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Simon SimonGoring

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SimonGoring / Dating_neotoma_Pollen
Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
Figure out the age control by year data for Neotoma.
pollen_data <- get_dataset(datasettype= 'pollen')
full_records <- get_download(pollen_data) # this takes a bit of time
pub.dates <- get_publication( # so does this
earliest.year <-,
lapply(pub.dates, function(x)data.frame(id = NA,
SimonGoring / Data upload to Neotoma
Created June 4, 2015 20:56
Rate of data upload to Neotoma: 2014 - present
ds_upload <- get_dataset()
subyr <- lapply(ds_upload, function(x){
if(nrow(x$submission) == 0){
subdate <- NA
} else {
SimonGoring / Cruddy problem
Created July 29, 2015 02:59
This is a chunk of my RMarkdown file that's having a problem.
```{r figure1, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message=FALSE}
# This is the chunk where 'climate_values' is created (it's the one causing errors)
land_use$class[land_use$class == 'Water'] <- NA
land_use_plot <- natural[[2]] +
geom_tile(data = land_use, aes(x = x, y = y, fill = class)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c('#ff7f00', '#e41a1c', '#33a02c'))
# This executes the map figure shown for GEOG378 Section 2.1 using R.
# The figure demonstrates the impact that changing datum may have on lat/long coordinates.
# Load the package 'rgdal'. If this package is missing on your system you can load it
# using the call 'install.packages('rgdal')'
# This is a built-in GDAL command, implemented in R using the rgdal package loaded above.
datum_list <- projInfo(type='datum')
SimonGoring / Neotoma_CumulativePlot.R
Created June 15, 2015 21:39
Create Cumulative plot for Neotoma uploads. Missing secondary Y axis.
all.ds <- get_dataset()
sub_tables <- function(x){
dates <- try(as.Date(x$submission[,1]))
SimonGoring / ClusterAnalysisStart.R
Created October 12, 2015 19:35
Basic layout for doing simple cluster analysis in R using the Neotoma Package, across the forest, prairie boundary.
ostracode <- get_dataset(datasettype='ostracode surface sample', loc=c(-100,43,-92,48))
chemistry <- get_dataset(datasettype='water chemistry', loc=c(-100,43,-92,48))
diatoms <- get_dataset(datasettype='diatom surface sample', loc=c(-100,43,-92,48))
pollen <- get_dataset(datasettype='pollen surface sample', loc=c(-100,43,-92,48))
ostracode_dl <- get_download(ostracode)
chemistry_dl <- get_download(chemistry)
diamtom_dl <- get_download(diatoms)
SimonGoring / scrape_ECOLOG.R
Created December 13, 2015 19:59
A short script to scrape ECOLOG messages.
# Scraping ECOLOG-L for job ads:
# This is the format of an ecolog URL:
# most of it is pretty common. The key portion is A1=ind[YY][MM][a-e] where we
# insert the YY year and MM month, and then cycle a - e by week.
# This then returns an HTML page where the unique messages are
SimonGoring / .block
Last active March 15, 2016 21:26
Force-Directed Diagram of Simon Goring's publication network based on DOIs and ORCiDs.
license: MIT
<resource xmlns:xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<creatorName>Labelle, Claude</creatorName>
<affiliation>1804 Tupper No. 2, Montreal, PQ H3H 1N4, CANADA</affiliation>
<creatorName>Larouche, Alayn C.</creatorName>
<affiliation>Laboratoire Jacques-Rousseau, Département de géographie, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128 Succursale A, Montréal, PQ H3C 3J7, CANADA</affiliation>
SimonGoring / sql_source.R
Created May 30, 2016 21:41
Script for the SQL commands used in DOI assignment.
# SQL queries:
default_call <- function(x) {
paste0("SELECT CONCAT(SiteName, ' ', DatasetType, ' dataset') AS SiteName,
'Title' AS titleType, ContactName AS creatorName, 'ORCID' AS nameIdentifierScheme,
'' AS schemeURI, Address AS affiliation, YEAR(ds.RecDateCreated) as publicationyear
FROM (SELECT * FROM datasets WHERE DatasetID = ", x, ") AS ds INNER JOIN datasetpis ON ds.DatasetID = datasetpis.DatasetID
INNER JOIN collectionunits AS cu ON ds.CollectionUnitID = cu.CollectionUnitID INNER JOIN sites AS sts ON cu.SiteID = sts.SiteID
INNER JOIN datasettypes AS dst ON ds.DatasetTypeID = dst.DatasetTypeID INNER JOIN contacts ON datasetpis.ContactID = contacts.ContactID;")