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Last active June 12, 2016 09:02
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Z_Core & Z_BattleMath Plugins for RMMV
/// <reference path="../libs/jquery.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/pixi.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/fpsmeter.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/lz-string.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_core.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_managers.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_objects.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_scenes.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_sprites.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_windows.js" />
/// <reference path="Z_Core.js" />
// SLC Z_ Plugin: Battle Math
// Z_BattleMath.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
var Z = Z || {};
var ZBM = {};
var Z$ = Z$ || window.jQuery;
Z.ExtendedFunctions = Z.ExtendedFunctions || [];
Z.BattleMath = ZBM;
Imported.Z_BattleMath = true;
* @plugindesc v0.1 Integrate more HTML Events
* parameters:
* @author SLC
* @description Requires Z_Core!
* @param Use Zodiac System
* @desc Use the Zodiac multiplier system from FF Tactics. Only applies to Z_BattleMath Damage Formulas.
* Default: ON (ON|YES|TRUE|1)
* @default on
* @param Global Zodiac System
* @desc Use the Zodiac multiplier system for ALL Damage, regardless of formula.
* Default: OFF (OFF|NO|FALSE|0)
* @default off
* @param Use Chinese Zodiac
* @desc A fun alternative to the "normal" Zodiac lineup.
* Default: OFF (OFF|FALSE|NO|0)
* @default off
* @param Zodiac Good Multiplier
* @desc How much extra damage for "good" compatability? (e.g. 0.10 or +10% for an extra 10%.)
* @default 0.25
* @param Zodiac Bad Multiplier
* @desc The damage penalty for "bad" compatability? (e.g. -0.10 = -10%)
* @default -0.25
* @param Zodiac Best Multiplier
* @desc The damage bonus for "best" compatability? (e.g. 0.10 = +10%)
* @default 0.5
* @param Zodiac Worst Multiplier
* @desc The damage penalty for "worst" compatability? (e.g. -0.10 = -10%)
* @default -0.5
* @param Use Comparative Bonus
* @desc Provide a bonus to Damage/Healing by comparing 2 values from a & b
* Default: ON (ON|YES|TRUE|1)
* @default on
* @param CB Stat
* @desc Choose a stat for the comparative bonus OR use an a/b formula that returns true/false
* Default: LUK
* @default luk
* @param CB Multiplier
* @desc How big will the comparative bonus be? Use a decimal (e.g. 0.1 = +10% bonus damage).
* Default: 0.1 (+10%)
* @default 0.1
* @param Global Map-Based Damage
* @desc Apply Map-Based Boost/Supress/Nullify Regardless of Damage Formula (overrides some formulas).
* Default: OFF (OFF|FALSE|NO|0)
* @default false
* @param Map Boost Multiplier
* @desc Multiplier used when the map "Boosts" an element (for Map-based Damage)
* Default: +25%
* @default 0.25
* @param Map Supress Multiplier
* @desc Multiplier used when the map "Supresses" an element (for Map-based Damage).
* Default: -25%
* @default -0.25
* @param Physical Offense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Physical Attacks
* Default: ATK
* @default atk
* @param Magical Offense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Magical Attacks
* Default: MAT
* @default mat
* @param Special Offense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Finesse/Agility Attacks
* Default: AGI
* @default agi
* @param Alternate Offense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Alternate Attacks (Just an extra for you)
* Default: LUK
* @default luk
* @param Physical Defense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Physical Attacks
* Default: DEF
* @default def
* @param Magical Defense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Magical Attacks
* Default: MDF
* @default mdf
* @param Special Defense Stat
* @desc Stat (or a/b formula) used for default Finesse/Agility Attacks
* Default: LUK
* @default luk
* @param Alternate Defense Stat
* @desc Stat (or formula) used for default Alternate Attacks (Just an extra.)
* Default: AGI
* @default agi
* @param Use Innate Element Boost
* @desc If the caster has an "element" property, it can be used to boost damage.
