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// All existing APIs will be available. The new API calls will include the following:
// To see the benefits, see this example (diff):
// Constructor:
function Vec3 (arg0: Vec3 | number, y: number?, z: number?)
var v1 = new Vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
var v2 = new Vec3({ x: 1.0, y: 2.0, z: 3.0 })
var v3 = new Vec3({ x: 1.0, z: 3.0 }) // missing values default to 0.0
var v4 = new Vec3(someFunctionThatReturnsAVec3LikeObject())
// Arithmetic methods always return a _new_ Vec3 and are not mutating.
function Vec3.prototype.add (other: Vec3): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.subtract (other: Vec3): Vec3
// Implements scaling (number), componentwise multiplication (Vec3),
// or rotation / quaternion multiplication (Quat)
function Vec3.prototype.multiply (other: number | Vec3 | Quat): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.divide (other: number | Vec3): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.cross (other: Vec3): Vec3
function (other: Vec3): number
function Vec3.prototype.distance (other: Vec3): number
function Vec3.prototype.distanceSquared (other: Vec3): number
// This is .magnitude() and not .length(), since overriding .length() is
// problematic in JS6. If there is significant pushback on this, we could add
// .length as a property.
function Vec3.prototype.magnitude (): number
function Vec3.prototype.magnitudeSquared (): number
// Could output either:
// 1. "Vec3(<x>, <y>, <z>)"
// 2. "{ x: <x>, y: <y>, z: <z> }"
// or any other format – what do the devs want?
// Needless to say this means you would no longer have to write
// JSON.stringify(vec) to print vectors.
function Vec3.prototype.toString (): string
// Returns a new normalized vector.
function Vec3.prototype.normalized (): Vec3
// Normalizes this vector; returns void.
// Or could return this (chaining), though the type signature is less
// confusing if it has no return value.
function Vec3.prototype.normalize ()
// To / from polar coordinates, returns a Vec3.
function Vec3.prototype.toPolar (): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.fromPolar (): Vec3
// Converts to / from degrees / radians. Useful if working with the Quat api :)
function Vec3.prototype.toDegrees (): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.toRadians (): Vec3
// Would be added if / whenever a Color object was added.
// Would be equivalent to new Color((myVec.x * 255.0) | 0, (myVec.y * 255.0) | 0, (myVec.z * 255.0) | 0)
function Vec3.prototype.toColor (): Color
// This replaces Vec3.equal() and Vec3.withinEpsilon()
// The second parameter is optional and defaults to 0.0, ie Vec3.equal()
function Vec3.prototype.equals (other: Vec3, epsilon: number = 0.0): boolean
// Implements assignment, ie. myVec1 = myVec2. Returns this.
function Vec3.prototype.assign (other: Vec3): Vec3
// Returns the angle between two vectors. orientedAngle() has the same behavior as Vec3.orientedAngle()
function Vec3.prototype.angle (other: Vec3): number
function Vec3.prototype.orientedAngle (other: Vec3, reference: Vec3): number
// Linear and spherical interpolation, a la unity.
// lerp() is currently called mix(), and could be called that or interpolate()
// slerp() could be called sphericallyInterpolate (or something), though that's a lot more awkward
// factor will not be clamped to [0, 1], since the user could do that and otherwise wierd behavior
// could be desired.
function Vec3.prototype.lerp (other: Vec3, factor: number): Vec3
function Vec3.prototype.slerp (other: Vec3, factor: number): Vec3
// Creates a rotation quaternion using this vector as the axis, as in Quat.angleAxis()
// could be named toRotation(), toRotationAboutAxis(), or something else...
function Vec3.rotation (angle: number): Quat
// I think that's it but I might've missed something; if there are any requests please let me know :)
// Quaternion constructor
function Quat (arg0: Quat | number, x: number?, y: number?, z: number?, w: number?)
var q1 = new Quat({ x: 0.95, y: 0.23, z: 0.44, w: 0.56 })
var q2 = new Quat(0.95, 0.23, 0.44, 0.56)
var q3 = new Quat(someFunctionThatReturnsAQuatLikeObject())
// Methods TBD, but would match existing API. Like existing API, all calls would return
// angles in degrees, with separate versions for from radians
// Here's a few examples though:
function Quat.prototype.getEulerAngles (): Vec3
function Quat.fromEulerAngles (angles: Vec3): Quat
function Quat.fromAngleAxis (angle: number, axis: Vec3): Quat
function Quat.prototype.getEulerAnglesRadians (): Vec3
function Quat.fromEulerAnglesRadians (angles: Vec3): Quat
function Quat.fromAngleAxisRadians (angle: number, axis: Vec3): Quat
readonly property Quat.forward: Vec3 // or .fwd?
readonly property Quat.backward: Vec3 // or .back?
readonly property Quat.left: Vec3
readonly property Quat.right: Vec3
readonly property Quat.up: Vec3
readonly property Quat.down: Vec3
// Additional APIs (would be implemented later):
// Color: note that hifi is entirely lacking in a js Color API atm;
// currently is using a wrapped / converted xColor struct from the c++ side.
// Implementing this might take a bit more time since existing API calls would
// have to be converted to return this object type.
function Color (arg0: Color | String | number, green: number?, blue: number?)
var c1 = new Color(255, 100, 0)
var c2 = new Color("#ffaa00")
var c3 = new Vec3(1.0, 0.5, 0.0).toColor();
function Color.prototype.toVector (): Vec3 // or .toVec3()?
function Color.fromVector (color: Vec3): Color
function Color.fromHUSV (color: Vec3 | string): Color
function Color.fromHUSL (color: Vec3 | string): Color
// and add in any other color formats you might want...
// Entities: an object-oriented entity API would be highly desirable.
// There are lots of bells and whistles that could be added, but the simplest
// (and sanest) addition would just be to add a barebones Entity object
// and expand on it later.
// This would look something like the following, possibly with additional
// methods and javascript properties to access full entity properties.
// Entity would also be entirely _optional_, and just function
// as an easier way to use the existing Entities API in a way that
// fits most users use cases. Incremental improvement is better than
// being too ambitious and breaking things.
// Note: this is just illustrative; this is NOT all valid JS.
function Entity (arg0: object | string) {
if (typeof(arg0) === 'object') { = null; = arg0;
} else { = arg0; = Entities.getEntityProperties(;
function Entity.prototype.create () {
if (! { = Entities.addEntity(;
function Entity.prototype.update () {
if ( {
function Entity.prototype.destroy () {
if ( {
Entities.deleteEntity(; = null;
// Also, here's a way to add a simple form of ownership / automatic entity destruction to scripts
// Hide this in a closure
var __scriptSpawnedEntities = new Array();
__scriptSpawnedEntities.forEach(function(entity) {
if ( === 'script') { // Or, if scripts have UUIDs, could use that...
function Entity (/* ... */) {
// ... = || 'script';
// ...
function Entity.prototype.create () {
__scriptSpawnedEntities[] = this;
// ...
function Entity.prototype.destroy () {
delete __scriptSpawnedEntities[];
// ...
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