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Created March 16, 2016 16:38
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GeoDirectory Update Addons File
* Contains functions for updating the plugin from the GeoDirectory server.
* @since 1.0.0
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit;
// TEMP: Enable update check on every request. Normally you don't need this! This is for testing only!
//set_site_transient('update_plugins', null);
// Define the update url
if (!defined('GD_UPDATE_URL')) define('GD_UPDATE_URL', '');
$gd_api_url = '';
$plugin_slug = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
if (!function_exists('gd_add_plugin_to_update_list')) {
//set global value;
$gd_update_addons_list = array();
* Add addons to a global array for later processing.
* @param string $textdomain The textdomain of the addon.
* @param string $name The name of the addon shown on update screen.
* @param string $version The addon version number.
* @param string $download_id The GD download id.
* @param string $slug The slug of the addon file.
* @param string $notes Notes, these appear under the licence text box on update screen.
function gd_add_plugin_to_update_list($textdomain, $name, $version, $download_id, $slug, $notes = '')
global $gd_update_addons_list;
$gd_update_addons_list[$textdomain] = array(
'textdomain' => $textdomain,
'name' => $name,
'version' => $version,
'download_id' => $download_id,
'slug' => $slug,
'notes' => $notes,
if (!function_exists('gd_hook_addons_licences')) {
* Add licences to GD licence screen.
function gd_hook_addons_licences($licences)
global $gd_update_addons_list;
if (!empty($gd_update_addons_list)) {
foreach ($gd_update_addons_list as $addon) {
$licences[$addon['textdomain']] = array(
'name' => $addon['name'],
'slug' => $addon['textdomain'],
'download_id' => $addon['download_id'],
'notes' => $addon['notes']
return $licences;
add_filter('geodir_licences', 'gd_hook_addons_licences', 10, 1);
if (!function_exists('gd_addon_call_updater')) {
* Check for addons updates.
function gd_addon_call_updater()
global $gd_update_addons_list;
$licence_keys = get_option('geodir_licence_keys');
if (!empty($gd_update_addons_list)) {
$update_array = array();
foreach ($gd_update_addons_list as $addon) {
$license_key = (isset($licence_keys[$addon['textdomain']]['licence']) && $licence_keys[$addon['textdomain']]['licence']) ?
$licence_keys[$addon['textdomain']]['licence'] : '';
$slug = plugin_basename($addon['slug']);
$name = basename($addon['slug'], '.php');
// setup the updater
$update_array[$slug] = array(
'slug' => $name, // the addon slug
'version' => $addon['version'], // current version number
'license' => $license_key, // license key (used get_option above to retrieve from DB)
'item_id' => $addon['download_id'] // id of this addon on GD site
// setup the updater
new GD_Plugin_Updater(GD_UPDATE_URL, $update_array);
add_action('admin_init', 'gd_addon_call_updater', 0);
if (!function_exists('gd_prepare_request')) {
* Prepare api request.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global string $wp_version WordPress version.
* @param string $action The type of information being requested from the Plugin Install API.
* @param object|array $args Plugin API arguments.
* @return array
function gd_prepare_request($action, $args)
global $wp_version;
return array(
'body' => array(
'action' => $action,
'request' => serialize($args),
'api-key' => md5(get_bloginfo('url'))
'user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo('url'),
'sslverify' => false // this is needed for some old old servers
if (!function_exists('gd_plugin_upgrade_errors')) {
* Set plugin upgrade errors.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
* @param bool $false Whether to bail without returning the package. Default false.
* @param string $src The package file url.
* @param object $Uthis The WP_Upgrader instance.
* @return mixed
function gd_plugin_upgrade_errors($false, $src, $Uthis)
global $wpdb;
$Uthis->strings['no_package'] = $Uthis->strings['no_package'] . ' ' . __('GeoDirectory: Please make sure your licence keys are active GD>Auto Updates.', 'geodirectory');
return $false;
if (is_admin()) {
// Take over the update check
add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', 'gd_check_for_messages');
add_filter('upgrader_pre_download', 'gd_plugin_upgrade_errors', 10, 3);
add_filter('geodir_settings_tabs_array', 'geodir_adminpage_auto_update', 5);
add_action('geodir_admin_option_form', 'geodir_auto_update_tab_content', 5);
if (!function_exists('geodir_adminpage_auto_update')) {
* Adds auto updates tab to geodirectory settings.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $tabs Geodirectory settings page tab list.