* Default: OFF (OFF|FALSE|NO|0)
* @default off
* @param Innate Element Boost
* @desc If the caster has an "element" property, it can be used to boost damage.
* Default: 50% (0.5|50%|+0.5|+50%)
* @default 0.5
* @param Custom Formula 1
* @desc Use ZBM_Custom1(dmg, power); in your Damage Formula. See Help for Details
* Default: (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @default (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @param Custom Formula 2
* @desc Use ZBM_Custom2(dmg, power); in your Damage Formula. See Help for Details
* Default: (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @default (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @param Custom Formula 3
* @desc Use ZBM_Custom3(dmg, power); in your Damage Formula. See Help for Details
* Default: (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @default (a.atk - (b.def/3)) * p
* @help
* ============================================================================
* ============================================================================
* This Plugin Requires Z_Core.js to function!
* Though not explicitly required, I highly recommend BOB_CustomStats.js
* to really make use of the custom formulas. Agility and Luck don't make
* sense for damage calculation most of the time so custom stats would be nice.
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* This is a generic plugin for customizing battle damage/healing formulas.
* The main purpose is to provide some built-in formulas for damage calculation.
* You can also customize it to suit your needs. It's meant for beginners who just
* Want to "set it and forget it" as well as advanced users.
* ============================================================================
* ============================================================================
* There are two dice roll methods, basic and advanced. Each damage calculation
* requires a basic formula in classic D&D Style:
* DiceRoll("2d6+10")
* This will automaticall roll 2 virtual 6-sided die, add the results and then
* add 10 to that number and return it.
* The advanced method allows you to add another bonus based on caster or
* target stats (classic a/b variables like any other RMMV formula).
* SuperDiceRoll(a, b, "3d20+4 + <a.atk - b.def>")
* That example rolls 3 virtual D20 dice, adds 4 to the result and further adds
* the user's ATK minus the target's DEF (or subtract if the number is negative!)
* The minus symbol does work. The following equations are also valid:
* DiceRoll("3d4-1")
* SuperDiceRoll(a, b, "10d3+1 - <b.charisma - a.charisma>")
* The Dice Roll system is best when used with a custom stat plugin like
* BOB_CustomStats.js so you can implement real D&D stats and modifiers
* to use in these formulas.
* Just paste the method into your damage formula box to use. It must be
* formatted as a JavaScript function call with your custom formula in quotes
* just like the examples. The SuperDiceRoll() function REQUIRES you to put
* the a and b parameters first so they becom accessible to the code.
* If you're using a custom stat plugin like BOB_CustomStats.js, you can use
* the built-in Zodiac feature. This provides a bonus to damage/healing based
* on the users Zodiac sign. Add a sign by giving the enemy or character a
* stat called "zodiac". You can use the traditional zodiac signs as seen in
* Final Fantasy Tactics or you can switch to Chinese zodiac mode!
* Tradtional: scorpio, virgo, leo, cancer, sagittarius, virgo, aquarius,
* taurus, gemini, libra, aries & capricorn.
* Chinese: dragon, rabbit, tiger, ox, rat, pig, dog, rooster,
* monkey, goat, horse & snake.
* Signs have "good", "bad", "best" and "worst" compatability. When the
* script determines the compatibility, a multiplier is used to add or remove
* a percentage of the damage. For example, by default, a "good"
* compatibility will result in +25% damage. An attack That normally
* does 100 damage would now do 125 damage.
* You can modify these multiplier values in the plugin manager.
* Use decimals (+0.25 for +25%) or use percentages (+25% for +25%).
* You can add a + or - symbol at the beginning.
* You can boost, supress or totally nullify skill damage depending
* on the map you're on.
* First add a note to your map in one of the following formats:
* <boost: 2>
* <supress: 3>
* <nullify: 5>
* A map with that note will boost damage for element #2. It will also
* reduce damage for the element #3. Element #5 will do 0 damage!
* For now, only element ID's are supported.
* Check back later for a version that supports names.
* Want your Ice Spectre and Flame Mage to share from the same pool of magic
* but it doesn't make sense for the Ice Spectre to deal more damage with
* Fire spells than the Flame Mage?
