[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
line_func = lambda x: -(x - points_0[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) / (ps[:, 1] / ps[:, 0])[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + points_1[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
sign = np.ones(len(ps))
if not orthog:
sign = (ps[:, 1] > 0).astype(int)
sign = 2 * (sign - 0.5)
idx = np.where((yy - line_func(xx)) * sign[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] < 0)
zz = np.ones((len(imgs), 30, 30))
zz[idx] = 0
assym = (np.sum(imgs * zz, axis=(1, 2)) -
np.sum(imgs * (1 - zz), axis=(1, 2))) / np.sum(imgs, axis=(1, 2))
return assym
def zz_to_line(zz):
res = (
np.concatenate([np.abs(np.diff(zz, axis=2)), np.zeros((len(zz), 30, 1))], axis=2) +
np.concatenate([np.abs(np.diff(zz, axis=1)), np.zeros((len(zz), 1, 30))], axis=1)
return np.clip(res, 0, 1)
def get_shower_width(data, ps, points, orthog=False):
# ширина ливня вдоль и поперек направления
res = []
spreads = []
assym_res = []
zoff = 25
x = np.linspace(-14.5, 14.5, 30)
y = np.linspace(-14.5, 14.5, 30)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
xx = np.repeat(xx[np.newaxis, ...], len(data), axis=0)
yy = np.repeat(yy[np.newaxis, ...], len(data), axis=0)
points_0 = points[:, 0] + zoff * ps[:, 0] / ps[:, 2]
points_1 = points[:, 1] + zoff * ps[:, 1] / ps[:, 2]
if orthog:
line_func = lambda x: -(x - points_0[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) / (ps[:, 0] / ps[:, 1])[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + points_1[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
line_func = lambda x: (x - points_0[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) / (ps[:, 1] / ps[:, 0])[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] + points_1[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
rescale = np.sqrt(1 + (ps[:, 1] / ps[:, 0])**2)
sign = np.ones(len(ps))
if not orthog:
sign = (ps[:, 1] < 0).astype(int)
sign = 2 * (sign - 0.5)
idx = np.where((yy - line_func(xx)) * sign[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] < 0)
zz = np.ones((len(data), 30, 30))
zz[idx] = 0
line = zz_to_line(zz)
ww = (line * data) # * rescale[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
sum_0 = ww.sum(axis=(1, 2))
sum_1 = (ww * rescale[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * xx).sum(axis=(1, 2))
sum_2 = (ww * (rescale[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * xx)**2).sum(axis=(1, 2))
sum_1 = sum_1 / sum_0
sum_2 = sum_2 / sum_0
sigma = np.sqrt(sum_2 - sum_1 * sum_1)
return sigma
def get_ms_ratio2(data, alpha=0.1):
ms = np.sum(data, axis=(1, 2))
num = np.sum((data >= (ms * alpha)[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]), axis=(1, 2))
return num / 900.
def get_sparsity_level(data):
alphas = np.logspace(-5, 0, 50)
sparsity = []
for alpha in alphas:
sparsity.append(get_ms_ratio2(data, alpha))
return np.array(sparsity)
def get_physical_stats(EnergyDeposit, ParticleMomentum, ParticlePoint):
assym = get_assymetry(EnergyDeposit, ParticleMomentum, ParticlePoint, orthog=False)
assym_ortho = get_assymetry(EnergyDeposit, ParticleMomentum, ParticlePoint, orthog=True)
sh_width = get_shower_width(EnergyDeposit, ParticleMomentum, ParticlePoint, orthog=False)
sh_width_ortho = get_shower_width(EnergyDeposit, ParticleMomentum, ParticlePoint, orthog=True)
sparsity_level = get_sparsity_level(EnergyDeposit)
stats = np.c_[
return stats
from prd_score import compute_prd_from_embedding
from calogan_metrics import get_assymetry, get_shower_width, get_sparsity_level
from calogan_metrics import get_physical_stats
from sklearn.metrics import auc
import numpy as np
def scoring_function(solution_file, predict_file):
score = 0.
solution = np.load(solution_file, allow_pickle=True)
predict = np.load(predict_file, allow_pickle=True)
EnergyDeposit_sol = solution['EnergyDeposit']
ParticleMomentum_sol = solution['ParticleMomentum']
ParticlePoint_sol = solution['ParticlePoint']
EnergyDeposit_pred = predict['EnergyDeposit']
precision, recall = compute_prd_from_embedding(
EnergyDeposit_sol.reshape(len(EnergyDeposit_sol), -1),
EnergyDeposit_pred.reshape(len(EnergyDeposit_sol), -1),,
auc_img = auc(precision, recall)
physical_metrics_sol = get_physical_stats(
physical_metrics_pred = get_physical_stats(
precision, recall = compute_prd_from_embedding(
auc_physical_metrics = auc(precision, recall)
return min(auc_img, auc_physical_metrics)
# coding=utf-8
# Taken from:
# Changes:
# - default dpi changed from 150 to 300
# - added handling of cases where P = Q, where precision/recall may be
# just above 1, leading to errors for the f_beta computation
# Copyright 2018 Google LLC & Hwalsuk Lee.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Precision and recall computation based on samples from two distributions.
