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Created June 9, 2015 05:54
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Hacky python code to build n-bit reversible increment gates out of O(n) Toffoli gates and one ancilla bit.
# coding=utf-8
import math
import itertools
def evaluate_circuit(gates, initial_bits=None):
:param gates: [( [controls], [targets] )]
:param initial_bits: set(on_bits)
>>> evaluate_circuit([])
>>> evaluate_circuit([([], [])])
>>> evaluate_circuit([([1], [])])
>>> evaluate_circuit([([], [1])])
>>> evaluate_circuit([([], [1])], {1})
>>> evaluate_circuit([([1], [2]), ([1, 2], [3, 4])], {1}) == {1, 2, 3, 4}
bits = set(initial_bits or set())
for controls, targets in gates:
if all(c in bits for c in controls):
for t in targets:
if t in bits:
return bits
def borrowed_cnot_1(gate, borrow):
controls, targets = gate
n = len(controls)
c1 = controls[:(n + 1) // 2]
c2 = controls[(n + 1) // 2:] + [borrow]
return [
(c1, [borrow]),
(c2, targets),
(c1, [borrow]),
(c2, targets)
def borrowed_cnot_n(controls, target, borrows):
n = len(controls) - 3
top = [(controls[:2], [borrows[0]])]
sweep = [([controls[i + 2], borrows[i]], [borrows[i + 1]]) for i in range(n)]
tree = flatten([
bot = [([controls[-1], borrows[n]], [target])]
return flatten([
def flatten(lists):
return [e for r in lists for e in r]
def naive_increment(bits):
return [(bits[:i], [bits[i]]) for i in reversed(range(len(bits)))]
def reduce_cnot(controls, target, borrows):
if len(controls) <= 2:
return [(controls, [target])]
if len(borrows) < len(controls) - 2:
reduced = borrowed_cnot_1((controls, [target]), borrows[0])
return flatten([reduce_cnot(c, t[0], list(set(controls + borrows + [target]) - set(c + t)))
for c, t in reduced])
return borrowed_cnot_n(controls, target, borrows)
def share_controls(controls, targets, borrows):
if len(targets) == 0:
return []
if len(targets) == 1:
return reduce_cnot(controls, targets[0], borrows)
if len(controls) == 0:
return [([], targets)]
if len(controls) <= 2:
return [(controls, [t]) for t in targets]
propagate = [([targets[i]], [targets[i + 1]]) for i in range(len(targets) - 1)]
return flatten([
reduce_cnot(controls, targets[0], borrows + targets[1:]),
def borrowed_increment_1(bits, borrows, continue_reduce=False):
n = (len(bits) + 1) // 2
top = bits[:n]
bot = bits[n:]
bot_inc = reduce_increment([borrows[0]] + bot, top + borrows[1:]) if continue_reduce \
else naive_increment([borrows[0]] + bot)
top_inc = reduce_increment(top, borrows + bot) if continue_reduce \
else naive_increment(top)
tog = share_controls(top, bot + [borrows[0]], borrows[1:])
return flatten([
([], bot),
([], [borrows[0]]),
([], bot),
([], [borrows[0]]),
def interleave(a, b):
return [e for p in zip(a, b) for e in p]
def borrowed_increment_n(bits, borrows):
field = interleave(borrows, bits)
n = len(bits)
sweep_down = reversed(flatten([
([field[i*2+2]], [field[i*2+1]]),
([field[i*2+1], field[i*2+2]], [field[i*2]]),
([field[i*2+1], field[i*2]], [field[i*2+2]]),
] for i in range(n - 1)]))
sweep_up = flatten([
([field[i*2]], [field[i*2+1]]),
([field[i*2+1], field[i*2+2]], [field[i*2]]),
([field[i*2+1], field[i*2]], [field[i*2+2]]),
] for i in range(n - 1)])
tree = flatten([
[([field[-2]], [field[-1]])],
carry = borrows[0]
garbage = borrows[1:]
carry_toggles = [([carry], [b]) for b in bits[:-1]]
garbage_toggles = [([], garbage)]
return flatten([
[([], [field[-1]])],
def reduce_increment(bits, borrows):
if len(bits) <= 2:
return naive_increment(bits)
if len(borrows) == 0:
raise ValueError("Need a borrowed bit")
if len(borrows) == len(bits) - 1:
cnot = reduce_cnot(bits[:-1], bits[-1], borrows)
inc = reduce_increment(bits[:-1], borrows)
return flatten([cnot, inc])
if len(borrows) < len(bits):
return borrowed_increment_1(bits, borrows, continue_reduce=True)
return borrowed_increment_n(bits, borrows)
def circuit_repr(gates, show_tof=True):
col_mins = [min(min(t + [float("inf")]), min(c + [float("inf")])) for t, c in gates]
col_maxes = [max(max(t + [0]), max(c + [0])) for c, t in gates]
has_controls = [len(c) > 0 for c, _ in gates]
n = max(col_maxes) + 1
if any(not set(c).isdisjoint(set(t)) for c, t in gates):
raise ValueError("Control toggle overlap")
max_controls = max(len(c) for c, _ in gates)
max_targets = max(len(t) for c, t in gates if len(c) > 1)
col_padding = 0
row_padding = 1
grid = [["│" if r2 != 0 and col_mins[c] <= r < col_maxes[c] and c2 == 0 and has_controls[c]
else " " if r2 != 0
else "─" if c2 != 0
else "X" if r in gates[c][1]
else "•" if r in gates[c][0]
else "┼" if col_mins[c] <= r <= col_maxes[c] and has_controls[c]
else "─"
for c in range(len(gates))
for c2 in range(col_padding + 1)]
for r in range(n)
for r2 in (range(row_padding + 1) if r < n - 1 else [0])]
return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for row in grid) + '\n' +\
('Toffoli`d' if max_controls <= 2 and max_targets <= 1 and show_tof else '')
def binary_set(n):
m = int(math.ceil(math.log(n + 1)/math.log(2))) + 1
return set(i for i in range(m) if ((1 << i) & n) != 0)
def from_binary_set(n):
return sum(1 << i for i in n)
def validate_increment(circuit, targets, borrows):
print circuit_repr(circuit)
for c in power_set(range(len(targets))):
for b in power_set(borrows):
v = from_binary_set(c)
c2 = binary_set((v + 1) % (1 << len(targets)))
input = set(flatten([[targets[i] for i in c], b]))
expected = set(flatten([[targets[i] for i in c2], b]))
actual = evaluate_circuit(circuit, input)
if actual != expected:
print "NO", v, actual - expected, expected - actual, actual, expected, input
print "done"
def power_set(iterable):
s = list(iterable)
return itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))
def validate_cnot(circuit, controls, target, borrows):
print circuit_repr(circuit)
for c in power_set(controls):
for b in power_set(borrows):
for t in power_set([target]):
input = set(flatten([c, b, t]))
toggle = len(controls) == len(c)
expected = set(flatten([c, b, [target] if bool(t) != toggle else []]))
actual = evaluate_circuit(circuit, input)
if actual != expected:
print "NO", actual - expected, expected - actual, actual, expected, input
print "done"
n_bits = 10
increments = range(n_bits)
borrows = [n_bits]
validate_increment(reduce_increment(increments, borrows), increments, borrows)
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