* Add a custom stat to your Flame Mage class called "element" and set it
* to "fire" or the element ID of your fire spell (e.g. 3 or 4).
* Now your Flame Mage will innately get a bonus to damage with Fire spells.
* Turn the option on and set the bonus amount inthe plugin manager.
* There are four default formulas you can use that are stat-based.
* These can be used in the damage formula of your skills. Simply use the
* following format:
* PhysicalDamage(dmg, <power>,[kind], [usemap]);
* Always start off the method call with "dmg" as your first parameter.
* Replace <power> with a number. This is the power level of your skill.
* Feel free to use an arbitrary number or any stat available in the eval
* like a.level for the caster's level.
* [kind] is an optional parameter. It should cotain a string
* (words surrounded in quotation marks) and can be one of the following:
* "fixed" - Ignores 99% of the damage formula and just uses the <power>
* number for a fixed amount of damage.
* "stat" - Uses the standard formula. Not really necessary to use.
* "scaled" - Uses a special formula that scales damage/healing based
* on the level of the user or enemy (requires enemy levels)
* "percent" - Uses the <power> value as a percentage of the target's
HP, like the Demi/Gravity spells from Final Fantasy.
* You can also skipp this parameter entirely and just set it to true/false
* The code will automatically assume it is reading the [usemap] parameter.
* [usemap] is another optional parameter. By default it is set to false.
* This parameter tells the damage formula to use the Map-Based Damage feature.
* If you have Map-Damage set to "global" from the plugin manager, this
* parameter does nothing & all damage will use the map-based formula.
* Here are the 4 main functions to use in your damage formulas:
* PhysicalDamage(dmg,<power>,[kind],[usemap]);
* MagicalDamage(dmg,<power>,[kind],[usemap]);
* SpecialDamage(dmg,<power>,[kind],[usemap]);
* AlternateDamage(dmg,<power>,[kind],[usemap]);
* Each formula is based on an offense number and a defense number.
* By default these are just based on a single stat. You can adjust
* each function's offense and defense stat in the plugin manager.
* For example, Physical Damage uses the caster's ATK stat for offense.
* It uses the target's DEF stat for defense.
* You can use a single stat name or a whole formula when customizing these
* in the plugin manager. For example, you can change the default offensive
* stat for PhysicalDamage() to be "a.atk * a.level" if you want.
* Whether you use the built-in damage formulas or not, I have exposed more
* data to the evaluation of any damage formula. Here are some new values:
* • e - Now you can find out the skill's element ID with the "e" attribute.
* • dmg - The dmg variable is a complex object with all the properties
* needed for my advanced formulas. You can use it to build your own.
* -
* - dmg.source = the same as the "a" variable, the attacker object.
* -
* - = the same as the "b" variable, the defender object.
* -
* - dmg.offense = the calculated value of the attackers attack power
* -
* - dmg.defense = the calculated value of the defenders defensive power
* -
* - dmg.power = the attack power, provided by you on the skill's page
* -
* - dmg.element = the element ID for the skill being used
* -
* - dmg.multi = the combined multipliers for damage. Default is 1.
* -
* - dmg.mapBonus() = Decimal number of the map-based bonus.
* -
* - dmg.zodiacBonus() = Decimal number of the zodiac-based bonus.
* -
* - dmg.innateBonus() = Decimal number of the innate element bonus.
* - The last 3 are run as functions. They return small numbers like 0.5 or 0.10.
* - You can add 1 to them and use them to multiply for more damage, if not
- already using them in the standard formulas.
* There are 3 default custom formulas. You can specify the entire formula
* and then quickly paste the shorthand into your damage formula boxes.
* This is nice for when you have a kind of complex calculation and
* don't want a bunch of confusing stuff in your skill formula entries.
* Just always make your call with the dmg object and (optional) a power level.
* Example: ZBM_Custom1(dmg,100)
* This will evaluate your custom function. It will assign the "p" variable
* a value of 100.