* @return array Modified Tabs list
function geodir_adminpage_auto_update($tabs)
$tabs['auto_update_fields'] = array(
'label' => __('Auto Updates / Licensing', 'geodirectory')
return $tabs;
if (!function_exists('geodir_auto_update_tab_content')) {
* Adds content to auto updates tab.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $tab Geodirectory settings page tab name.
function geodir_auto_update_tab_content($tab)
switch ($tab) {
case 'auto_update_fields':
if (!function_exists('geodir_auto_update_setting_fields')) {
* Adds setting fields to auto updates tab.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
function geodir_auto_update_setting_fields()
global $wpdb;
<div class="inner_content_tab_main">
<div class="gd-content-heading active">
<h3><?php _e('Enter your GeoDirectory licence keys here to allow you to update plugins from dashboard', 'geodirectory'); ?></h3>
<table class="form-table">
$licences = apply_filters('geodir_licences', '');
$licence_keys = get_option('geodir_licence_keys');
foreach ($licences as $licence) {
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"
class="titledesc"><?php echo $licence['name']; ?></th>
<td class="forminp">
<?php $key = isset($licence_keys[$licence['slug']]['licence']) ? $licence_keys[$licence['slug']]['licence'] : ''; ?>
<input data-id="<?php echo $licence['download_id']; ?>"
name="<?php echo $licence['slug']; ?>"
id="gd_update_<?php echo $licence['slug']; ?>" type="text"
style=" min-width:300px;"
value="<?php echo $key; ?>" <?php if ($key) {
echo "disabled='disabled'";
} ?>>
<?php if (isset($licence_keys[$licence['slug']]) && $licence_keys[$licence['slug']]['status'] == 'valid') { ?>
<button class="gd-licence-deactivate"
type="button"><?php _e('Deactivate Licence', 'geodirectory'); ?></button>
<?php } else { ?>
<button class="button-primary gd-licence-activate"
type="button"><?php _e('Activate Licence', 'geodirectory'); ?></button>
<?php } ?>
<i class="fa fa-cog fa-spin" style="display: none;"></i>
class="description"><?php _e($licence['notes'], 'geodirectory'); ?></span>
<?php }?>
<p class="submit" style="margin-top:10px;">
<input type="hidden" name="subtab" id="last_tab"/>
function geodir_activate_deactivate_keys() {
//unbind clicks so we can later bind again and not have double actions.
jQuery('.gd-licence-activate').click(function () {
var slug = jQuery(this).prev('input').attr('name');
this_var = this; // assign this to a global this_var so we can use it later in ajax response function
var licence = jQuery(this).prev('input').val();
var download_id = jQuery(this).prev('input').attr("data-id");
jQuery(this).prop('disabled', true);
'action': 'geodir_activate_deactivate_license',
'type': 'geodir_activate_license',
'download_id': download_id,
'licence': licence,
'slug': slug,
'_wpnonce': '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'activate_license' );?>'
function (response) {
if (!response) {
var parsedJson = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
if (parsedJson.license == 'valid') {
alert('Licence activated, expires: ' + parsedJson.expires);
jQuery(this_var).text('<?php _e('Deactivate Licence','geodirectory'); ?>');
jQuery(this_var).prev('input').prop('disabled', true);
jQuery(this_var).removeClass('button-primary gd-licence-activate');
} else if (parsedJson.license == 'invalid' && parsedJson.error == 'license_not_activable') {
alert('<?php _e('You can not use your membership licence here, use the item licence.','geodirectory'); ?>');
} else {
alert('<?php _e('Licence not activated! Please renew or seek support.','geodirectory'); ?>');
jQuery(this_var).prop('disabled', false);
jQuery('.gd-licence-deactivate').click(function () {
if (confirm("<?php _e('Are you sure?','geodirectory'); ?>")) {
var slug = jQuery(this).prev('input').attr('name');
this_var = this; // assign this to a global this_var so we can use it later in ajax response function
var licence = jQuery(this).prev('input').val();
var download_id = jQuery(this).prev('input').attr("data-id");
jQuery(this).prop('disabled', true);
'action': 'geodir_activate_deactivate_license',
'type': 'geodir_deactivate_license',
'download_id': download_id,
'licence': licence,
'slug': slug,
'_wpnonce': '<?php echo wp_create_nonce( 'deactivate_license' );?>'
function (response) {
if (!response) {
var parsedJson = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
if (parsedJson.license == 'deactivated') {
alert('Licence deactivated');
jQuery(this_var).text('Activate Licence');
jQuery(this_var).prev('input').prop('disabled', false);
jQuery(this_var).addClass('button-primary gd-licence-activate');
} else {
alert('<?php _e('Licence not deactivated! Please seek support.','geodirectory'); ?>');
jQuery(this_var).prop('disabled', false);
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
.gd-licence-deactivate {
if (!function_exists('geodir_activate_deactivate_license')) {
* Activate or Deactivate license.