Given a sample from the true and the fake distribution embedded in some feature
space (say, Inception), it computes the precision and recall via the algorithm
presented in []. Finally, one can plot the resulting
curves for different models.
Typical usage example:
import prd
prd_data_1 = prd.compute_prd_from_embedding(eval_feats_1, ref_feats_1)
prd_data_2 = prd.compute_prd_from_embedding(eval_feats_2, ref_feats_2)
prd.plot([prd_data_1, prd_data_2], ['GAN_1', 'GAN_2'])
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sklearn.cluster
def compute_prd(eval_dist, ref_dist, num_angles=1001, epsilon=1e-10):
"""Computes the PRD curve for discrete distributions.
This function computes the PRD curve for the discrete distribution eval_dist
with respect to the reference distribution ref_dist. This implements the
algorithm in []. The PRD will be computed for an
equiangular grid of num_angles values between [0, pi/2].
eval_dist: 1D NumPy array or list of floats with the probabilities of the
different states under the distribution to be evaluated.
ref_dist: 1D NumPy array or list of floats with the probabilities of the
different states under the reference distribution.
num_angles: Number of angles for which to compute PRD. Must be in [3, 1e6].
The default value is 1001.
epsilon: Angle for PRD computation in the edge cases 0 and pi/2. The PRD
will be computes for epsilon and pi/2-epsilon, respectively.
The default value is 1e-10.
precision: NumPy array of shape [num_angles] with the precision for the
different ratios.
recall: NumPy array of shape [num_angles] with the recall for the different
ValueError: If not 0 < epsilon <= 0.1.
ValueError: If num_angles < 3.
if not (epsilon > 0 and epsilon < 0.1):
raise ValueError('epsilon must be in (0, 0.1] but is %s.' % str(epsilon))
if not (num_angles >= 3 and num_angles <= 1e6):
raise ValueError('num_angles must be in [3, 1e6] but is %d.' % num_angles)
# Compute slopes for linearly spaced angles between [0, pi/2]
angles = np.linspace(epsilon, np.pi/2 - epsilon, num=num_angles)
slopes = np.tan(angles)
# Broadcast slopes so that second dimension will be states of the distribution
slopes_2d = np.expand_dims(slopes, 1)
# Broadcast distributions so that first dimension represents the angles
ref_dist_2d = np.expand_dims(ref_dist, 0)
eval_dist_2d = np.expand_dims(eval_dist, 0)
# Compute precision and recall for all angles in one step via broadcasting
precision = np.minimum(ref_dist_2d*slopes_2d, eval_dist_2d).sum(axis=1)
recall = precision / slopes
# handle numerical instabilities leaing to precision/recall just above 1
max_val = max(np.max(precision), np.max(recall))
if max_val > 1.001:
raise ValueError('Detected value > 1.001, this should not happen.')
precision = np.clip(precision, 0, 1)
recall = np.clip(recall, 0, 1)
return precision, recall
def _cluster_into_bins(eval_data, ref_data, num_clusters):
"""Clusters the union of the data points and returns the cluster distribution.
Clusters the union of eval_data and ref_data into num_clusters using minibatch
k-means. Then, for each cluster, it computes the number of points from
eval_data and ref_data.
eval_data: NumPy array of data points from the distribution to be evaluated.
ref_data: NumPy array of data points from the reference distribution.
num_clusters: Number of cluster centers to fit.
Two NumPy arrays, each of size num_clusters, where i-th entry represents the
number of points assigned to the i-th cluster.
cluster_data = np.vstack([eval_data, ref_data])
kmeans = sklearn.cluster.MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters, n_init=10)
labels =
eval_labels = labels[:len(eval_data)]
ref_labels = labels[len(eval_data):]
eval_bins = np.histogram(eval_labels, bins=num_clusters,
range=[0, num_clusters], density=True)[0]
ref_bins = np.histogram(ref_labels, bins=num_clusters,
range=[0, num_clusters], density=True)[0]
return eval_bins, ref_bins
def compute_prd_from_embedding(eval_data, ref_data, num_clusters=20,
num_angles=1001, num_runs=10,
"""Computes PRD data from sample embeddings.
The points from both distributions are mixed and then clustered. This leads
to a pair of histograms of discrete distributions over the cluster centers
on which the PRD algorithm is executed.
The number of points in eval_data and ref_data must be equal since
unbalanced distributions bias the clustering towards the larger dataset. The
check can be disabled by setting the enforce_balance flag to False (not
eval_data: NumPy array of data points from the distribution to be evaluated.
ref_data: NumPy array of data points from the reference distribution.
num_clusters: Number of cluster centers to fit. The default value is 20.
num_angles: Number of angles for which to compute PRD. Must be in [3, 1e6].