* All the normal variables are available to use in your custom function:
* • a - the attacking character object. Access stats like ATK with a.atk
* • b - the defending character object. Access stats like DEF with b.def
* • dmg - the DMG Object. Access ZBM values you offense, defense, etc.
* • p - the power level. This is the second parameter of your function.
* ============================================================================
* =============
* =============
ZBM.Params = PluginManager.parameters('Z_BattleMath');
ZBM.Formulas = {};
ZBM.Settings = {
useCB: Z.toBool(ZBM.Params["Use Comparative Bonus"]),
cbSource: String(ZBM.Params["CB Stat"]),
cbBonus: String(ZBM.Params["CB Multiplier"]),
physicalOffense: String(ZBM.Params["Physical Offense Stat"]),
magicalOffense: String(ZBM.Params["Magical Offense Stat"]),
specialOffense: String(ZBM.Params["Special Offense Stat"]),
alternateOffense: String(ZBM.Params["Alternate Offense Stat"]),
physicalDefense: String(ZBM.Params["Physical Defense Stat"]),
magicalDefense: String(ZBM.Params["Magical Defense Stat"]),
specialDefense: String(ZBM.Params["Special Defense Stat"]),
alternateDefense: String(ZBM.Params["Alternate Defense Stat"]),
innateBoost: Z.toBool(ZBM.Params["Use Innate Element Boost"]),
innateBoostAmount: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Innate Element Boost"]),
mapDamage: {
global: Z.toBool(ZBM.Params["Global Map-Based Damage"]),
boost: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Map Boost Multiplier"]),
supress: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Map Supress Multiplier"])
zodiac: {
good: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Zodiac Good Multiplier"]),
bad: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Zodiac Bad Multiplier"]),
best: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Zodiac Best Multiplier"]),
worst: Z.PercentToDecimal(ZBM.Params["Zodiac Worst Multiplier"]),
enabled: Z.toBool(ZBM.Params["Use Zodiac System"]),
chinese: Z.toBool(ZBM.Params["Use Chinese Zodiac"]),
compatability: {
remap: true,
map: { info: "initialized later, or by you!" },
compat: function (gd1, gd2, bd1, bd2, bst, wst) {
var result = {};
result[gd1] = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.good;
result[gd2] = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.good;
result[bd1] = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.bad;
result[bd2] = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.bad;
result[bst] =;
result[wst] = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.worst;
return result;
setMap: function (mapObject) { = mapObject; },
getMap: function () { return; }
var DMG = function (a, as, b, bs, p, m, e) {
a = a || { atk: 1 };
b = b || { def: 1 };
as = as || "atk";
bs = bs || "def";
p = p || 1;
m = m || 1;
return {
source: a,
target: b,
offense: a[as],
defense: b[bs],
power: p,
multi: m,
element: e,
nullified: false,
applied: [],
mapBonus: function () { return ZBM.Formulas.MapBasedMultiplier(this).multi; },
zodiacBonus: function () { return ZBM.Formulas.MapBasedMultiplier(this).multi; },
innateBonus: function () { return ZBM.Formulas.CharacterElementMultiplier(this).multi; }
* =============
* =============
// This function can't be simply extended since it relies on Eval.
// So we'll take the traditional approach and just re-write the function.