* @since 1.0.0
function geodir_activate_deactivate_license()
// listen for our activate button to be clicked
if (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'geodir_deactivate_license') {
$action = 'deactivate_license';
} elseif (isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == 'geodir_activate_license') {
$action = 'activate_license';
} else {
// run a quick security check
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['_wpnonce'], $action))
return; // get out if we didn't click the Activate button
// retrieve the license from the database
$licence = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['licence']);
$item_id = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['download_id']);
$slug = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['slug']);
// data to send in our API request
$api_params = array(
'edd_action' => $action,
'license' => $licence,
'item_id' => $item_id, // the name of our product in EDD
'url' => home_url()
// Call the custom API.
$response = wp_remote_post(GD_UPDATE_URL, array('timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $api_params));
// make sure the response came back okay
if (is_wp_error($response))
return false;
if ($action == 'deactivate_license') {
$licence = '';
// decode the license data
$licence_data_json = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
$licence_data = json_decode($licence_data_json);
// $license_data->license will be either "deactivated" or "failed"
$licence_keys = get_option('geodir_licence_keys');
$licence_keys[$slug] = array('licence' => $licence, 'status' => $licence_data->license);
if ($licence_data->license == 'deactivated') {
update_option('geodir_licence_keys', $licence_keys);
echo $licence_data_json;
} elseif ($licence_data->license == 'valid') {
update_option('geodir_licence_keys', $licence_keys);
echo $licence_data_json;
echo '0';
add_action('wp_ajax_geodir_activate_deactivate_license', 'geodir_activate_deactivate_license');
########## CHECK FOR GD MESSAGES ################
if (!function_exists('gd_check_for_messages')) {
* Check plugin upgrade messages and update into the db.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global string $gd_api_url The API url where the plugin can check for update.
* @global string $plugin_slug The plugin slug to check for update.
* @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
* @param object $checked_data Checked plugin data.
* @return object
function gd_check_for_messages($checked_data)
global $gd_api_url, $plugin_slug, $wpdb;
$gd_arr = array();
if (empty($checked_data->checked)) {
return $checked_data;
} else {
foreach ($checked_data->checked as $key => $value) {// build an array of installed GD plugins and versions
if (strpos($key, 'geodir_') !== false) {
$pieces = explode("/", $key);
$gd_arr[$pieces[0]] = array("ver" => $value, "last" => get_option($pieces[0] . "_last"));
$gd_arr['geodirectory'] = array("ver" => GEODIRECTORY_VERSION, "last" => get_option("geodirectory_last"));// add core
$gd_arr['geodirectory_general'] = array("ver" => '', "last" => get_option("geodirectory_general_last"));// add general messages
$uname = get_option('gd_update_uname');
$request_args = array(
'plugins' => $gd_arr,
'site' => home_url(),
'user' => $uname,
$request_string = gd_prepare_request('message_check', $request_args);
// Start checking for an update
$raw_response = wp_remote_post($gd_api_url, $request_string);
if (!is_wp_error($raw_response) && ($raw_response['response']['code'] == 200))
$response = unserialize($raw_response['body']);
if (!empty($response)) {// Feed the message into a wp_option
$gd_msg = get_option('geodir_messages');
if (is_array($gd_msg)) {
$result = $response + $gd_msg;
} else {
$result = $response;
foreach ($result as $key => $res) {// check the notification is for the correct version if not remove it
if (empty($res['ver'])) $res['ver'] = 0;
if ($res['ver'] <= $gd_arr[$res['plugin']]['ver']) {
} else {
$result = array_unique($result);
update_option('geodir_messages', $result);
return $checked_data;
if (!function_exists('geodir_show_message')) {
* Adds messaged to the admin screen from the GeoDirectory server.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param string $message Message string.
