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Last active December 18, 2015 12:09
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Code snippet to launch the iCheck plugin
name = iCheck Quickfix
description = This module suggests a quickfix for iCheck needs.
package = Custom
core = 7.x
(function($) {
Drupal.behaviors.icheck = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
var label = $(this).next(),
var label_text = label.text();
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_line-realred',
radioClass: 'iradio_line-realred',
insert: '<div class="icheck_line-icon"></div>' + label_text
function icheck_form_job_query_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$path_to_icheck = libraries_get_path('iCheck');
drupal_add_css($path_to_icheck . '/skins/line/realred.css');
drupal_add_js ($path_to_icheck . '/jquery.icheck.js');
drupal_add_js (drupal_get_path('module', 'icheck') .'/icheck.js', 'file');
return $form;
* iCheck v0.9.1,
* =================================
* Powerful jQuery plugin for checkboxes and radio buttons customization
* (c) 2013 Damir Foy,
* MIT Licensed
(function($) {
// Cached vars
var _iCheck = 'iCheck',
_iCheckHelper = _iCheck + '-helper',
_checkbox = 'checkbox',
_radio = 'radio',
_checked = 'checked',
_unchecked = 'un' + _checked,
_disabled = 'disabled',
_determinate = 'determinate',
_indeterminate = 'in' + _determinate,
_update = 'update',
_type = 'type',
_click = 'click',
_touch = 'touchbegin.i touchend.i',
_add = 'addClass',
_remove = 'removeClass',
_callback = 'trigger',
_label = 'label',
_cursor = 'cursor',
_mobile = /ipad|iphone|ipod|android|blackberry|windows phone|opera mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Plugin init
$.fn[_iCheck] = function(options, fire) {
// Walker
var handle = ':' + _checkbox + ', :' + _radio,
stack = $(),
walker = function(object) {
object.each(function() {
var self = $(this);
if ( {
stack = stack.add(self);
} else {
stack = stack.add(self.find(handle));
// Check if we should operate with some method
if (/^(check|uncheck|toggle|indeterminate|determinate|disable|enable|update|destroy)$/i.test(options)) {
// Normalize method's name
options = options.toLowerCase();
// Find checkboxes and radio buttons
return stack.each(function() {
if (options == 'destroy') {
tidy(this, 'ifDestroyed');
} else {
operate($(this), true, options);
// Fire method's callback
if ($.isFunction(fire)) {
// Customization
} else if (typeof options == 'object' || !options) {
// Check if any options were passed
var settings = $.extend({
checkedClass: _checked,
disabledClass: _disabled,
indeterminateClass: _indeterminate,
labelHover: true
}, options),
selector = settings.handle,
hoverClass = settings.hoverClass || 'hover',
focusClass = settings.focusClass || 'focus',
activeClass = settings.activeClass || 'active',
labelHover = !!settings.labelHover,
labelHoverClass = settings.labelHoverClass || 'hover',
// Setup clickable area
area = ('' + settings.increaseArea).replace('%', '') | 0;
// Selector limit
if (selector == _checkbox || selector == _radio) {
handle = ':' + selector;
// Clickable area limit
if (area < -50) {
area = -50;
// Walk around the selector
return stack.each(function() {
// If already customized
var self = $(this),
node = this,
id =,
// Layer styles
offset = -area + '%',
size = 100 + (area * 2) + '%',
layer = {
position: 'absolute',
top: offset,
left: offset,
display: 'block',
width: size,
height: size,
margin: 0,
padding: 0,
background: '#fff',
border: 0,
opacity: 0
// Choose how to hide input
hide = _mobile ? {
position: 'absolute',
visibility: 'hidden'
} : area ? layer : {
position: 'absolute',
opacity: 0
// Get proper class
className = node[_type] == _checkbox ? settings.checkboxClass || 'i' + _checkbox : settings.radioClass || 'i' + _radio,
// Find assigned labels
label = $(_label + '[for="' + id + '"]').add(self.closest(_label)),
// Wrap input
parent = self.wrap('<div class="' + className + '"/>')[_callback]('ifCreated').parent().append(settings.insert),
// Layer addition
helper = $('<ins class="' + _iCheckHelper + '"/>').css(layer).appendTo(parent);
// Finalize customization, {o: settings, s: self.attr('style')}).css(hide);
!!settings.inheritClass && parent[_add](node.className);
!!settings.inheritID && id && parent.attr('id', _iCheck + '-' + id);
parent.css('position') == 'static' && parent.css('position', 'relative');
operate(self, true, _update);
// Label events
if (label.length) {
label.on(_click + '.i mouseenter.i mouseleave.i ' + _touch, function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
item = $(this);
// Do nothing if input is disabled
if (!node[_disabled]) {
// Click
if (type == _click) {
operate(self, false, true);
// Hover state
} else if (labelHover) {
// mouseleave|touchend
if (/ve|nd/.test(type)) {
} else {
if (_mobile) {
} else {
return false;
// Input events
self.on(_click + '.i focus.i blur.i keyup.i keydown.i keypress.i', function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
key = event.keyCode;
// Click
if (type == _click) {
return false;
// Keydown
} else if (type == 'keydown' && key == 32) {
if (!(node[_type] == _radio && node[_checked])) {
if (node[_checked]) {
off(self, _checked);
} else {
on(self, _checked);
return false;
// Keyup
} else if (type == 'keyup' && node[_type] == _radio) {
!node[_checked] && on(self, _checked);
// Focus/blur
} else if (/us|ur/.test(type)) {
parent[type == 'blur' ? _remove : _add](focusClass);
// Helper events
helper.on(_click + ' mousedown mouseup mouseover mouseout ' + _touch, function(event) {
var type = event[_type],
// mousedown|mouseup
toggle = /wn|up/.test(type) ? activeClass : hoverClass;
// Do nothing if input is disabled
if (!node[_disabled]) {
// Click
if (type == _click) {
operate(self, false, true);