Game_Action.prototype.evalDamageFormula = function (target) {
try {
var item = this.item();
var a = this.subject();
var b = target;
var v = $gameVariables._data;
var e = -1;
if (this.isSkill()) {
e = Number($dataSkills[this._item._itemId].damage.elementId);
var sign = ([3, 4].contains(item.damage.type) ? -1 : 1);
var dmg = DMG(a, "", b, "", 1, 1, e);
if ( === true) {
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.MapBasedMultiplier(dmg);
if (ZBM.Settings.zodiac.enabled === true) {
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.ZodiacMultiplier(dmg);
if (ZBM.Settings.innateBoost === true) {
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.CharacterElementMultiplier(dmg);
var output = Math.max(eval(item.damage.formula), 0) * sign;
if (dmg.nullified === true) {
output = 0;
else {
output = Math.max(output * dmg.multi);
return output;
} catch (er) {
return 0;
* =============
* =============
ZBM.Formulas.DefaultCore = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
if (dmg.nullified === true) {
return 0;
var a, b, o, d;
if (dmg.offense.toString().contains(".")) {
a = dmg.source;
b =;
o = Number(eval(dmg.offense));
else {
o = Number(dmg.source[dmg.offense]);
if (dmg.defense.toString().contains(".")) {
a = dmg.source;
b =;
d = Number(eval(dmg.defense));
} else {
d = Number([dmg.defense]);
var mitigation = d / (o * 3);
var damage = 0;
if (mitigation > 0.5) { mitigation = 0.5; }
if (mitigation < 0) { mitigation = 0; }
damage = o * dmg.power * dmg.multi;
return Math.floor(damage - (damage * mitigation));
ZBM.Formulas.StatBased = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
var a, b, m = 1, as, bs, cbs = ZBM.Settings.cbSource;
if (cbs.contains(".")) {
a = dmg.source;
b =;
if (eval(cbs)) {
m = 1 + ZBM.Settings.cbBonus;
else {
a = dmg.source;
b =;
as = a[cbs];
bs = b[cbs];
if (as > bs) {
m = 1 + ZBM.Settings.cbBonus;
var result = Math.floor(ZBM.Formulas.DefaultCore(dmg) * m);
return result;
ZBM.Formulas.ScaleBased = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
var casterMagic = dmg.offense;
var targetMaxHP = || 10;
var targetMdef = dmg.defense || 10;
var maxResult = dmg.power < 1 ? dmg.power : dmg.power / 100;
var targetLevel = || 1;
var casterLevel = dmg.source._level || 1;
var result = (casterMagic * casterLevel) / (targetLevel * targetMdef);
result = result < maxResult ? result : maxResult;
return Math.floor(result * targetMaxHP);
ZBM.Formulas.PercentageBased = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
var targetHP =;
var percent = Z.PercentToDecimal(dmg.power < 1 ? dmg.power : (dmg.power / 100));
var damage = targetHP * percent;
return Math.floor(damage);
ZBM.Formulas.FixedBased = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
dmg.offense = "a.atk-a.atk + 1";
dmg.defense = "b.def * 0";
return ZBM.Formulas.DefaultCore(dmg);
ZBM.Formulas.getZodiac = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
var sourceNote, targetNote;
if (dmg.source.isEnemy()) {
sourceNote = $dataEnemies[dmg.source._enemyId].note + "";
} else {
sourceNote = $dataActors[dmg.source._actorId].note + "";
if ( {
targetNote = $dataEnemies[].note + "";
else {
targetNote = $dataActors[].note + "";
var zodiacRegX = /<zodiac:\s*(.+)?>/im;
var sourceSign = zodiacRegX.exec(sourceNote);
var targetSign = zodiacRegX.exec(targetNote);
if (sourceSign[1]) {
sourceSign = sourceSign[1];
if (targetSign[1]) {
targetSign = targetSign[1];
dmg.source.zodiac = sourceSign; = targetSign;
return dmg;
ZBM.Formulas.MapBasedMultiplier = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
if (dmg.applied.indexOf("map-based") >= 0) {
return dmg;
var mapNote = $dataMap.note || "";
var boostRegX = /<boost:\s*(.+)?>/im;
var supressRegX = /<supress:\s*(.+)?>/im;
