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Created September 9, 2021 06:37
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// Bfexplorer cannot be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred during the use of this betfair bot.
// It is up to you to determine the level of risk you wish to trade under.
// Do not gamble with money you cannot afford to lose.
module SaveMarketGraphs
#I @"C:\Program Files (x86)\BeloSoft\Bfexplorer\"
#r "BeloSoft.Betfair.API.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Data.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Trading.dll"
#r "BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Service.Core.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Net
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
open System.Threading
open BeloSoft.Data
open BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Domain
open BeloSoft.Bfexplorer.Trading
let toCorrectName (text : string) =
Regex.Replace(text, "[^A-Za-z0-9_. ]+", "")
let createDirectory (directory : string) =
if not (Directory.Exists(directory))
Directory.CreateDirectory(directory) |> ignore
let createMarketDirectory (rootDirectory : string) (market : Market) =
let marketInfo = market.MarketInfo
let todayDirectory = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))
createDirectory todayDirectory
let eventTypeDirectory = Path.Combine(todayDirectory, marketInfo.EventTypeName)
createDirectory eventTypeDirectory
let eventDirectory = Path.Combine(eventTypeDirectory, toCorrectName marketInfo.EventName)
createDirectory eventDirectory
let marketName =
match marketInfo.BetEventType.Id with
| 7 (* Horse Racing *) | 4339 (* Greyhound Racing *) -> sprintf "%s %s" (marketInfo.StartTime.ToString("HHmm")) marketInfo.MarketName
| _ -> marketInfo.MarketName
let marketDirectory = Path.Combine(eventDirectory, toCorrectName marketName)
createDirectory marketDirectory
/// <summary>
/// SaveMarketCharts
/// </summary>
type SaveMarketCharts(market : Market, _selection : Selection, _botName : string, botTriggerParameters : BotTriggerParameters, myBfexplorer : IMyBfexplorer) =
let webClient = new WebClient()
let selectionGraphUrl =
let marketId = market.Id.Split('.').[1]
sprintf @"" marketId
let saveSelectionGraph (directory : string) (selection : Selection) =
let graphUrl = sprintf "%s%d" selectionGraphUrl selection.Identity.Id
let filePathName = Path.Combine(directory, sprintf "%s.jpg" (toCorrectName selection.Name))
webClient.DownloadFile(graphUrl, filePathName)
let outputMessage message =
let bfexplorerService = myBfexplorer.BfexplorerService
bfexplorerService.UiApplication.ExecuteOnUiContext SynchronizationContext.Current <|
fun () -> bfexplorerService.OutputMessage(message, market.Id)
let doSaveCharts (selections : Selection list) =
async {
let rootDirectory = defaultArg (botTriggerParameters.GetParameter<string>("Folder")) (Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Betfair Graphs"))
let directory = market |> createMarketDirectory rootDirectory
selections |> List.iter (saveSelectionGraph directory)
| ex -> do! outputMessage (sprintf "Failed to save data: %s" (toFailureMessage ex))
|> Async.Start
let waitForMarketClosing = defaultArg (botTriggerParameters.GetParameter<bool>("WaitForMarketClosing")) false
interface IBotTrigger with
/// <summary>
/// Execute
/// </summary>
member _this.Execute() =
if waitForMarketClosing
/// <summary>
/// EndExecution
/// </summary>
member _this.EndExecution() =
let winnerOnly = waitForMarketClosing && (defaultArg (botTriggerParameters.GetParameter<bool>("WinnerOnly")) false)
let selectionsToSave =
if winnerOnly
|> Seq.filter isWinnerSelection
|> Seq.filter isNotRemovedSelection
doSaveCharts (selectionsToSave |> Seq.toList)
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