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Created October 10, 2018 16:25
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! This file was written by the model and records the non-default parameters used at run-time.
! === module MOM ===
ENABLE_THERMODYNAMICS = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, Temperature and salinity are used as state
! variables.
ADIABATIC = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! There are no diapycnal mass fluxes if ADIABATIC is
! true. This assumes that KD = KDML = 0.0 and that
! there is no buoyancy forcing, but makes the model
! faster by eliminating subroutine calls.
DT = 1200.0 ! [s]
! The (baroclinic) dynamics time step. The time-step that
! is actually used will be an integer fraction of the
! forcing time-step (DT_FORCING in ocean-only mode or the
! coupling timestep in coupled mode.)
DTBT_RESET_PERIOD = -1.0 ! [s] default = 1200.0
! The period between recalculations of DTBT (if DTBT <= 0).
! If DTBT_RESET_PERIOD is negative, DTBT is set based
! only on information available at initialization. If 0,
! DTBT will be set every dynamics time step. The default
! is set by DT_THERM. This is only used if SPLIT is true.
! === module MOM_domains ===
REENTRANT_X = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, the domain is zonally reentrant.
! The total number of thickness grid points in the
! x-direction in the physical domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_
! this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time.
! The total number of thickness grid points in the
! y-direction in the physical domain. With STATIC_MEMORY_
! this is set in MOM_memory.h at compile time.
! === module MOM_hor_index ===
! Sets the horizontal array index types.
! === module MOM_verticalGrid ===
! Parameters providing information about the vertical grid.
NK = 2 ! [nondim]
! The number of model layers.
! === module MOM_fixed_initialization ===
INPUTDIR = "INPUT" ! default = "."
! The directory in which input files are found.
! === module MOM_grid_init ===
GRID_CONFIG = "spherical" !
! A character string that determines the method for
! defining the horizontal grid. Current options are:
! mosaic - read the grid from a mosaic (supergrid)
! file set by GRID_FILE.
! cartesian - use a (flat) Cartesian grid.
! spherical - use a simple spherical grid.
! mercator - use a Mercator spherical grid.
SOUTHLAT = 30.0 ! [degrees]
! The southern latitude of the domain.
LENLAT = 20.0 ! [degrees]
! The latitudinal length of the domain.
LENLON = 22.0 ! [degrees]
! The longitudinal length of the domain.
TOPO_CONFIG = "spoon" !
! This specifies how bathymetry is specified:
! file - read bathymetric information from the file
! specified by (TOPO_FILE).
! flat - flat bottom set to MAXIMUM_DEPTH.
! bowl - an analytically specified bowl-shaped basin
! ranging between MAXIMUM_DEPTH and MINIMUM_DEPTH.
! spoon - a similar shape to 'bowl', but with an vertical
! wall at the southern face.
! halfpipe - a zonally uniform channel with a half-sine
! profile in the meridional direction.
! benchmark - use the benchmark test case topography.
! Neverland - use the Neverland test case topography.
! DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the
! DOME sill-overflow test case.
! ISOMIP - use a slope and channel configuration for the
! ISOMIP test case.
! DOME2D - use a shelf and slope configuration for the
! DOME2D gravity current/overflow test case.
! Kelvin - flat but with rotated land mask.
! seamount - Gaussian bump for spontaneous motion test case.
! dumbbell - Sloshing channel with reservoirs on both ends.
! shelfwave - exponential slope for shelfwave test case.
! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config.
! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow.
! USER - call a user modified routine.
MINIMUM_DEPTH = 1.0 ! [m] default = 0.0
! The minimum depth of the ocean.
MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 2000.0 ! [m]
! The maximum depth of the ocean.
! === module MOM_open_boundary ===
! Controls where open boundaries are located, what kind of boundary condition to impose, and what data to apply, if any.
! === module MOM_tracer_registry ===
! === module MOM_restart ===
! === module MOM_tracer_flow_control ===
! === module MOM_coord_initialization ===
COORD_CONFIG = "gprime" !
! This specifies how layers are to be defined:
! ALE or none - used to avoid defining layers in ALE mode
! file - read coordinate information from the file
! specified by (COORD_FILE).
! BFB - Custom coords for buoyancy-forced basin case
! based on SST_S, T_BOT and DRHO_DT.
! linear - linear based on interfaces not layers
! layer_ref - linear based on layer densities
! ts_ref - use reference temperature and salinity
! ts_range - use range of temperature and salinity
! (T_REF and S_REF) to determine surface density
! and GINT calculate internal densities.
