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minhazulOO7 / 0-Cloudflare DDNS using Bash Script with Crontab or Systemd
Last active April 23, 2022 01:23
Cloudflare Client API v4 DDNS IP Update Using Bash Script (IPv4/ IPv6)

Cloudflare DDNS using Bash Script with Crontab/ Systemd Timer

This script will check if external IP is changed or not and will update the external IP of A or AAAA record in Cloudflare DNS using API token/ global API key method.

Script Requirements

badrianiulian /
Last active November 16, 2023 08:28 — forked from lifehome/
Cloudflare API v4 Dynamic DNS Update in Bash for IPv4/IPv6 records

Cloudflare DDNS bash client with systemd

This is a bash script to act as a Cloudflare DDNS client, useful replacement for ddclient.

How to use?

  1. Put the cfupdater file to /usr/local/bin
  2. chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfupdater
  3. Create a systemd service unit at /etc/systemd/system/, the cfupdate.service is shown as an example.
  4. Create a systemd timer unit at the same location of the service unit, the cfupdate.timer is shown as an example.


martinsohn /
Last active April 17, 2024 13:55 — forked from bsodmike/
HOWTO Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad & Malware Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter as dnsmasq server

Ubiquity EdgeMAX Ad & Malware Blocking Content Filtering using EdgeRouter

NB: I am not using this setup anymore, and will not update the config and code if it breaks. I recommend Pi-hole instead, which gives many features such as web UI, statistics, DNS-over-HTTPS, and definitely better written code ;)

This will show you how to use your EdgeRouter as a local DNS server and blocking DNS queries to domains that hosts ads and malware.

The blocklist used is:

TheSunCat / DisblockOrigin.theme.css
Last active October 30, 2024 05:38
Hide all Nitro & Boost upsells in Discord!
* @name Adblock for Discord
* @author TheSunCat and contributors
* @version 1.0.0
* @description We have moved to Codeberg! Follow the link below:
* @source
#app-mount::before {
content: "The Disblock Origin theme has moved to Codeberg! Please check";