var nullRegX = /<nullify:\s*(.+)?>/im;
var boost = boostRegX.exec(mapNote);
var supress = supressRegX.exec(mapNote);
var nullify = nullRegX.exec(mapNote);
if (boost.index === boostRegX.lastIndex) { boostRegX.lastIndex++; }
if (supress.index === supressRegX.lastIndex) { supressRegX.lastIndex++; }
if (nullify.index === nullRegX.lastIndex) { nullRegX.lastIndex++; }
if (boost[1] && dmg.element === Z.getElementId(boost[1])) {
dmg.multi = dmg.multi + ZBM.Settings.mapDamage.boost;
if (supress[1] && dmg.element === Z.getElementId(supress[1])) {
dmg.multi = dmg.multi + ZBM.Settings.mapDamage.supress;
if (nullify[1] && dmg.element === Z.getElementId(nullify[1])) {
dmg.multi = 0;
dmg.nullified = true;
return dmg;
ZBM.Formulas.CharacterElementMultiplier = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
if (dmg.applied.indexOf("innate-element-boost") >= 0) {
return dmg;
if (typeof dmg.source.element !== 'undefined') {
var playerElm = Z.getElementId(dmg.source.element);
var skillElm = dmg.element;
if (playerElm === skillElm) {
dmg.multi = dmg.multi + ZBM.Settings.innateBoostAmount;
return dmg;
ZBM.Formulas.ZodiacMultiplier = function (dmg) {
dmg = dmg || DMG();
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.getZodiac(dmg);
if (dmg.applied.indexOf("zodiac-based") >= 0) {
return dmg;
var aSign = dmg.source.zodiac || "scorpio",
bSign = || "libra";
if (typeof dmg.source.ignorezodiac !== 'undefined' && Z.toBool(dmg.source.ignorezodiac)) {
return dmg;
if (typeof !== 'undefined' && Z.toBool( {
return dmg;
// Initialize the Zodiac Compatability Map if no map exists.
if (ZBM.Settings.zodiac.compatability.remap === true) {
var zc = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.compatability;
if (ZBM.Settings.zodiac.chinese === true) {, {
dragon: zc.compat("rat", "monkey", "ox", "goat", "dog", "dragon"),
rabbit: zc.compat("pig", "goat", "rat", "horse", "rooster", "rabbit"),
tiger: zc.compat("dog", "horse", "pig", "snake", "monkey", "tiger"),
ox: zc.compat("rooster", "snake", "dog", "dragon", "goat", "ox"),
rat: zc.compat("monkey", "dragon", "rooster", "rabbit", "horse", "rat"),
pig: zc.compat("goat", "rabbit", "monkey", "tiger", "snake", "pig"),
dog: zc.compat("horse", "tiger", "goat", "ox", "dragon", "dog"),
rooster: zc.compat("snake", "ox", "horse", "rat", "rabbit", "rooster"),
monkey: zc.compat("dragon", "rat", "snake", "pig", "tiger", "monkey"),
goat: zc.compat("rabbit", "pig", "dragon", "dog", "ox", "goat"),
horse: zc.compat("tiger", "dog", "rabbit", "rooster", "rat", "horse"),
snake: zc.compat("ox", "rooster", "tiger", "monkey", "pig", "snake"),
else {, {
capricorn: zc.compat("taurus", "virgo", "aries", "libra", "cancer", "capricorn"),
aquarius: zc.compat("gemini", "libra", "taurus", "scorpio", "leo", "aquarius"),
pisces: zc.compat("cancer", "scorpio", "gemini", "sagittarius", "virgo", "pisces"),
aries: zc.compat("leo", "sagittarius", "cancer", "capricorn", "libra", "aries"),
taurus: zc.compat("virgo", "capricorn", "leo", "aquarius", "scorpio", "taurus"),
gemini: zc.compat("libra", "aquarius", "virgo", "pisces", "sagittarius", "gemini"),
cancer: zc.compat("scorpio", "pisces", "libra", "aries", "capricorn", "cancer"),
leo: zc.compat("sagittarius", "aries", "scorpio", "taurus", "aquarius", "leo"),
virgo: zc.compat("capricorn", "taurus", "sagittarius", "gemini", "pisces", "virgo"),
libra: zc.compat("aquarius", "gemini", "capricorn", "cancer", "aries", "libra"),
scorpio: zc.compat("pisces", "cancer", "aquarius", "leo", "taurus", "scorpio"),
sagittarius: zc.compat("aries", "leo", "pisces", "virgo", "gemini", "sagittarius")
var multiplier = ZBM.Settings.zodiac.compatability.getMap()[aSign][bSign] || 1.0;
if (multiplier == -1) {
dmg.nullified = true;
dmg.multi = dmg.multi + multiplier;
