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Last active January 30, 2024 16:53
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[BP - VSCode Extension] an episode in my BP - Best Practices series #best-practice
  • Ext activation events are command-based, in the past you must specify "activationEvents": ["onCommand:helloword.helloWorld"] in package.json, but now that options is built-in.
  • Use "activationEvents": ["onStartupFinished"], which fires right after VSCode has started.
  • The more specific Act Events, the better. Less ext to start at once makes VSC faster.
  • Some items are Disposables, if you think about it they do get disappeared right instance or after an amount of time.
  • LSP decouples dev tooling (servers) and text editors (clients) over a tech-neutral base layer. Don't have to write glue code when targeting editor that supports LSP. Server can be written in any languages.
  • LSP runs over RPC, using JSON-RPCv2 protocol. 1 client and 1 server exchange msg (req, res, notification).
  • Req = func calls with a given set of arguments, require res.
  • Res = return value / error
  • Notification ~ Req, do not require res, completely async
  • Despite using term client-server, the protocol is bi-dir. The transmission can be WebSockets, raw TCP connections, UNIX domain sockets, easiest to implement, and also in practice, is stdin / stdout.
  • LSP defines a set of standard reqs and notis for servers to expose features to clients.
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