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Last active March 30, 2021 15:13
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// promptmaker v0.bad by hecko
// if you wanna be like guzzdoritos and help me come up with words here you go
// #hpmPlot if you want a plot generated for you, #hpmPrompt for just the prompt
// licensed under wtfpl
cmd tpp ~ ~ ~ 135 0
msg %7---
msg %emake sure you have 30x30 of space in front of you
msg %ereply 1 when ready, or reply 2 to cancel
reply 1|ready|#hpmDo
reply 2|cancel|#nop
msg %7---
int hpmStartX set PlayerBlockX
int hpmEndX set hpmStartX
int hpmEndX add hpmSizeX
int hpmEndX sub 1
int hpmStartZ set PlayerBlockZ
int hpmEndZ set hpmStartZ
int hpmEndZ add hpmSizeZ
int hpmEndZ sub 1
int hpmFloorBlock randlist 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 535
int hpmMBY set PlayerBlockY
int hpmFloorY set hpmMBY
int hpmFloorY sub 1
int hpmMBZ set hpmStartZ
int hpmMBZ sub 1
cmd place gold ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
goto #hpmDo2
call #hpmPrompt
msg %edo you want to use this prompt?
reply 1|yeah|#hpmDo3
reply 2|reroll|#hpmDo2
reply 3|quit|#nop
msg %7---
cmd cuboid ⁿhpmFloorBlockⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
delay 500
cmd center
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
cmd center
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd center
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
cmd center
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
cmd center
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmStartZⁿ
cmd mark ⁿhpmEndXⁿ ⁿhpmFloorYⁿ ⁿhpmEndZⁿ
cmd mb Plaque %7--- |/msgme %²hpmColor1²²hpmWord1² %²hpmColor2²²hpmWord2² %²hpmColor3²²hpmWord3² %7ⁿhpmSizeXⁿxⁿhpmSizeZⁿ |/msgme %fby @nick |/msgme %7---
cmd mark ⁿhpmStartXⁿ ⁿhpmMBYⁿ ⁿhpmMBZⁿ
cpemsg bot1 %²hpmColor1²²hpmWord1²
cpemsg bot2 %²hpmColor2²²hpmWord2²
cpemsg bot3 %²hpmColor3²²hpmWord3²
if int hpmDelay|=|0 int hpmDelay set 1000
msg %7---
delay ⁿhpmDelayⁿ
call #hpmColorGet
string hpmColor1 copy hpmColor
call #hpmAdjGet
string hpmWord1 copy hpmAdj
msg %²hpmColor1²²hpmWord1²
delay ⁿhpmDelayⁿ
call #hpmColorGet
string hpmColor2 copy hpmColor
int hpmAdjOrNoun rand 0 1
if int hpmAdjOrNoun|=|0 call #hpmAdjGet
if int hpmAdjOrNoun|=|0 string hpmWord2 copy hpmAdj
if int hpmAdjOrNoun|=|1 call #hpmNounGet
if int hpmAdjOrNoun|=|1 string hpmWord2 copy hpmNoun
msg %²hpmColor2²²hpmWord2²
delay ⁿhpmDelayⁿ
call #hpmColorGet
string hpmColor3 copy hpmColor
call #hpmNounGet
string hpmWord3 copy hpmNoun
msg %²hpmColor3²²hpmWord3²
delay ⁿhpmDelayⁿ
int hpmSizeX rand 7 30
int hpmSizeZ rand 7 30
msg %7ⁿhpmSizeXⁿxⁿhpmSizeZⁿ
delay ⁿhpmDelayⁿ
msg %7---
cpemsg bot1
cpemsg bot2
cpemsg bot3
int hpmAdjIndex rand 1 93
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|1 string hpmAdj set short
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|2 string hpmAdj set tall
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|3 string hpmAdj set underground
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|4 string hpmAdj set flying
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|5 string hpmAdj set double
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|6 string hpmAdj set winged
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|7 string hpmAdj set formal
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|8 string hpmAdj set silly
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|9 string hpmAdj set square
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|10 string hpmAdj set circular
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|11 string hpmAdj set hexagonal
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|12 string hpmAdj set outdoors
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|13 string hpmAdj set sci-fi
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|14 string hpmAdj set old
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|15 string hpmAdj set countryside
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|16 string hpmAdj set cute
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|17 string hpmAdj set froggy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|18 string hpmAdj set squishy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|19 string hpmAdj set creepy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|20 string hpmAdj set melting
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|21 string hpmAdj set epic
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|22 string hpmAdj set dirty
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|23 string hpmAdj set musical
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|24 string hpmAdj set dancing
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|25 string hpmAdj set dabbing
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|26 string hpmAdj set angry
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|27 string hpmAdj set happy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|28 string hpmAdj set sad
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|29 string hpmAdj set femboy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|30 string hpmAdj set corporate