* @param string $msg_type Message type.
* @param string $plugin Plugin name.
* @param string $timestamp Timestamp.
* @param string $js Extra js.
* @param string $css Extra css.
function geodir_show_message($message, $msg_type = 'update-nag', $plugin, $timestamp, $js = '', $css = '')
$msg_type = error
$msg_type = updated fade
$msg_type = update-nag
echo '<div id="' . $timestamp . '" class="' . $msg_type . '">';
echo '<span class="gd-remove-noti" onclick="gdRemoveNotification(\'' . $plugin . '\',\'' . $timestamp . '\');" ><i class="fa fa-times"></i></span>';
echo "<img class='gd-icon-noti' src='" . plugin_dir_url('') . "geodirectory/geodirectory-assets/images/favicon.ico' > ";
echo "$message";
echo "</div>";
function gdRemoveNotification($plugin, $timestamp) {
jQuery('#' + $timestamp).css("background-color", "red");
jQuery('#' + $timestamp).fadeOut("slow");
// This does the ajax request
url: ajaxurl,
type: 'POST',
data: {
'action': 'geodir_remove_notification',
'plugin': $plugin,
'timestamp': $timestamp
success: function (data) {
// This outputs the result of the ajax request
error: function (errorThrown) {
<?php echo $js;// extra js if needed?>
.gd-icon-noti {
float: left;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-right: 5px;
.update-nag .gd-icon-noti {
margin-top: 2px;
.gd-remove-noti {
float: right;
margin-top: -20px;
margin-right: -20px;
color: #FF0000;
cursor: pointer;
.updated .gd-remove-noti, .error .gd-remove-noti {
float: right;
margin-top: -10px;
margin-right: -17px;
color: #FF0000;
cursor: pointer;
<?php echo $css;// extra styles if needed?>
if (!function_exists('geodir_admin_messages')) {
* Get the admin messaged from the options and calls the function to disaplay them.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
function geodir_admin_messages()
global $wpdb;
$gd_msg = get_option('geodir_messages');
if (empty($gd_msg)) {
foreach ($gd_msg as $msg) {
geodir_show_message($msg['msg'], $msg['type'], $msg['plugin'], $msg['timestamp'], $msg['js'], $msg['css']);
add_action('admin_notices', 'geodir_admin_messages');
if (!function_exists('geodir_remove_notification')) {
* Remove GeoDirectory admin messages messages.
* @since 1.0.0
* @global object $wpdb WordPress Database object.
function geodir_remove_notification()
global $wpdb;
// The $_REQUEST contains all the data sent via ajax
if (isset($_POST)) {
$gd_msg = get_option('geodir_messages');
foreach ($gd_msg as $key => $msg) {
if ($msg['plugin'] == $_POST['plugin'] && $msg['timestamp'] == $_POST['timestamp']) {
update_option($msg['plugin'] . '_last', current_time('timestamp', 1));
update_option('geodir_messages', $gd_msg);
// Always die in functions echoing ajax content
add_action('wp_ajax_geodir_remove_notification', 'geodir_remove_notification');
########## CHECK FOR UPDATES CLASS ##############
class GD_Plugin_Updater
private $api_url = '';
private $update_array = array();
private $update_slugs_array = array();
private $update_names_array = array();
* Class constructor.
* @uses plugin_basename()
* @uses hook()
* @param string $_api_url The URL pointing to the custom API endpoint.
