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Created June 26, 2021 06:56
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# const panewidth = video.width/2
# const paneheight = video.height/2
# asqu(args...; do_action=:stroke) = box(Point(0,0), 50, 50, 0,do_action)
# # using Luxor, Colors, Combinatorics
# mutable struct Ball
# position::Point
# velocity::Point
# color::Color
# ballradius::Float64
# end
# layer = Javis.Layer()
# function collisioncheck(balls)
# for ballpair in combinations(1:length(balls), 2)
# balla, ballb = balls[ballpair[1]], balls[ballpair[2]]
# if intersection2circles(balla.position, balla.ballradius, ballb.position, ballb.ballradius) > 0.01
# collision = ballb.position - balla.position
# distance = Luxor.distance(ballb.position, balla.position)
# # Get the components of the velocity vectors which are parallel to the collision.
# # The perpendicular component remains the same for both
# collision = (collision / distance)
# aci = dotproduct(balla.velocity, collision)
# bci = dotproduct(ballb.velocity, collision)
# # new velocities using the 1-dimensional elastic collision equations
# # masses are the same
# acf = bci
# bcf = aci
# # replace the velocity components
# balls[ballpair[1]].velocity += (acf - aci) * collision
# balls[ballpair[2]].velocity += (bcf - bci) * collision
# end
# end
# return balls
# end
# function update(ball, balls)
# (video, object, action, rel_frame) ->
# _update(video, object, action, rel_frame, ball, balls)
# end
# function _update(video, object, action, rel_frame, ball, balls)
# translate(O)
# # balls = collisioncheck(balls)
# # on the left
# for ball in balls
# ball.position = ball.position += ball.velocity
# if (ball.position.x <= (-panewidth + ball.ballradius))
# ball.position = Point(-panewidth + ball.ballradius, ball.position.y)
# ball.velocity = Point(-ball.velocity.x, ball.velocity.y)
# end
# if (ball.position.x >= (panewidth - ball.ballradius))
# ball.position = Point(panewidth - ball.ballradius, ball.position.y)
# ball.velocity = Point(-ball.velocity.x, ball.velocity.y)
# end
# if (ball.position.y <= (-paneheight + ball.ballradius))
# ball.position = Point(ball.position.x, -panewidth + ball.ballradius)
# ball.velocity = Point(ball.velocity.x, -ball.velocity.y)
# end
# if (ball.position.y >= (paneheight - ball.ballradius))
# ball.position = Point(ball.position.x, panewidth - ball.ballradius)
# ball.velocity = Point(ball.velocity.x, -ball.velocity.y)
# end
# end
# translate(ball.position)
# end
# function Ballcon(position::Point, velocity::Point, color::Color, ballradius::Number)
# Ball(position, velocity, color, ballradius)
# sethue(color)
# box(position, ballradius,ballradius, :fill)
# return position
# end
# function main()
# ballradius = 14
# balls = [
# # set position and initial velocity vectors
# Ball(O, Point(-5, 0), colorant"blue", ballradius),
# # Ball(Point(15, 2), Point(-3, 0), colorant"forestgreen", ballradius),
# # Ball(O-15, Point(2, -5), colorant"mediumorchid3", ballradius)
# ]
# Background(1:300, ground)
# red_ball = Object(1:300, (args...)-> Ballcon(O, Point(-5, 0), colorant"blue", ballradius), O)
# act!(red_ball, Action(1:300, update(balls[1], balls)))
# # gree_ball = Object(1:300, (args...)-> Ballcon(O, Point(-3, 4), colorant"forestgreen", ballradius), O)
# # act!(gree_ball, Action(1:300, update(balls[2], balls)))
# # blue_ball = Object(1:300, (args...)-> Ballcon(O, Point(2, -5), colorant"mediumorchid3", ballradius), O)
# # act!(blue_ball, Action(1:300, update(balls[3], balls)))
# render(video, pathname = "julia_coll.gif")
# end
# main()
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