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|31 string hpmAdj set evil
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|32 string hpmAdj set bad
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|33 string hpmAdj set quirky
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|34 string hpmAdj set breathtaking
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|35 string hpmAdj set magic
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|36 string hpmAdj set horny
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|37 string hpmAdj set depressed
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|38 string hpmAdj set shapeshifting
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|39 string hpmAdj set thirsty
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|40 string hpmAdj set juicy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|41 string hpmAdj set thicc
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|42 string hpmAdj set dank
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|43 string hpmAdj set moist
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|44 string hpmAdj set crippling
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|45 string hpmAdj set paralyzing
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|46 string hpmAdj set exquisite
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|47 string hpmAdj set icy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|48 string hpmAdj set ace
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|49 string hpmAdj set gross
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|50 string hpmAdj set cold
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|51 string hpmAdj set hot
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|52 string hpmAdj set sexy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|53 string hpmAdj set destructive
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|54 string hpmAdj set horrific
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|55 string hpmAdj set gay
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|56 string hpmAdj set sinister
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|57 string hpmAdj set dumb
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|58 string hpmAdj set bri'ish
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|59 string hpmAdj set sweaty
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|60 string hpmAdj set toy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|61 string hpmAdj set prisoner
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|62 string hpmAdj set rotating
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|63 string hpmAdj set spinning
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|64 string hpmAdj set submerged
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|65 string hpmAdj set ravenous
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|66 string hpmAdj set devouring
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|67 string hpmAdj set derp
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|68 string hpmAdj set dead
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|69 string hpmAdj set living
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|70 string hpmAdj set impressive
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|71 string hpmAdj set blind
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|72 string hpmAdj set fat
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|73 string hpmAdj set morbid
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|74 string hpmAdj set furry
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|75 string hpmAdj set brony
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|76 string hpmAdj set demonic
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|77 string hpmAdj set cozy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|78 string hpmAdj set goth
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|79 string hpmAdj set noir
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|80 string hpmAdj set avant-garde
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|81 string hpmAdj set sleepy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|82 string hpmAdj set nihilistic
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|83 string hpmAdj set empty
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|84 string hpmAdj set full
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|85 string hpmAdj set hungry
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|86 string hpmAdj set muscular
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|87 string hpmAdj set fancy
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|88 string hpmAdj set tasty
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|89 string hpmAdj set fake
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|90 string hpmAdj set acrobatic
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|91 string hpmAdj set laughing