! gprime - use reference density (RHO_0) for surface
! density and GINT calculate internal densities.
! ts_profile - use temperature and salinity profiles
! (read from COORD_FILE) to set layer densities.
! USER - call a user modified routine.
GFS = 0.98 ! [m s-2] default = 9.8
! The reduced gravity at the free surface.
GINT = 0.0098 ! [m s-2]
! The reduced gravity across internal interfaces.
! === module MOM_grid ===
! Parameters providing information about the lateral grid.
! === module MOM_state_initialization ===
THICKNESS_CONFIG = "uniform" !
! A string that determines how the initial layer
! thicknesses are specified for a new run:
! file - read interface heights from the file specified
! thickness_file - read thicknesses from the file specified
! coord - determined by ALE coordinate.
! uniform - uniform thickness layers evenly distributed
! between the surface and MAXIMUM_DEPTH.
! list - read a list of positive interface depths.
! DOME - use a slope and channel configuration for the
! DOME sill-overflow test case.
! ISOMIP - use a configuration for the
! ISOMIP test case.
! benchmark - use the benchmark test case thicknesses.
! Neverland - use the Neverland test case thicknesses.
! search - search a density profile for the interface
! densities. This is not yet implemented.
! circle_obcs - the circle_obcs test case is used.
! DOME2D - 2D version of DOME initialization.
! adjustment2d - 2D lock exchange thickness ICs.
! sloshing - sloshing gravity thickness ICs.
! seamount - no motion test with seamount ICs.
! dumbbell - sloshing channel ICs.
! soliton - Equatorial Rossby soliton.
! rossby_front - a mixed layer front in thermal wind balance.
! USER - call a user modified routine.
! === module MOM_diag_mediator ===
! === module MOM_MEKE ===
! === module MOM_lateral_mixing_coeffs ===
! === module MOM_set_visc ===
LINEAR_DRAG = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If LINEAR_DRAG and BOTTOMDRAGLAW are defined the drag
! law is cdrag*DRAG_BG_VEL*u.
HBBL = 10.0 ! [m]
! The thickness of a bottom boundary layer with a
! viscosity of KVBBL if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is not defined, or
! the thickness over which near-bottom velocities are
! averaged for the drag law if BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined
! but LINEAR_DRAG is not.
DRAG_BG_VEL = 0.1 ! [m s-1] default = 0.0
! DRAG_BG_VEL is either the assumed bottom velocity (with
! LINEAR_DRAG) or an unresolved velocity that is
! combined with the resolved velocity to estimate the
! velocity magnitude. DRAG_BG_VEL is only used when
! BOTTOMDRAGLAW is defined.
BBL_THICK_MIN = 0.1 ! [m] default = 0.0
! The minimum bottom boundary layer thickness that can be
! used with BOTTOMDRAGLAW. This might be
! Kv / (cdrag * drag_bg_vel) to give Kv as the minimum
! near-bottom viscosity.
KV = 1.0E-04 ! [m2 s-1]
! The background kinematic viscosity in the interior.
! The molecular value, ~1e-6 m2 s-1, may be used.
! === module MOM_continuity ===
! === module MOM_continuity_PPM ===
ETA_TOLERANCE = 1.0E-12 ! [m] default = 1.0E-10
! The tolerance for the differences between the
! barotropic and baroclinic estimates of the sea surface
! height due to the fluxes through each face. The total
! tolerance for SSH is 4 times this value. The default
! is 0.5*NK*ANGSTROM, and this should not be set less x
! than about 10^-15*MAXIMUM_DEPTH.
! === module MOM_CoriolisAdv ===
BOUND_CORIOLIS = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, the Coriolis terms at u-points are bounded by
! the four estimates of (f+rv)v from the four neighboring
! v-points, and similarly at v-points. This option would
! have no effect on the SADOURNY Coriolis scheme if it
! were possible to use centered difference thickness fluxes.
! === module MOM_PressureForce ===
! === module MOM_PressureForce_AFV ===
! === module MOM_hor_visc ===
LAPLACIAN = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, use a Laplacian horizontal viscosity.
KH = 5.0E+04 ! [m2 s-1] default = 0.0
! The background Laplacian horizontal viscosity.
SMAGORINSKY_AH = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, use a biharmonic Smagorinsky nonlinear eddy
! viscosity.
SMAG_BI_CONST = 0.06 ! [nondim] default = 0.0
! The nondimensional biharmonic Smagorinsky constant,
! typically 0.015 - 0.06.