return dmg;
ZBM.Formulas.DiceRoll = function (formula, exBonus) {
formula = (formula || "0d0+0").toLowerCase();
exBonus = exBonus || 0;
var diceReg = /(\d{1,3})d(\d{1,2})(\+|-)(\d{1,3})/i,
diceInfo = diceReg.exec(formula),
dice = diceInfo[1] || 0,
dieType = diceInfo[2] || 0,
sign = diceInfo[3] || "+",
bonus = diceInfo[4] || 0;
bonus = Number(sign + bonus);
var i,
rolls = [],
roll = 0,
total = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dice; i++) {
roll = Math.randomInt(dieType) + 1;
total = total + roll;
total = total + bonus + exBonus;
return Number(total);
ZBM.Formulas.DiceRollAdvanced = function (a, b, formula) {
var bonusReg, bonusInfo, sign, bonus, result = 0;
try {
formula = formula || "0";
bonusReg = /(\+|\-)\D*<(.*)>/i;
bonusInfo = bonusReg.exec(formula);
sign = bonusInfo[1] || "+";
bonus = bonusInfo[2] || 0;
result = Number(sign + eval(bonus));
} catch (er) {
result = 0;
return ZBM.Formulas.DiceRoll(formula, result);
ZBM.Kinds = {
stat: "StatBased",
percent: "PercentageBased",
fixed: "FixedBased",
scaled: "ScaledBased"
// Shorthand Damage Functions
function GenericDamage(dmg, offense, defense, power, kind, usemap) {
if (kind === true && typeof usemap === 'undefined') {
kind = "stat";
usemap = true;
dmg = dmg || DMG();
kind = kind || "stat";
kind = ZBM.Kinds[kind];
usemap = usemap || false;
dmg.offense = offense;
dmg.defense = defense;
dmg.power = power;
if (usemap) {
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.MapBasedMultiplier(dmg);
if (ZBM.Settings.zodiac.enabled === true) {
dmg = ZBM.Formulas.ZodiacMultiplier(dmg);
return ZBM.Formulas[kind](dmg);
function FixedDamage(dmg, power, usemap) {
return GenericDamage(dmg, "", "", power, "fixed", usemap);
function DiceRoll(formula, extra) {
return ZBM.Formulas.DiceRoll(formula, extra);
function SuperDiceRoll(a, b, formula) {
return ZBM.Formulas.DiceRollAdvanced(a, b, formula);
function PhysicalDamage(dmg, power, kind, usemap) {
return GenericDamage(dmg, ZBM.Settings.physicalOffense, ZBM.Settings.physicalDefense, power, kind, usemap);
function MagicalDamage(dmg, power, kind, usemap) {
return GenericDamage(dmg, ZBM.Settings.magicalOffense, ZBM.Settings.magicalDefense, power, kind, usemap);
function SpecialDamage(dmg, power, kind, usemap) {
return GenericDamage(dmg, ZBM.Settings.specialOffense, ZBM.Settings.specialDefense, power, kind, usemap);
function AlternateDamage(dmg, power, kind, usemap) {
return GenericDamage(dmg, ZBM.Settings.alternateOffense, ZBM.Settings.alternateDefense, power, kind, usemap);
/// <reference path="../libs/jquery.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/pixi.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/fpsmeter.js" />
/// <reference path="../libs/lz-string.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_core.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_managers.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_objects.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_scenes.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_sprites.js" />
/// <reference path="../rpg_windows.js" />
// SLC Z Plugin: Core Plugin
// Z_Core.js
var Imported = Imported || {};
var Z = Z || {};
var Z$ = window.jQuery;
Z.ExtendedFunctions = [];
Imported.Z_Core = true;
* @plugindesc v0.1 Integrate more HTML Events
* parameters:
* @author SLC
* @param Enable Touch Input
* @desc Disable Touch Input on Startup (Toggle via Z.Settings.TouchEnabled true/false)
* @default true
* @help
* ============================================================================
* Introduction
* ============================================================================
* This is a generic plugin with utility functions like prototype extensions, etc.