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|92 string hpmAdj set supreme
if int hpmAdjIndex|=|93 string hpmAdj set multi
int hpmNounIndex rand 1 81
if int hpmNounIndex|=|1 string hpmNoun set bank
if int hpmNounIndex|=|2 string hpmNoun set deer
if int hpmNounIndex|=|3 string hpmNoun set house
if int hpmNounIndex|=|4 string hpmNoun set bottle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|5 string hpmNoun set book
if int hpmNounIndex|=|6 string hpmNoun set library
if int hpmNounIndex|=|7 string hpmNoun set car
if int hpmNounIndex|=|8 string hpmNoun set egg
if int hpmNounIndex|=|9 string hpmNoun set kitchen
if int hpmNounIndex|=|10 string hpmNoun set apple
if int hpmNounIndex|=|11 string hpmNoun set pear
if int hpmNounIndex|=|12 string hpmNoun set banana
if int hpmNounIndex|=|13 string hpmNoun set turtle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|14 string hpmNoun set bepis
if int hpmNounIndex|=|15 string hpmNoun set cheese
if int hpmNounIndex|=|16 string hpmNoun set playground
if int hpmNounIndex|=|17 string hpmNoun set swing
if int hpmNounIndex|=|18 string hpmNoun set slide
if int hpmNounIndex|=|19 string hpmNoun set tree
if int hpmNounIndex|=|20 string hpmNoun set treehouse
if int hpmNounIndex|=|21 string hpmNoun set bed
if int hpmNounIndex|=|22 string hpmNoun set table
if int hpmNounIndex|=|23 string hpmNoun set chair
if int hpmNounIndex|=|24 string hpmNoun set pumpkin
if int hpmNounIndex|=|25 string hpmNoun set pony
if int hpmNounIndex|=|26 string hpmNoun set crown
if int hpmNounIndex|=|27 string hpmNoun set throne
if int hpmNounIndex|=|28 string hpmNoun set castle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|29 string hpmNoun set tower
if int hpmNounIndex|=|30 string hpmNoun set church
if int hpmNounIndex|=|31 string hpmNoun set robot
if int hpmNounIndex|=|32 string hpmNoun set factory
if int hpmNounIndex|=|33 string hpmNoun set stable
if int hpmNounIndex|=|34 string hpmNoun set cloud
if int hpmNounIndex|=|35 string hpmNoun set bridge
if int hpmNounIndex|=|36 string hpmNoun set b
if int hpmNounIndex|=|37 string hpmNoun set bee
if int hpmNounIndex|=|38 string hpmNoun set laboratory
if int hpmNounIndex|=|39 string hpmNoun set stadium
if int hpmNounIndex|=|40 string hpmNoun set jacket
if int hpmNounIndex|=|41 string hpmNoun set nut
if int hpmNounIndex|=|42 string hpmNoun set poop
if int hpmNounIndex|=|43 string hpmNoun set butt
if int hpmNounIndex|=|44 string hpmNoun set crab
if int hpmNounIndex|=|45 string hpmNoun set weed
if int hpmNounIndex|=|46 string hpmNoun set lollipop
if int hpmNounIndex|=|47 string hpmNoun set trap
if int hpmNounIndex|=|48 string hpmNoun set airplane
if int hpmNounIndex|=|49 string hpmNoun set airport
if int hpmNounIndex|=|50 string hpmNoun set station
if int hpmNounIndex|=|51 string hpmNoun set explosion
if int hpmNounIndex|=|52 string hpmNoun set bomb
if int hpmNounIndex|=|53 string hpmNoun set sapling
if int hpmNounIndex|=|54 string hpmNoun set gun
if int hpmNounIndex|=|55 string hpmNoun set highway
if int hpmNounIndex|=|56 string hpmNoun set road
if int hpmNounIndex|=|57 string hpmNoun set goose
if int hpmNounIndex|=|58 string hpmNoun set leg
if int hpmNounIndex|=|59 string hpmNoun set duck
if int hpmNounIndex|=|60 string hpmNoun set prison
if int hpmNounIndex|=|61 string hpmNoun set chicken
if int hpmNounIndex|=|62 string hpmNoun set fort
if int hpmNounIndex|=|63 string hpmNoun set tank
if int hpmNounIndex|=|64 string hpmNoun set computer
if int hpmNounIndex|=|65 string hpmNoun set mountain
if int hpmNounIndex|=|66 string hpmNoun set lamp
if int hpmNounIndex|=|67 string hpmNoun set demon
if int hpmNounIndex|=|68 string hpmNoun set skull
if int hpmNounIndex|=|69 string hpmNoun set sign
if int hpmNounIndex|=|70 string hpmNoun set island
if int hpmNounIndex|=|71 string hpmNoun set castle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|72 string hpmNoun set moon
if int hpmNounIndex|=|73 string hpmNoun set shuttle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|74 string hpmNoun set satellite
if int hpmNounIndex|=|75 string hpmNoun set rocket
if int hpmNounIndex|=|76 string hpmNoun set phone
if int hpmNounIndex|=|77 string hpmNoun set jungle
if int hpmNounIndex|=|78 string hpmNoun set desert
if int hpmNounIndex|=|79 string hpmNoun set cop
if int hpmNounIndex|=|80 string hpmNoun set dungeon
if int hpmNounIndex|=|81 string hpmNoun set bird
int hpmColorIndex rand 1 14
if int hpmColorIndex|=|1 string hpmColor set 0
if int hpmColorIndex|=|2 string hpmColor set 0
if int hpmColorIndex|=|3 string hpmColor set g
if int hpmColorIndex|=|4 string hpmColor set g
if int hpmColorIndex|=|5 string hpmColor set f
if int hpmColorIndex|=|6 string hpmColor set f
if int hpmColorIndex|=|7 string hpmColor set ~
if int hpmColorIndex|=|8 string hpmColor set ~
if int hpmColorIndex|=|9 string hpmColor set c
if int hpmColorIndex|=|10 string hpmColor set o
if int hpmColorIndex|=|11 string hpmColor set e
if int hpmColorIndex|=|12 string hpmColor set 2
if int hpmColorIndex|=|13 string hpmColor set 3
if int hpmColorIndex|=|14 string hpmColor set d
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