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Last active July 25, 2023 15:25
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Keyframe generator script
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from vsexprtools import ExprOp, norm_expr
from vstools import (
CustomRuntimeError, Keyframes, KwargsT, Sentinel, clip_async_render, core, get_w, mod4, mod_x, ranges_product,
shift_clip, split, vs
name = 'SetsuNoKeyframes'
parser = ArgumentParser(prog=name)
'video_path', type=Path, help='Video input path.'
'--output', '-o', default='./keyframes.txt', type=Path,
help='Output path'
'--format', '-f', default=1, type=int,
help='Whether to use v1 (1) or xvid (-1) format for keyframes output (defaults to v1)'
'--sensitivity', '-s', default=0.225, type=float,
'Sensitivity for deciding if a frame is a scene change. '
'0 means use default sensitivity with XVID or SCXVID calculation (defaults to 0.225)'
'--blocksize', '-b', default=8, type=int,
help='Block size for SAD calculation (defaults to 8)'
'--height', '-dh', default=360, type=int,
help='Height the clip is scaled to. 0 to process at native res. (defaults to 360)'
'--type', '-t', default=3, type=int,
'For sensitivity == 0, select the type of scene change calculation.'
'WWXD (1), SCXVID (2), Union (3) 1 or 2, Intersection (0) 1 and 2 (defaults to 3)'
'--prefetch', default=0, type=int,
'The prefetch argument defines how many frames should ideally rendered concurrently. '
'0 defaults to the number of threads. (defaults to 0)'
'--backlog', default=-1, type=int,
'The backlog argument defines how many unconsumed frames the script buffers. '
'-1 default to the number of threads * 4 (defaults to -1)'
core.set_affinity(1.0, core.num_threads << 10, 0)
args = parser.parse_args()
block_size, sensitivity = mod4(args.blocksize), abs(args.sensitivity / 3)
if sensitivity > 0:
sensitivity -= 5 / 255
video_path = args.video_path.resolve()
if hasattr(core, 'lsmas'):
clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(video_path)
elif hasattr(core, 'bs'):
clip =
elif hasattr(core, 'ffms2'):
clip = core.ffms2.Source(video_path)
raise CustomRuntimeError(
'You are missing a source filter! Install one of:\n'
'\tlsmash -\n'
'\tbs -\n'
'\tffms2 -'
height = mod_x(args.height or clip.height, block_size)
width = get_w(height, clip.width / clip.height, block_size)
as_r_kwargs = KwargsT(prefetch=args.prefetch, backlog=args.backlog)
if sensitivity == 0:
keyframes = Keyframes.from_clip(clip, args.type, None if args.height <= 0 else width, **as_r_kwargs)
clip = clip.resize.Bilinear(width, height, vs.YUV444P8)
diff = norm_expr(
[split(clip), split(shift_clip(clip, -1))], 'x a - abs y b - abs z c - abs + +', None, vs.GRAY10
sad = norm_expr(
'X {block_size} % 0 = Y {block_size} % 0 = and ',
'x' if x == y == 0 else ExprOp.REL_PIX('x', x, y)
for (x, y) in ranges_product(block_size, block_size)
ExprOp.ADD * ((block_size * block_size) - 1),
block_size * block_size, ExprOp.DIV, 0, ExprOp.TERN
], None, block_size=block_size, force_akarin=name
down = norm_expr(sad, 'X {block_size} * Y {block_size} * x[]', block_size=block_size, force_akarin=name)
down = down.std.CropAbs(width // block_size, height // block_size)
blank = core.std.BlankClip(None, 1, 1, vs.GRAY8, down.num_frames, keep=True)
stats = blank.std.CopyFrameProps(down.std.PlaneStats())
stats = norm_expr(stats, f'x.PlaneStatsAverage {sensitivity} >', force_akarin=name)
frames = clip_async_render(
stats, None, 'Detecting scene changes...', lambda n, f: Sentinel.check(n, f[0][0, 0]), # type: ignore
keyframes = Keyframes(Sentinel.filter(frames), clip.num_frames)
keyframes.to_file(args.output, args.format)
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