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insidegui / ScrollViewOffsetModifier.swift
Created July 20, 2021 20:28
A SwiftUI ViewModifier that can be used to read a ScrollView's offset and store it into a @State property of the view
struct ScrollViewOffsetPreferenceKey: PreferenceKey {
static var defaultValue: CGPoint = .zero
static func reduce(value: inout CGPoint, nextValue: () -> CGPoint) {
value = nextValue()
print("value = \(value)")
typealias Value = CGPoint
# Convert from H264 to H265
ffmpeg -i -c:v libx265 -an -x265-params crf=20 output.mp4
# Tag as HVC instead of HEV1 so iOS can play it
ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -tag:v hvc1 output2.mp4
# Bonus: it can take a second to play (no more than H264) so here's how to generate
# a thumbnail of the first frame to embed in your view as a placeholder.
ffmpeg -i output2.mp4 -vf "select=eq(n\,34)" -vframes 1 thumbnail.png
ole /
Last active April 4, 2022 06:11
Automatically extract translatable strings from Xcode storyboards and update .strings files. Original version by MacRumors forum user mikezang ( Slightly updated by Ole Begemann. NOTE: this Gist moved to a regular repo at
# (File moved to
twobitlabs / gist:4226365
Created December 6, 2012 17:35
Blocks cheat sheet
// has a nice breakdown of the syntax--it helps to think of the ^ as similar to a pointer dereference symbol *
// block typedef:
typedef void(^Block)();
typedef void(^ConditionalBlock)(BOOL);
typedef NSString*(^BlockThatReturnsString)();
typedef NSString*(^ConditionalBlockThatReturnsString)(BOOL);
// block property with typedef:
kreeger / BDKCollectionIndexView.m
Created February 11, 2013 17:19
An index-title-scrubber-bar, for use with a UICollectionView (or even a PSTCollectionView). Gives a collection view the index title bar that a UITableView gets for (almost) free. A huge thank you to @yang from, which saved my bacon here.
* BDKCollectionIndexView.h
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
/** The direction in which the control is oriented. Assists in determining layout values.
typedef enum {
BDKCollectionIndexViewDirectionVertical = 0,


An index-title-scrubber-bar, for use with a UICollectionView (or even a PSTCollectionView). Gives a collection view the index title bar for -sectionIndexTitles that a UITableView gets for (almost) free. A huge thank you to @Yang from [this Stack Overflow post][so], which saved my bacon here.

The problem

When you're using a UITableView and you define the UITableViewDataSource method -sectionIndexTitlesForTableView:, you get a sweet right-hand-side view for scrubbing through a long table view of fields, separated by sections. The titles are the names of the sections, by default (or at least letters based on the section names).

UITableView with section index titles