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Last active July 24, 2024 09:17
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Save Shuyib/ae87774fd82c69706803725db9a681dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Data science and Machine learning Makefile for Python projects or in general :)
# Thank you @Earthly
# Can be adapted to pipenv, and poetry
# Other languages coming soon especially R and Julia
# .ONESHELL tells make to run each recipe line in a single shell
# .DEFAULT_GOAL tells make which target to run when no target is specified
# Specify python location in virtual environment
# Specify pip location in virtual environment
PYTHON := .venv/bin/python3
PIP := .venv/bin/pip3
DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME := test_app:v0.0.0
venv/bin/activate: requirements.txt
# create virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
# make command executable
chmod +x .venv/bin/activate
# activate virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate
# activate virtual environment
. .venv/bin/activate
install: venv/bin/activate requirements.txt # prerequisite
# install commands
$(PIP) --no-cache-dir install --upgrade pip &&\
$(PIP) --no-cache-dir install -r requirements.txt
docstring: activate
# format docstring
pyment -w -o numpydoc *.py
format: activate
# format code
black *.py utils/*.py testing/*.py
# clean directory of cache
rm -rf __pycache__ &&\
rm -rf utils/__pycache__ &&\
rm -rf testing/__pycache__ &&\
rm -rf .pytest_cache &&\
rm -rf .venv
lint: activate install format
# flake8 or #pylint
pylint --disable=R,C --errors-only *.py utils/*.py testing/*.py
setup_readme: ## Create a
@if [ ! -f ]; then \
echo "# Project Name\n\
Description of the project.\n\n\
## Installation\n\
- Step 1\n\
- Step 2\n\n\
## Usage\n\
Explain how to use the project here.\n\n\
## Contributing\n\
Explain how to contribute to the project.\n\n\
## License\n\
License information." >; \
echo " created."; \
else \
test: activate install format
# test
$(PYTHON) -m pytest testing/*.py
run: activate install format lint
# run application
# example $(PYTHON)
docker_build: Dockerfile
# build container
#docker build -t plot-timeseries-app:v0 .
docker_run_test: Dockerfile
# linting Dockerfile
docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile
docker_clean: Dockerfile
# remove dangling images, containers, volumes and networks
docker system prune -a
docker_run: Dockerfile docker_build
# run docker
# docker run -e ENDPOINT_URL -e SECRET_KEY -e SPACES_ID -e SPACES_NAME plot-timeseries-app:v0
docker_push: docker_build
# push to registry
# docker tag <my-image><my-registry>/<my-image>
# docker push<my-registry>/<my-image>
# .PHONY tells make that these targets do not represent actual files
.PHONY: activate format clean lint test build run docker_build docker_run docker_push docker_clean docker_run_test
all: install format lint test run docker_build docker_run docker_push
Copy link

Shuyib commented Jul 24, 2024

An attempt for java script

# Thank you @Earthly
# Can be adapted to pipenv, and poetry
# Other languages coming soon especially R and Julia

# .ONESHELL tells make to run each recipe line in a single shell

# .DEFAULT_GOAL tells make which target to run when no target is specified

# Specify node location in virtual environment
NODE := node

# Specify npm location in virtual environment
NPM := npm

# Specify Docker container name
DOCKER_CONTAINER_NAME := test_app:v0.0.0

venv/bin/activate: requirements.txt
    # create virtual environment
    npm install -g venv
    # make command executable
    chmod +x venv/bin/activate
    # activate virtual environment
    . venv/bin/activate

    # activate virtual environment
    . venv/bin/activate

install: venv/bin/activate requirements.txt # prerequisite
    # install commands
    npm install --no-cache-dir --upgrade npm &&\
        npm install -r requirements.txt

docstring: activate
    # format docstring
    javascriptdoc -w -o numpydoc *.js

format: activate 
    # format code
    prettier --write *.js utils/*.js testing/*.js

    # clean directory of cache
    rm -rf __pycache__ &&\
    rm -rf utils/__pycache__ &&\
    rm -rf testing/__pycache__ &&\
    rm -rf .pytest_cache &&\
    rm -rf .venv

lint: activate install format
    # eslint or #jshint
    eslint --fix --ignore-path .gitignore *.js utils/*.js testing/*.js

setup_readme:  ## Create a
    @if [ ! -f ]; then \
        echo "# Project Name\n\
Description of the project.\n\n\
## Installation\n\
- Step 1\n\
- Step 2\n\n\
## Usage\n\
Explain how to use the project here.\n\n\
## Contributing\n\
Explain how to contribute to the project.\n\n\
## License\n\
License information." >; \
        echo " created."; \
    else \
test: activate install format
    # test
    npm test

run: activate install format lint
    # run application
    # example node app.js

docker_build: Dockerfile
    # build container
    docker build -t plot-timeseries-app:v0 .

docker_run_test: Dockerfile
    # linting Dockerfile
    docker run --rm -i hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile

docker_clean: Dockerfile
    # remove dangling images, containers, volumes and networks
    docker system prune -a

docker_run: Dockerfile docker_build
    # run docker
    # docker run -e ENDPOINT_URL -e SECRET_KEY -e SPACES_ID -e SPACES_NAME plot-timeseries-app:v0

docker_push: docker_build
  # push to registry
  # docker tag <my-image><my-registry>/<my-image>
  # docker push<my-registry>/<my-image>  
# .PHONY tells make that these targets do not represent actual files
.PHONY: activate format clean lint test build run docker_build docker_run docker_push docker_clean docker_run_test
all: install format lint test run docker_build docker_run docker_push

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