The default value is 1001.
num_runs: Number of independent runs over which to average the PRD data.
enforce_balance: If enabled, throws exception if eval_data and ref_data do
not have the same length. The default value is True.
precision: NumPy array of shape [num_angles] with the precision for the
different ratios.
recall: NumPy array of shape [num_angles] with the recall for the different
ValueError: If len(eval_data) != len(ref_data) and enforce_balance is set to
if enforce_balance and len(eval_data) != len(ref_data):
raise ValueError(
'The number of points in eval_data %d is not equal to the number of '
'points in ref_data %d. To disable this exception, set enforce_balance '
'to False (not recommended).' % (len(eval_data), len(ref_data)))
eval_data = np.array(eval_data, dtype=np.float64)
ref_data = np.array(ref_data, dtype=np.float64)
precisions = []
recalls = []
for _ in range(num_runs):
eval_dist, ref_dist = _cluster_into_bins(eval_data, ref_data, num_clusters)
precision, recall = compute_prd(eval_dist, ref_dist, num_angles)
precision = np.mean(precisions, axis=0)
recall = np.mean(recalls, axis=0)
return precision, recall
def _prd_to_f_beta(precision, recall, beta=1, epsilon=1e-10):
"""Computes F_beta scores for the given precision/recall values.
The F_beta scores for all precision/recall pairs will be computed and
For precision p and recall r, the F_beta score is defined as:
F_beta = (1 + beta^2) * (p * r) / ((beta^2 * p) + r)
precision: 1D NumPy array of precision values in [0, 1].
recall: 1D NumPy array of precision values in [0, 1].
beta: Beta parameter. Must be positive. The default value is 1.
epsilon: Small constant to avoid numerical instability caused by division
by 0 when precision and recall are close to zero.
NumPy array of same shape as precision and recall with the F_beta scores for
each pair of precision/recall.
ValueError: If any value in precision or recall is outside of [0, 1].
ValueError: If beta is not positive.
if not ((precision >= 0).all() and (precision <= 1).all()):
raise ValueError('All values in precision must be in [0, 1].')
if not ((recall >= 0).all() and (recall <= 1).all()):
raise ValueError('All values in recall must be in [0, 1].')
if beta <= 0:
raise ValueError('Given parameter beta %s must be positive.' % str(beta))
return (1 + beta**2) * (precision * recall) / (
(beta**2 * precision) + recall + epsilon)
def prd_to_max_f_beta_pair(precision, recall, beta=8):
"""Computes max. F_beta and max. F_{1/beta} for precision/recall pairs.
Computes the maximum F_beta and maximum F_{1/beta} score over all pairs of
precision/recall values. This is useful to compress a PRD plot into a single
pair of values which correlate with precision and recall.
For precision p and recall r, the F_beta score is defined as:
F_beta = (1 + beta^2) * (p * r) / ((beta^2 * p) + r)
precision: 1D NumPy array or list of precision values in [0, 1].
recall: 1D NumPy array or list of precision values in [0, 1].
beta: Beta parameter. Must be positive. The default value is 8.
f_beta: Maximum F_beta score.
f_beta_inv: Maximum F_{1/beta} score.
ValueError: If beta is not positive.
if not ((precision >= 0).all() and (precision <= 1).all()):
raise ValueError('All values in precision must be in [0, 1].')
if not ((recall >= 0).all() and (recall <= 1).all()):
raise ValueError('All values in recall must be in [0, 1].')
if beta <= 0:
raise ValueError('Given parameter beta %s must be positive.' % str(beta))
f_beta = np.max(_prd_to_f_beta(precision, recall, beta))
f_beta_inv = np.max(_prd_to_f_beta(precision, recall, 1/beta))
return f_beta, f_beta_inv
def plot(precision_recall_pairs, labels=None, out_path=None,
legend_loc='lower left', dpi=300):
"""Plots precision recall curves for distributions.
Creates the PRD plot for the given data and stores the plot in a given path.
precision_recall_pairs: List of prd_data to plot. Each item in this list is
a 2D array of precision and recall values for the
same number of ratios.
labels: Optional list of labels of same length as list_of_prd_data. The
default value is None.
out_path: Output path for the resulting plot. If None, the plot will be
opened via The default value is None.
legend_loc: Location of the legend. The default value is 'lower left'.
dpi: Dots per inch (DPI) for the figure. The default value is 150.
ValueError: If labels is a list of different length than list_of_prd_data.
if labels is not None and len(labels) != len(precision_recall_pairs):
raise ValueError(
'Length of labels %d must be identical to length of '
'precision_recall_pairs %d.'
% (len(labels), len(precision_recall_pairs)))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3.5, 3.5), dpi=dpi)
plot_handle = fig.add_subplot(111)
plot_handle.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=12)
for i in range(len(precision_recall_pairs)):
precision, recall = precision_recall_pairs[i]
label = labels[i] if labels is not None else None
plt.plot(recall, precision, label=label, alpha=0.5, linewidth=3)
if labels is not None:
plt.xlim([0, 1])
plt.ylim([0, 1])
plt.xlabel('Recall', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Precision', fontsize=12)
if out_path is None:
plt.savefig(out_path, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=dpi)
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