* The formatting was derrived from Yanfly's awesome YEP Plugins, thanks for inspiring!
* ============================================================================
* ============================================================================
* Most of this plugin's current features are really just to provide extensions
* and special methods for my other plugins. But there are a few options you can
* play with and probably more coming in the future.
* You can set the default touch to be enabled/disabled by default by adjusting
* that parameter in the Plugin Manager. You can also, however, change it later
* in-game! Simply use an event to run a script that changes the value of the
* Z.Settings.TouchEnabled variable.
* Example 1: Z.Settings.TouchEnabled = true;
* Example 2: Z.Settings.TouchEnabled = !Z.Settings.TouchEnabled;
* Example 1 directly enables touch input. Example 2 toggles it, making it
* whatever it wasn't before!
* I tried to write some useful functions for plugin developers to use.
* This plugin includes some syntactical sugar functions like
* Z.toBool which converts strings into booleans and can convert things like
* "yes" or "on" to true. Z.PercentageToDecimal converts stuff like "+50%" to 0.5.
* The most complex are Z.ExtendFunction and Z.ConditionFunction. These are meant
* for adding functionality to RPG Maker's Core Component prototypes.
* The main thing they do is allow you to add functionality without having to
* rewrite the native code you don't want to change.
* Z.ExtendFunction(base,extra) takes the string name of the prototype you want to
* extend as the first parameter. Then it takes your custom function. Your custom
* function is ran first and then the original function runs. It can be stacked
* several times if necessary.
* Z.ConditionFunction is essentially the same except your custom function is intended
* to return true or false. If your custom function returns false, the original function
* does NOT execute. If your custom function returns true, the original function
* executes normally. This is the technique I used to make the touch input dynamic.
* =============
* =============
// This utility allows you to run extra functions before the function
// you're extending. It's mostly useful for making the extended function trigger
// events as it does not modify the extended function directly.
Z.ExtendFunction = function (base, extra) {
var clone = eval(base + ";");
eval(base + "=function(){extra.apply(this,[this].concat(arguments)); return clone.apply(this,arguments);};");
// This utility is for providing a function extension that returns true or false
// The extended function only runs if your extension evaluates to true.
Z.ConditionFunction = function (base, condition) {
var clone = eval(base + ";");
var es = base + "=function(){if(condition.apply(this,[this].concat(arguments))){return clone.apply(this,arguments);}};";
// A simple method to convert values into booleans (true|false).
// Mostly unique as it errs on the side of false instead of true.
Z.toBool = function (input) {
input = (input + "").toLowerCase();
if (input === "yes") { return true; }
if (input === "1") { return true; }
if (input === "true") { return true; }
if (input === "on") { return true; }
return false;
Z.PercentToDecimal = function(input)
input = input + "";
var result = Number(input);
if (input.contains("%")) {
result = input.replace("%", "");
result = Number(result);
result = result / 100;
if (!isNaN(result))
return result;
return -1;
Z.getElementId = function(name){
var quick = Number(name);
if (!isNaN(quick) && quick in $dataSystem.elements)
return quick;
var result = $dataSystem.elements.indexOf(name);
if(result >= 0)
return result;
return -1;
Z.getElementName = function (id) {
if (id in $dataSystem.elements) {
return $dataSystem.elements[id];
return "NULL";
* =============
* =============
Z.Params = PluginManager.parameters("Z_Core");
Z.Settings = {};
Z.Settings.TouchEnabled = Z.toBool(Z.Params["Enable Touch Input"]);
* =============
* =============
Z.ConditionFunction("TouchInput._onMouseDown", function (context) {
context = context || window.Event;
return (function (context) {
return Z.Settings.TouchEnabled;
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