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Created January 16, 2019 00:20
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CACHE_DIR="$(go env GOPATH)/pkg/mod/cache"
basepath() {
echo "${1##${CACHE_DIR}/download/}"
case "$1" in
export GO111MODULE=on
temp="$(mktemp -d "$CACHE_DIR/.tmpXXXXXXXXX")"
trap 'rm -rf "$temp"' 0
go mod download -json > "$temp/info.json"
jq -r '"VERSION=\(.Version | @sh) INFO=\(.Info | @sh) GOMOD=\(.GoMod | @sh) ZIP=\(.Zip | @sh)"' < "$temp/info.json" \
| while read line; do
eval "$line"
echo $INFO
base="$(dirname "${temp}/bundle/$(basepath "$INFO")")"
mkdir -p "$base"
ln -t "$base" "$INFO" "$GOMOD" "$ZIP"
echo "$VERSION" > "$base/list"
HASH="$(ipfs add -Qr "$temp/bundle")"
echo "/ipfs/$HASH" > deps.ipfs
if [[ -e "deps.ipfs" ]]; then
path="$(< deps.ipfs)"
export GOPROXY="${IPFS_GATEWAY}$path"
export GO111MODULE=on
exec go "${@}"
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