! === module MOM_vert_friction ===
DIRECT_STRESS = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, the wind stress is distributed over the
! topmost HMIX_STRESS of fluid (like in HYCOM), and KVML
! may be set to a very small value.
HARMONIC_VISC = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, use the harmonic mean thicknesses for
! calculating the vertical viscosity.
HMIX_FIXED = 20.0 ! [m]
! The prescribed depth over which the near-surface
! viscosity and diffusivity are elevated when the bulk
! mixed layer is not used.
KVML = 0.01 ! [m2 s-1] default = 1.0E-04
! The kinematic viscosity in the mixed layer. A typical
! value is ~1e-2 m2 s-1. KVML is not used if
! BULKMIXEDLAYER is true. The default is set by KV.
MAXVEL = 6.0 ! [m s-1] default = 3.0E+08
! The maximum velocity allowed before the velocity
! components are truncated.
! === module MOM_barotropic ===
BOUND_BT_CORRECTION = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, the corrective pseudo mass-fluxes into the
! barotropic solver are limited to values that require
! less than maxCFL_BT_cont to be accommodated.
BT_PROJECT_VELOCITY = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! If true, step the barotropic velocity first and project
! out the velocity tendancy by 1+BEBT when calculating the
! transport. The default (false) is to use a predictor
! continuity step to find the pressure field, and then
! to do a corrector continuity step using a weighted
! average of the old and new velocities, with weights
! of (1-BEBT) and BEBT.
BEBT = 0.2 ! [nondim] default = 0.1
! BEBT determines whether the barotropic time stepping
! uses the forward-backward time-stepping scheme or a
! backward Euler scheme. BEBT is valid in the range from
! 0 (for a forward-backward treatment of nonrotating
! gravity waves) to 1 (for a backward Euler treatment).
! In practice, BEBT must be greater than about 0.05.
DTBT = -0.9 ! [s or nondim] default = -0.98
! The barotropic time step, in s. DTBT is only used with
! the split explicit time stepping. To set the time step
! automatically based the maximum stable value use 0, or
! a negative value gives the fraction of the stable value.
! Setting DTBT to 0 is the same as setting it to -0.98.
! The value of DTBT that will actually be used is an
! integer fraction of DT, rounding down.
! === module MOM_thickness_diffuse ===
! === module MOM_mixed_layer_restrat ===
! === module MOM_diag_to_Z ===
! === module MOM_diabatic_driver ===
! The following parameters are used for diabatic processes.
! === module MOM_tracer_advect ===
! === module MOM_tracer_hor_diff ===
! === module MOM_neutral_diffusion ===
! This module implements neutral diffusion of tracers
! === module MOM_sum_output ===
DATE_STAMPED_STDOUT = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, use dates (not times) in messages to stdout
READ_DEPTH_LIST = True ! [Boolean] default = False
! Read the depth list from a file if it exists or
! create that file otherwise.
DEPTH_LIST_MIN_INC = 1.0E-06 ! [m] default = 1.0E-10
! The minimum increment between the depths of the
! entries in the depth-list file.
! === module MOM_surface_forcing ===
VARIABLE_WINDS = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, the winds vary in time after the initialization.
VARIABLE_BUOYFORCE = False ! [Boolean] default = True
! If true, the buoyancy forcing varies in time after the
! initialization of the model.
BUOY_CONFIG = "zero" !
! The character string that indicates how buoyancy forcing
! is specified. Valid options include (file), (zero),
! (linear), (USER), (BFB) and (NONE).
WIND_CONFIG = "2gyre" !
! The character string that indicates how wind forcing
! is specified. Valid options include (file), (2gyre),
! (1gyre), (gyres), (zero), and (USER).
! === module MOM_restart ===
! === module MOM_main (MOM_driver) ===
DT_FORCING = 2400.0 ! [s] default = 1200.0
! The time step for changing forcing, coupling with other
! components, or potentially writing certain diagnostics.
! The default value is given by DT.
DAYMAX = 1460.0 ! [days]
! The final time of the whole simulation, in units of
! TIMEUNIT seconds. This also sets the potential end
! time of the present run segment if the end time is
! not set via ocean_solo_nml in input.nml.
RESTART_CONTROL = 3 ! default = 1
! An integer whose bits encode which restart files are
! written. Add 2 (bit 1) for a time-stamped file, and odd
! (bit 0) for a non-time-stamped file. A non-time-stamped
! restart file is saved at the end of the run segment
! for any non-negative value.
! === module MOM_write_cputime ===
! === module MOM_file_parser ===
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