// Active and hover states
} else {
// State is on
if (/wn|er|in/.test(type)) {
// mousedown|mouseover|touchbegin
// State is off
} else {
parent[_remove](toggle + ' ' + activeClass);
// Label hover
if (label.length && labelHover && toggle == hoverClass) {
// mouseout|touchend
label[/ut|nd/.test(type) ? _remove : _add](labelHoverClass);
if (_mobile) {
} else {
return false;
} else {
return this;
// Do something with inputs
function operate(input, direct, method) {
var node = input[0];
state = /er/.test(method) ? _indeterminate : /bl/.test(method) ? _disabled : _checked,
active = method == _update ? {
checked: node[_checked],
disabled: node[_disabled],
indeterminate: input.attr(_indeterminate) == 'true' || input.attr(_determinate) == 'false'
} : node[state];
// Check, disable or indeterminate
if (/^(ch|di|in)/.test(method) && !active) {
on(input, state);
// Uncheck, enable or determinate
} else if (/^(un|en|de)/.test(method) && active) {
off(input, state);
// Update
} else if (method == _update) {
// Handle states
for (var state in active) {
if (active[state]) {
on(input, state, true);
} else {
off(input, state, true);
} else if (!direct || method == 'toggle') {
// Helper or label was clicked
if (!direct) {
// Toggle checked state
if (active) {
if (node[_type] !== _radio) {
off(input, state);
} else {
on(input, state);
// Add checked, disabled or indeterminate state
function on(input, state, keep) {
var node = input[0],
parent = input.parent(),
checked = state == _checked,
indeterminate = state == _indeterminate,
callback = indeterminate ? _determinate : checked ? _unchecked : 'enabled',
regular = option(node, callback + capitalize(node[_type])),
specific = option(node, state + capitalize(node[_type]));
// Prevent unnecessary actions
if (node[state] !== true) {
// Toggle assigned radio buttons
if (!keep && state == _checked && node[_type] == _radio && {
var form = input.closest('form'),
inputs = 'input[name="' + + '"]';
inputs = form.length ? form.find(inputs) : $(inputs);
inputs.each(function() {
if (this !== node && $.data(this, _iCheck)) {
off($(this), state);
// Indeterminate state
if (indeterminate) {
// Add indeterminate state
node[state] = true;
// Remove checked state
if (node[_checked]) {
off(input, _checked, 'force');
// Checked or disabled state
} else {
// Add checked or disabled state
if (!keep) {
node[state] = true;
// Remove indeterminate state
if (checked && node[_indeterminate]) {
off(input, _indeterminate, false);
// Trigger callbacks
callbacks(input, checked, state, keep);
// Add proper cursor
if (node[_disabled] && !!option(node, _cursor, true)) {
parent.find('.' + _iCheckHelper).css(_cursor, 'default');
// Add state class
parent[_add](specific || option(node, state));
// Remove regular state class
parent[_remove](regular || option(node, callback) || '');
// Remove checked, disabled or indeterminate state
function off(input, state, keep) {
var node = input[0],
parent = input.parent(),
checked = state == _checked,
indeterminate = state == _indeterminate,
callback = indeterminate ? _determinate : checked ? _unchecked : 'enabled',
regular = option(node, callback + capitalize(node[_type])),
specific = option(node, state + capitalize(node[_type]));
// Prevent unnecessary actions
if (node[state] !== false) {
// Toggle state
if (indeterminate || !keep || keep == 'force') {
node[state] = false;
// Trigger callbacks
callbacks(input, checked, callback, keep);
// Add proper cursor
if (!node[_disabled] && !!option(node, _cursor, true)) {
parent.find('.' + _iCheckHelper).css(_cursor, 'pointer');
// Remove state class
parent[_remove](specific || option(node, state) || '');
// Add regular state class
parent[_add](regular || option(node, callback));
// Remove all traces
function tidy(node, callback) {
if ($.data(node, _iCheck)) {
var input = $(node);
// Remove everything except input
input.parent().html(input.attr('style', $.data(node, _iCheck).s || '')[_callback](callback || ''));
// Unbind events'.i').unwrap();
$(_label + '[for="' + + '"]').add(input.closest(_label)).off('.i');
// Get some option
function option(node, state, regular) {
if ($.data(node, _iCheck)) {
return $.data(node, _iCheck).o[state + (regular ? '' : 'Class')];
// Capitalize some string
function capitalize(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
// Executable handlers
function callbacks(input, checked, callback, keep) {
if (!keep) {
if (checked) {
input[_callback]('ifChanged')[_callback]('if' + capitalize(callback));
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Studira commented Jun 14, 2013

I need some help:

What I have:
1.) I have included the JS and CSS files for the iCheck plugin ( in my custom theme.
2.) Then I included them in my sub theme's .info file and check that they are available.
3.) The code snippet above need to be run on my form to alter the radio and checkboxes to those of iCheck but I have no idea where to include the above.
4.) I want to run above only on my one specific form therefore I have to change the line "$('input').each(function(){" to "$('#job-query-node-form input').each(function(){" to target just my inputs on the "#job-query-node-form"

What I need is to include the above code in the html of the node/add/job-query page and THAT IS WHAT I DO NOT KNOW?

Would somebody be so kind to help me out?

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Studira commented Jun 14, 2013

I forgot to mention that I need the "Line Skin"

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Studira commented Jun 15, 2013

The above code is functioning up to the point where the icheck.js file is called, that file never get called so I am a bit uncertain why?

Ignore: the file is now loading..

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