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Created April 5, 2020 19:53
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package spork.core;
import haxe.ds.StringMap;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.Type;
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.TypeTools;
import haxe.macro.ExprTools;
import sys.FileSystem;
using Lambda;
class Macro {
public static macro function buildPropHolder(): Array<Field> {
var propTypes: Array<Type> = [];
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
// get the class paths for properties from metadata
var propsClassPaths = Context.getLocalClass().get().meta.extract("propertiesClassPath");
if (propsClassPaths.length == 0) {
Context.error("Property holder must have properties class paths (@propertiesClassPath)", Context.currentPos());
} else {
var propClass = TypeTools.getClass(Context.getType("spork.core.SharedProperty"));
for (path in propsClassPaths) {
propTypes = propTypes.concat(getSubClasses(propClass, getTypes(ExprTools.getValue(path.params[0]))));
// add shared property fields
for (type in propTypes) {
// get field name
var name: String = "";
switch (type) {
case TInst(t, _):
var clazz = t.get();
var meta = clazz.meta.extract("name");
// if @name($fieldName) metadata defined, use it
if (meta.length > 0 && meta[0].params.length > 0) {
name = ExprTools.getValue(meta[0].params[0]);
} else {
// otherwise, generate the name from class package and name
name = makeVarName(clazz.pack.concat([]));
name: name,
access: [APublic],
pos: Context.currentPos(),
kind: FVar(TypeTools.toComplexType(type), null)
return fields;
public static macro function buildComponent(): Array<Field> {
var fields = Context.getBuildFields();
return fields;
* Gets a field name for property from package, according to the following format:
* org.example.Module.Type -> orgExampleModuleType
* @param pack package array
* @return String
private static inline function makeVarName(pack: Array<String>): String {
var nameBuf: StringBuf = new StringBuf();
for (i in 0...pack.length) {
var word = pack[i];
if (i == 0) {
nameBuf.add(word.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase());
} else {
nameBuf.add(word.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase());
nameBuf.addSub(word, 1);
return nameBuf.toString();
* Check if given class type etends or implements another one
* @param clazz class type to check
* @param superClass super class
* @return true, if it's a subclass, false otherwise
private static function isSubClass(clazz: ClassType, superClass: ClassType): Bool {
// check the superclass first
if (clazz.superClass != null) {
var actualSuperClass = clazz.superClass.t.get();
if ( == && actualSuperClass.pack.join(".") == superClass.pack.join(".")) {
return true;
if (isSubClass(actualSuperClass, superClass)) {
return true;
// then check the interfaces
if (superClass.isInterface) {
for (foo in clazz.interfaces) {
var inter = foo.t.get();
if ( == && inter.pack.join(".") == superClass.pack.join(".")) {
return true;
if (isSubClass(inter, superClass)) {
return true;
return false;
* Gets subclasses of a given superclass from an array of types
* @param superClass cuperclass class type
* @param types array of types to check
* @return Array<Type>
private static function getSubClasses(superClass: ClassType, types: Array<Type>): Array<Type> {
var result: Array<Type> = [];
for (type in types) {
switch (type) {
case TInst(t, _):
var clazz = t.get();
if (isSubClass(clazz, superClass)) {
return result;
* Gets types from class path recursively
* @param filePath current file path
* @param classPath current class path
* @param result current array of types
* @return array of types
private static function getTypesRec(filePath: String, classPath: String, result: Array<Type>): Array<Type> {
FileSystem.readDirectory(filePath).iter((file) -> {
var currentPath = Path.join([filePath, file]);
// if current path is a directory, apply getTypesRec to it recursively
if (FileSystem.isDirectory(currentPath)) {
getTypesRec(currentPath, classPath + '.$file', result);
// otherwise if it's a module, get its types and add them to result
} else if (file.lastIndexOf(".hx") == file.length - 3) {
Context.getModule(classPath + "." + file.substring(0, file.length - 3)).iter((type) -> {
return result;
* Gets types from the provided class path
* @param classPath class path as string
* @return array of types
public static function getTypes(classPath: String): Array<Type> {
var filePath = classPath.split(".");
for (path in Context.getClassPath()) {
var currentPath = Path.join([path].concat(filePath));
if (FileSystem.isDirectory(currentPath)) {
return getTypesRec(currentPath, classPath, []);
trace('No path contains package $classPath');
return null;
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