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Created January 31, 2010 17:44
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Save Sharpie/291161 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
R code related to graphical analysis of a sieved soil sample.
# Load Data
grainData <- read.csv('grainSize.csv', check.names=F, na.strings='--' )
# Calculate Derived Sample Values
grainData[['Phi Diameter']] <- -log2( grainData[['Grain Diameter']] )
totalWeight <- sum( grainData[['Sample Weight']] )
grainData[["Percent Retained"]] <- grainData[['Sample Weight']] / totalWeight
grainData[["Cumulative Percent"]] <- cumsum( grainData[["Percent Retained"]] )
grainData[['Percent Finer']] <- 1 - grainData[['Cumulative Percent']]
# Create Grain Diameter vs. Percent Finer plot
# qplot() is the basic plotting function in ggplot2. We pass the name
# of the X variable and then the name of the Y variable-- since we are
# also passing the grainData data frame, the X any Y values are interpreted
# to be the names of columns in grainData. Otherwise the environment would
# be searched for variables matching X and Y. In this case, the names must
# be enclosed by backtick quotes-- " ` " as the column names contain spaces.
diamVFiner <- qplot( `Grain Diameter`, `Percent Finer`, data = grainData,
xlab = 'Grain Diameter (mm)', ylab = 'Cumulative Weight Passed (%)' )
# qplot() returns an "object" which we have stored as diamVFiner. The real
# power of ggplot2 now comes into play as we wish to modify the plot by
# adding things such as logarithmic and percentage scales. This is as
# simple as adding objects together:
# By default the object produced by qplot() contains a scatterplot. Lines
# connecting the points may be added using a geom_line() object:
diamVFiner <- diamVFiner + geom_line()
# A scale object may be added to affect the way in which plot axes are
# scaled:
diamVFiner <- diamVFiner + scale_x_log10() + scale_y_continuous(formatter = "percent")
# The final plot is output to the current plotting device by running it through the
# print() function:
print( diamVFiner )
# Notice that ggplot automatically discards data points where one of the
# coordinates is "NA"-- such as the wash weight (the material that passed
# all the sieves). The wash really doesn't have a well-defined diameter
# so NA is an appropriate value for it.
# If you don't like the grey background, try adding theme_bw():
print( diamVFiner + theme_bw() )
# Add some interpolated data, such as the location of d10, d50 and d90:
diamStats <- with( grainData, approx( `Percent Finer`, log10(`Grain Diameter`),
xout = c( 0.1, 0.5, 0.9 ), method = 'linear' ))
diamStats <- diamStats )
names( diamStats ) <- c( 'Percent Finer', 'Grain Diameter' )
diamStats[['label']] <- c( 'd[10]', 'd[50]', 'd[90]' )
# The transformation to log10() and then reverse transformation using
# 10 ^ is done to correct for the effects of round-off error which
# would cause the interpolated points to no longer lie exactly on the
# lines connecting the data after ggplot applies scale_x_log10()
diamStats[['Grain Diameter']] <- 10 ^ diamStats[['Grain Diameter']]
diamVFiner <- diamVFiner + geom_point( data = diamStats, color = 'red' ) +
geom_text( aes( x = 0.95 * `Grain Diameter`,
y = 1.005 * `Percent Finer`,
label = label ), data = diamStats,
hjust = 1, vjust = 0, parse = TRUE ) +
print( diamVFiner )
# For the Cumulative Probability Curve, we plot Cumulative Percent
# versus phi diameter and use a probability scale for the Y axis:
# Note:
# scale_y_probit basically runs all the data values through the
# quantile function for the normal distribution, qnorm(), and
# uses the transformed values as plotting coordinates while
# retaining the untransformed values for use as labels.
# Therefore it is equivalent to:
# qplot( `Phi Diameter`, qnorm( grainData[['Cumulative Percent']] ),
# data = grainData )
# Except the above won't have nice percentage-based labels.
cumProbPlot <- qplot( `Phi Diameter`, `Cumulative Percent`, data = grainData,
xlab = expression(paste("Phi Diameter ", -log[2](d),)),
ylab = 'Cumulative Weight Retained (%)' ) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_probit( formatter = 'percent' ) +
# Add interpolated data, such as the location of phi84, phi75, ect.
phiDiams <- with( grainData, approx( qnorm(`Cumulative Percent`), `Phi Diameter`,
xout = qnorm(c( 0.05, 0.16, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.84, 0.95 )), method = 'linear' ))
phiDiams <- phiDiams )
names( phiDiams ) <- c( 'Cumulative Percent', 'Phi Diameter' )
phiDiams[['label']] <- paste( 'phi[', c(5,16,25,50,75,84,95), ']', sep = '' )
# Again the qnorm() pnorm() business is to eliminate round-off
# error so that the points line up with the lines on the graph.
# Question: Which method actually contains the "error":
# - Interpolating Phi Diameter from directly from Cumulative Percent.
# - Interpolating Phi Diameter from qnorm( Cumulative Percent )--
# what you would be doing if you plotted the points on
# probability paper and tried to read the diameters off.
phiDiams[['Cumulative Percent']] <- pnorm( phiDiams[['Cumulative Percent']] )
cumProbPlot <- cumProbPlot +
geom_point( data = phiDiams, color = 'red' ) +
geom_text( aes(label = label ), data = phiDiams,
hjust = 1, vjust = 0, parse = TRUE )
print( cumProbPlot )
Sieve Number Grain Diameter Sample Weight
5/16 8.000 24
3 1/2 5.600 3
5 4.000 19
7 2.800 19.6
10 2 27.2
18 1.000 84.7
35 0.500 90.1
45 0.355 115.5
60 0.250 93.5
wash -- 19.3
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