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Created August 19, 2019 08:58
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elm-ui example for beginners
module Colors exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Element exposing (..)
white =
Element.rgb 1 1 1
grey =
Element.rgb 0.9 0.9 0.9
blue =
Element.rgb 0 0 0.8
red =
Element.rgb 0.8 0 0
darkBlue =
Element.rgb 0 0 0.9
module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html)
import Element exposing (..)
import Element.Font as Font
import Element.Input as Input
import Element.Background as Background
import Element.Border as Border
import Colors exposing(..)
import Typelist exposing(..)
main :Html Msg
main =
Element.layout[Element.width Element.fill ,Element.height Element.fill,centerX,centerY ] <|
viewBox Search Click
viewBox : (String -> msg) -> msg -> Element msg
viewBox onSearch onClick =
Element.column [ ]
[ el
, Font.size 36
(text "Post Finder")
, Input.username
[ spacing 1
{text = ""
, placeholder = Just (Input.placeholder [] (text ""))
, onChange = onSearch
, label = Input.labelAbove [ Font.size 14 ] (text "postid")
, Input.button
[ Background.color blue
, Font.color white
, Border.color darkBlue
, paddingXY 16 16
, Border.rounded 4
,spacing 100
{ onPress = Nothing
, label = el [centerX,centerY] <| Element.text "GetPost"
, Element.table
[ Element.centerX
, Element.centerY
, Element.spacing 5
, Element.padding 10
{ data = posts
, columns =
[ { header = Element.text "userid"
, width = px 200
, view =
\post ->
Element.text post.userid
, { header = Element.text "id"
, width = fill
, view =
\post ->
, { header = Element.text "title"
, width = fill
, view =
\post ->
Element.text post.title
, { header = Element.text "body"
, width = fill
, view =
\post ->
Element.text post.body
module Typelist exposing (..)
type alias Post =
{ userid:String
,title :String
,body :String
posts : List Post
posts =
[ { userid = "1"
, id="1"
, title ="lorem ipsum"
,body = "deneme 13 123 12 "
, { userid = "1"
, id="2"
, title ="lorem ipsum"
,body = "deneme 13 123 12asdasd "
type Msg
= Search String
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