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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Haxe @:deprecated test
-cp src
-main Main
-js bin/js.js
--macro DeprecationMacro.use()
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;
using haxe.macro.Tools;
using Lambda;
class DeprecationMacro {
This method registers our handler via `Context.onGenerate`. It is
activated from command line as `--macro DeprecationMacro.use()`.
static public function use() {
This is the callback which is invoked by the compiler after being
registered via `Context.onGenerate(checkDeprecation)` in the `use`
It receives an argument `types` which is a collection of all types known
to the compiler just before generation. Note that this is the state
after DCE has run, so some types may have been filtered.
static function checkDeprecation(types:Array<Type>) {
It is not necessary to create an instance in the general case, but
it's useful here because we want to maintain some state.
new DeprecationMacro(types);
A reference to the current class type. We use this to avoid printing
deprecation errors when a class accesses its own fields.
var currentClass:ClassType;
A reference to the current class field. This can be used to log where
the access to a deprecated field is made.
var currentField:ClassField;
Our constructor iterates over all received types and matches them
against `TInst(c, _)`, which represents all class types. For each of
those it calls `handleField`.
function new(types:Array<Type>) {
for (type in types) {
switch (type) {
case TInst(c, _):
var c = c.get();
currentClass = c;
// Iterate over all member fields.
for (cf in c.fields.get()) {
// Iterate over all static fields.
for (cf in c.statics.get()) {
// Handle the constructor if available.
if (c.constructor != null) {
// Handle initialization expression (`__init__`) if available.
if (c.init != null) {
case _:
Checks if `c` is our current class. Note that we cannot check for
physical equality with `==` here because the instances of the class type
might come from separate `c.get()` calls. Instead we compare the class
function isCurrentClass(c:ClassType) {
return == && c.pack.join(".") == currentClass.pack.join(".");
Checks if `metadata` has a `@:deprecated` entry and emits it as a
function getDeprecationMessage(metadata:MetaAccess, kind:String, posUsage:Position, posDefinition:Position) {
if (!metadata.has(":deprecated")) {
// Use Lambda.find to extract deprecated entry.
var deprecatedMeta = metadata.get().find(function (metaEntry:MetadataEntry) return == ":deprecated");
// Check if entry has a string argument.
var message = switch (deprecatedMeta.params) {
case [{expr: EConst(CString(s))}]: s;
case _: 'Usage of this $kind is deprecated';
Context.warning(message, posUsage);
Checks if class `c` is deprecated.
function checkClass(c:ClassType, p:Position) {
if (isCurrentClass(c)) {
getDeprecationMessage(c.meta, "class", p, c.pos);
Checks if class field `cf` is deprecated.
function checkField(cf:ClassField, p:Position) {
getDeprecationMessage(cf.meta, "field", p, cf.pos);
Checks if module type `mt` is deprecated.
function checkModuleType(mt:ModuleType, p:Position) {
switch (mt) {
case TClassDecl(c): checkClass(c.get(), p);
// TODO: TEnumDecl
case _:
Walks expression `e`, checking for any deprecated field access or usage
of deprecated types.
Usually this would be an iterating method of type `TypedExpr -> Void`,
but currently `TypedExprTools` only has a `map` method, so we use that
function handleExpr(e:TypedExpr) {
return switch (e.expr) {
case TField(e1, fa):
// Don't forget to loop into the sub-expression here.
switch (fa) {
case FStatic(c, cf) | FInstance(c, cf):
// Static or member field access, check the class and the field
checkClass(c.get(), e.pos);
checkField(cf.get(), e.pos);
case FAnon(cf):
// Field access on anonymous structure, check the field.
checkField(cf.get(), e.pos);
case FClosure(c, cf):
// Closure access, check the field and also check the class if available
if (c != null) {
checkClass(c.get(), e.pos);
checkField(cf.get(), e.pos);
// TODO: FEnum
case _:
case TNew(c, _, el):
// Again, don't forget to loop into the argument sub-expressions.
for (e in el) {
var c = c.get();
// Check the class
checkClass(c, e.pos);
// If the class has a constructor, check that too. This does not
// account for parent class constructors at the moment.
if (c.constructor != null) {
checkField(c.constructor.get(), e.pos);
case TTypeExpr(mt) | TCast(_, mt) if (mt != null):
// TTypeExpr is a type identifier such as `Main`.
// We also check the `cast(_, Type)` case.
checkModuleType(mt, e.pos);
case _:;
Sets the current field to `cf` and check its expression if available.
function handleField(cf:ClassField) {
currentField = cf;
var expr = cf.expr();
if (expr != null) {
@:deprecated("Enum warning")
enum E {
enum E2 {
@:deprecated("Enum field warning")
@:deprecated("Class warning")
class Main {
static function main() {
Test; // Class warning
cast(null, Test); // Class warning
Main; // No warning, same class
new Main(); // Constructor warning
Main.staticField(); // Static field warning
Main.staticField2(); // "Usage of this field is deprecated"
Test.staticField(); // Class warning
new Test(); // Class warning
E; // Enum warning
B; // Enum field warning
@:deprecated("Constructor warning")
function new() {
memberField; // Member field warning
this; // No warning, same class
@:deprecated("Static field warning")
static function staticField() { }
static function staticField2() { }
@:deprecated("Member field warning")
function memberField() { }
@:deprecated("Class warning")
class Test {
@:deprecated("Class field warning")
static public function staticField() {
@:deprecated("Constructor warning")
public function new() {
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