* @param array $_api_data Optional data to send with API calls.
public function __construct($_api_url, $_api_data = array())
$this->api_url = trailingslashit($_api_url);
$this->update_array = $_api_data;
if (!empty($_api_data)) {
foreach ($_api_data as $name => $plugin) {
$this->update_slugs_array[] = $plugin['slug'];
$this->update_names_array[] = $name;
// Set up hooks.
add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'show_changelog'));
* Set up WordPress filters to hook into WP's update process.
* @uses add_filter()
* @return void
public function init()
add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'));
add_filter('plugins_api', array($this, 'plugins_api_filter'), 10, 3);
foreach ($this->update_array as $file => $plugin) {
remove_action('after_plugin_row_' . $file, 'wp_plugin_update_row', 10, 2);
add_action('after_plugin_row_' . $file, array($this, 'show_update_notification'), 10, 2);
* Check for Updates at the defined API endpoint and modify the update array.
* This function dives into the update API just when WordPress creates its update array,
* then adds a custom API call and injects the custom plugin data retrieved from the API.
* It is reassembled from parts of the native WordPress plugin update code.
* See wp-includes/update.php line 121 for the original wp_update_plugins() function.
* @uses api_request()
* @param array|stdClass $_transient_data Update array build by WordPress.
* @return array|stdClass Modified update array with custom plugin data.
public function check_update($_transient_data)
global $pagenow;
if (!is_object($_transient_data)) {
$_transient_data = new stdClass;
if ('plugins.php' == $pagenow && is_multisite()) {
return $_transient_data;
$update_names_array = $this->update_names_array;// we need the first key of the update array, for speed and php complanace foreach is fastest/best
if (empty($_transient_data->response) || empty($_transient_data->response[$update_names_array[0]])) {
$version_info = $this->api_request('plugin_latest_version', $this->update_array);
if (empty($version_info)) {
return $_transient_data;
$_transient_data = self::process_update_transient_data($version_info,$_transient_data);
return $_transient_data;
* Process the transient info and return the data.
* @param array|stdClass $_transient_data Update array build by WordPress.
* @return array|stdClass Modified update array with custom plugin data.
public function process_update_transient_data($version_info,$_transient_data){
$update_array = $this->update_array;
foreach ($version_info as $name => $plugin_info) {
if (version_compare($update_array[$name]['version'], $plugin_info->new_version, '<')) {
$_transient_data->response[$name] = $plugin_info;
$_transient_data->checked[$name] = $update_array[$name]['version'];
$_transient_data->last_checked = time();
return $_transient_data;
* show update notification row -- needed for multisite subsites, because WP won't tell you otherwise!
* @param string $file
public function show_update_notification($file)
$update_names_array = $this->update_names_array;
if (!current_user_can('update_plugins') || !is_multisite() || !in_array($file, $update_names_array)) {
// Remove our filter on the site transient
remove_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'), 10);
$update_cache = get_site_transient('update_plugins');
$update_cache = is_object($update_cache) ? $update_cache : new stdClass();
if (empty($update_cache->response) || empty($update_cache->response[$file])) {
$version_info = self::set_single_cache($file,$update_cache);
} else {
$version_info = $update_cache->response[$file];
// Restore our filter
add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', array($this, 'check_update'));
* Set the cache plugin data to transient if needed.
* @param string $file The file location of the plugin in the plugins folder.
* @param stdClass $update_cache The cached update object.
* @return false|object|void
public function set_single_cache($file,$update_cache){
$plugin = $this->update_array[$file];
$cache_key = md5('edd_plugin_' . sanitize_key($file) . '_version_info');
$version_info = get_transient($cache_key);
if (false === $version_info) {
$version_info = $this->api_request('plugin_latest_version', array('slug' => $plugin['slug']));
set_transient($cache_key, $version_info, 3600);
if (!is_object($version_info)) {
if (version_compare($plugin['version'], $version_info->new_version, '<')) {
$update_cache->response[$file] = $version_info;
$update_cache->last_checked = time();
$update_cache->checked[$file] = $plugin['version'];
set_site_transient('update_plugins', $update_cache);
return $version_info;
* Output the HTML for showing the update version details on multisite.
* @param string $file The file location of the plugin in the plugins folder.
* @param stdClass $update_cache The cached update object.
