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;;; $DOOMDIR/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Place your private configuration here! Remember, you do not need to run 'doom
;; sync' after modifying this file!
;; Some functionality uses this to identify you, e.g. GPG configuration, email
;; clients, file templates and snippets.
;; Doom exposes five (optional) variables for controlling fonts in Doom. Here
SignSpice / fulcro_native_expo_substitute.cljc
Created July 6, 2022 01:18
(ns dtvm-rad.fulcro-native-expo-substitute
#?@(:cljs [["expo" :as expo]
["create-react-class" :as crc]])
[taoensso.timbre :as log]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro-native.expo-assets :as assets]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.application :as app]
[com.fulcrologic.fulcro.rendering.keyframe-render :as kr]))
(defonce root-ref (atom nil))
import "dart:core" as dc;
import "core.dart" as lcopa_core;
import "../cljd/core.dart" as lcoc_core;
import "package:flutter/material.dart" as f_material;
import "package:flutter/widgets.dart" as f_widgets;
// BEGIN home
dc.dynamic home(){
return lcopa_core.homeReifyirmorq$1();
import "dart:core" as dc;
import "cell/core.dart" as lcotc_core;
import "../cljd/core.dart" as lcoc_core;
import "cell/base.dart" as lcotc_base;
import "main.dart" as lcot_main;
import "package:flutter/widgets.dart" as f_widgets;
import "flutter-mx/factory.dart" as lcotfm_factory;
import "flutter-mx/core.dart" as lcotfm_core;
import "package:flutter/material.dart" as f_material;
import "model/core.dart" as lcotm_core;