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Last active November 7, 2015 18:11
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Linq Challenge #2 (F#)
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
// utility function
let dump name obj = obj.Dump (name : string)
let peek name obj = dump name obj; obj
let split (sep : string) (str : string) = str.Split ([|sep|], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
let matches pat str = Regex.Matches (str, pat) |> Seq.cast<Match>
let g_val (index : int) (m : Match) = m.Groups.[index].Value
|> split ","
|> int
|> Array.sort
|> fun arr -> arr.[3..]
|> Array.sum
|> dump "Motor Sport Scores"
seq {
for r in 1 .. 8 do
for c in 'a' .. 'h' do
if r <> 6 && c <> 'c' && abs (r - 6) = abs (int c - int 'c')
then yield sprintf "%c%d" c r
|> dump "Bishop Moves"
|> split ","
|> Seq.chunkBySize 5
|> (Array.item 4)
|> dump "Sampling"
|> split ","
|> Seq.sumBy (function "Yes" -> 1 | "No" -> -1)
|> dump "Vote Winning Margin"
|> split ","
|> Array.countBy id
|> fun [|_, count1; _, count2|] -> abs (count1 - count2)
|> dump "Vote Winning Margin (alternate)"
"Dog,Cat,Rabbit,Dog,Dog,Lizard,Cat,Cat,Dog,Rabbit,Guinea Pig,Dog"
|> split ","
|> Seq.countBy (function "Dog" | "Cat" as pet -> pet | other -> "Other")
|> ((<||) <| sprintf "%s:%d")
|> String.concat ", "
|> dump "Counting Pets"
|> matches "([A-Z])(\d*)"
|> Seq.fold (fun str m -> str + String.replicate (let v2 = g_val 2 m in if v2 = "" then 1 else int v2) (g_val 1 m)) ""
|> dump "Run Length Decoding"
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