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Last active September 5, 2019 02:38
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PowerShell Helpers Proof-of-Concept for Comment-Based Help Generation via Parsing of AWS CFN UserGuide GitHub Docs
Tested On:
PSVersion PSEdition
--------- ---------
6.2.2 Core
- git clone
CFN Spec File
- Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile 'CloudFormationResourceSpecification.json'
- Import-Module AWSCFNDocHelpers.psm1
- $HelpDocs = New-CFNHelpDoc # Generates help doc objects
function ConvertTo-CFNBasePoshObject {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
process {
$FunctionNoun = "VS{0}{1}{2}" -f $CFNRawResourceName.split('::')[0], $CFNRawResourceName.split('::')[1], $CFNRawResourceName.split('::')[2]
$FunctionNoun = $FunctionNoun.replace(".", "")
$NewFunctionSplat = @{
'FunctionName' = "New-$FunctionNoun"
'Link' = $CFNRawResourceObject.Documentation
$ParameterObjects = @()
if ($CFNRawResourceObject.Properties) {
foreach ($ParameterProperty in ($CFNRawResourceObject.Properties | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) {
$CFNResourcePropertyObject = $CFNRawResourceObject.Properties."$ParameterProperty"
if ($CFNResourcePropertyObject.PrimitiveType) {
$ParameterType = $CFNResourcePropertyObject.PrimitiveType
else {
$ParameterType = $CFNResourcePropertyObject.Type
$ParameterObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
'ParameterName' = "$ParameterProperty"
'ParameterType' = $ParameterType
'ParameterMandatory' = $CFNResourcePropertyObject.Required
$ParameterObjects += $ParameterObject
$NewFunctionSplat.Add('Parameters', $ParameterObjects)
function Get-CFNPoshHelp {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
[String]$DocRepoRoot = 'aws-cloudformation-user-guide' # aws docs repo default name
Write-Verbose "Checking help: $Link"
$DocPath = "$DocRepoRoot/doc_source/$($Link.split('/')[-1] -replace ".html",".md")"
if (Test-Path $DocPath) {
$HelpDocs = Get-Content $DocPath | ? { $_ }
# Create Description from everything before Syntax section
$NotesPosition = 2
foreach ($Help in $HelpDocs[2..($HelpDocs.count - 1)]) {
if ($Help -like "## Syntax*") {
else {
$Description = @()
foreach ($Help in $HelpDocs[1..($NotesPosition - 1)]) {
$Description += ($Help.Trim() -replace '`', '' -replace '\\', '' -replace '[[]', '' -replace '\)', '').Replace('](', ': ')
$NotesEnd = $NotesPosition
foreach ($Help in $HelpDocs[($NotesPosition + 1)..($HelpDocs.count - 1)]) {
if ($Help -like "## *") {
else {
$ParamHelp = @()
if ($Parameters) {
foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters) {
$ParameterDescription = @()
$ParameterStart = $NotesEnd
$ParameterDescription = @()
foreach ($Help in $HelpDocs[($NotesEnd + 1)..($HelpDocs.count - 1)]) {
Write-Verbose "Checking Index $ParameterStart"
Write-Verbose "$($Help -replace '``','')"
if (($Help -replace '`', '') -like "$Parameter <a*") {
Write-Verbose "$Help"
Write-Verbose "Position: $Found"
Write-Verbose "$Parameter Index Start Found: $ParameterStart"
foreach ($Help in $HelpDocs[($ParameterStart + 2)..($HelpDocs.count - 1)]) {
if ($Help -like "`*Required`*: *") {
$ParameterDescription += ($Help.Trim() -replace '`', '' -replace '\\', '' -replace '[[]', '' -replace '\)', '').Replace('](', ': ').Replace('(', '')
Write-Verbose "$ParameterDescription"
$ParamHelp += [PSCustomObject]@{
'ParameterName' = $Parameter
'ParameterDescription' = $ParameterDescription -join "`n"
$Links = @()
$Links += "$Link"
$DocHash = @{
'FunctionName' = $FunctionName
'Links' = $Links
'Synopsis' = $Description[0]
'Description' = $Description -join "`n"
if ($Parameters) {
$DocHash += @{'Parameters' = $ParamHelp }
else {
Write-Warning "[$FunctionName] Broken link. No documentation Found. Skipping."
Write-Warning "[$FunctionName] Expected: $DocPath"
function New-CFNHelpDoc {
[String]$CFNSpecFile = 'CloudFormationResourceSpecification.json'
$CFNSpec = Get-Content $CFNSpecFile | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($Resource in ($CFNSpec.ResourceTypes | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) {
$ResourceBase = $CFNSpec.ResourceTypes."$Resource" | ConvertTo-CFNBasePoshObject -CFNRawResourceName "$Resource"
Get-CFNPoshHelp -FunctionName "$($ResourceBase.FunctionName)" -Link $ResourceBase.Link -Parameters $ResourceBase.Parameters.ParameterName
foreach ($ResourceProperty in ($CFNSpec.PropertyTypes | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name) {
$ResourcePropertyBase = $CFNSpec.PropertyTypes."$ResourceProperty" | ConvertTo-CFNBasePoshObject -CFNRawResourceName "$ResourceProperty"
$ParamSplat = @{'FunctionName' = "$($ResourcePropertyBase.FunctionName)" }
if ($ResourcePropertyBase.Link) {
$ParamSplat += @{'Link' = $ResourcePropertyBase.Link }
if ($ResourcePropertyBase.Parameters) {
$ParamSplat += @{'Parameters' = $ResourcePropertyBase.Parameters.ParameterName }
Get-CFNPoshHelp @ParamSplat
else {
Write-Warning "[$($ResourcePropertyBase.FunctionName)] No Documentation Property / Link for $ResourceProperty. Skipping."
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