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Created April 15, 2023 14:44
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Convert specific table of excel sheet to JSON using PowerShell
param (
# Excel name
# Sheet name
# Identifier for the table
#region Open Excel file
$excelApplication = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
$excelApplication.DisplayAlerts = $false
$Workbook = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Open($InputFileFullPath)
# Find sheet
$sheet = $Workbook.Sheets | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $SubjectName }
if (-not $sheet) {
throw "Could not find subject '$SubjectName' in the workbook"
#endregion Open Excel file
#region Grab the table within sheet to work with
# Find the cell where Class name is mentioned
$found = $sheet.Cells.Find($ClassName)
$beginAddress = $Found.Address(0, 0, 1, 1).Split('!')[1]
$beginRowAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(1, 2)
# Header row starts 1 row after the class name
$startHeaderRowNumber = [int]$beginRowAddress + 2
# Student data row starts 1 row after header row
$startDataRowNumber = $startHeaderRowNumber + 1
$beginColumnAddress = $beginAddress.Substring(0,1)
# ASCII number of column
$startColumnHeaderNumber = [BYTE][CHAR]$beginColumnAddress - 65 + 1
#endregion Grab the table within sheet to work with
#region Extract Header Columns Name
$Headers = @{}
$numberOfColumns = 0
$foundHeaderValue = $true
while ($foundHeaderValue -eq $true) {
$headerCellValue = $sheet.Cells.Item(
($numberOfColumns + $startColumnHeaderNumber)
if ($headerCellValue.Trim().Length -eq 0) {
$foundHeaderValue = $false
} else {
if ($Headers.ContainsValue($headerCellValue)) {
# Do not add any duplicate column again.
} else {
$Headers.$numberOfColumns = $headerCellValue
#endregion Extract Header Columns Name
#region Extract Student Information Rows
$results = @()
$rowNumber = $startDataRowNumber
$finish = $false
while ($finish -eq $false) {
if ($rowNumber -gt 1) {
$result = @{}
foreach ($columnNumber in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
$columnName = $columnNumber.Value
# Student data row, student data column number
$cellValue = $sheet.Cells.Item(
($columnNumber.Name + ($startColumnHeaderNumber - 1))
if ($cellValue -eq $null) {
$finish = $true
if ($finish -eq $false) {
# Adding Excel sheet row number for validation
$results += $result
#endregion Extract Student Information Rows
#region Create JSON file and close Excel file
$inputFileName = Split-Path $InputFileFullPath -leaf
$inputFileName = $inputFileName.Split('.')[0]
# Output file name will be "ABCDSchool-Science-Class 6.json"
$jsonOutputFileName = "$inputFileName-$SubjectName-$ClassName.json"
$jsonOutputFileFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($jsonOutputFileName)
Write-Host "Converting sheet '$SubjectName' to '$jsonOutputFileFullPath'"
$null = $results |
ConvertTo-Json |
Out-File -Encoding ASCII -FilePath $jsonOutputFileFullPath
$null = $excelApplication.Workbooks.Close()
$null = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject(
#endregion Create JSON file and close Excel file
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