* @param array|stdClass $version_info The version info for the plugins.
public function output_update_notification($file,$update_cache,$version_info){
$plugin = $this->update_array[$file];
if (!empty($update_cache->response[$file]) && version_compare($plugin['version'], $version_info->new_version, '<')) {
// build a plugin list row, with update notification
$wp_list_table = _get_list_table('WP_Plugins_List_Table');
echo '<tr class="plugin-update-tr"><td colspan="' . $wp_list_table->get_column_count() . '" class="plugin-update colspanchange"><div class="update-message">';
$changelog_link = self_admin_url('index.php?edd_sl_action=view_plugin_changelog&plugin=' . $file . '&slug=' . $plugin['slug'] . '&TB_iframe=true&width=772&height=911');
if (empty($version_info->download_link)) {
__('There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target="_blank" class="thickbox" href="%2$s">View version %3$s details</a>.', 'geodirectory'),
} else {
__('There is a new version of %1$s available. <a target="_blank" class="thickbox" href="%2$s">View version %3$s details</a> or <a href="%4$s">update now</a>.', 'geodirectory'),
esc_url(wp_nonce_url(self_admin_url('update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=') . $file, 'upgrade-plugin_' . $file))
echo '</div></td></tr>';
* Updates information on the "View version x.x details" page with custom data.
* @uses api_request()
* @param mixed $_data
* @param string $_action
* @param object $_args
* @return object $_data
public function plugins_api_filter($_data, $_action = '', $_args = null)
if ($_action != 'plugin_information' || !isset($_args->slug) || (!in_array($_args->slug, $this->update_slugs_array))) {
return $_data;
$to_send = array(
'slug' => $_args->slug,
'is_ssl' => is_ssl(),
'fields' => array(
'banners' => false, // These will be supported soon hopefully
'reviews' => false
$api_response = $this->api_request('plugin_information', $to_send);
if (false !== $api_response) {
$_data = $api_response;
return $_data;
* Disable SSL verification in order to prevent download update failures
* @param array $args
* @param string $url
* @return object $array
public function http_request_args($args, $url)
// If it is an https request and we are performing a package download, disable ssl verification
if (strpos($url, 'https://') !== false && strpos($url, 'edd_action=package_download')) {
$args['sslverify'] = false;
return $args;
* Calls the API and, if successfull, returns the object delivered by the API.
* @uses get_bloginfo()
* @uses wp_remote_post()
* @uses is_wp_error()
* @param string $_action The requested action.
* @param array $_data Parameters for the API action.
* @return false|object
private function api_request($_action, $_data)
if ($this->api_url == home_url()) {
return false; // Don't allow a plugin to ping itself
$update_array = $this->update_array;
$single = false;
if (isset($_data['slug'])) {
foreach ($update_array as $slug => $plugin) {
if ($_data['slug'] == $plugin['slug']) {
$update_array = array();
$update_array[$slug] = $plugin;
$single = true;
$api_params = array(
'edd_action' => 'get_version',
'update_array' => $update_array,
'url' => home_url()
$request = wp_remote_post($this->api_url, array('timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $api_params));
if (!is_wp_error($request)) {
$request = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($request));
$request = self::unserialize_response($request,$single);
return $request;
return false;
* Unserialize the api response if needed for sections.
* @param array $response The response from the update api request.
* @param boolean $single If the request if for a single or multiple plugins.
* @return mixed
public function unserialize_response($response,$single){
foreach ($response as $rslug => $rplugin) {
$response->{$rslug}->sections = maybe_unserialize($response->{$rslug}->sections);
if ($single) {
$response = $response->{$rslug};
return $response;
* Show the changelog on multisite.
public function show_changelog()
if (empty($_REQUEST['edd_sl_action']) || 'view_plugin_changelog' != $_REQUEST['edd_sl_action'] || empty($_REQUEST['slug'])) {
if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) {
wp_die(__('You do not have permission to install plugin updates', 'geodirectory'), __('Error', 'geodirectory'), array('response' => 403));
$response = $this->api_request('plugin_latest_version', array('slug' => $_REQUEST['slug']));
if ($response && isset($response->sections['changelog'])) {
echo '<div style="background:#fff;padding:10px;">' . $response->sections['changelog'] . '</div>';
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