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Sylphystia Sylphystia

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Heziode / dataviewjs_wordcount_obsidian.js
Created April 8, 2023 14:47
Word and Character Count of multiple notes in Obsidian, using dataviewjs.
// Word Count Dashboard
// a dataviewjs snippet by @pseudometa,
// version 1.10.2
// last update: 2022-01-25
// Import configuration
const source = dv.current();
const sourceFolder = source.sourceFolder;
k3zi /
Last active September 12, 2024 07:20
English and Japanese Pronunciation Resources

Pronunciation Resources

Comment if you would like to see a resource added to the list.

Guides / Courses

あいうえおフォニックス (🇬🇧 English, Web, Free)
English phonetics video series made for a Japanese audience.

Dogen: Japanese Phonetics Series (🇯🇵 Japanese, Web, Paid)

bracca95 /
Last active March 12, 2023 06:39

Ever wanted to delete all your retweets from Twitter but only found broken/expensive tools? You are in the right place.

  1. Go to:{username}/with_replies
  2. Open the console and run the following JavaScript code:
/* define a function to delete retweets */
function unRetweet() {
	for (const d of document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="unretweet"]')) {;


Accent Tips

・っ or ッ sound

・At the end of the 連用形(勝ち、食い、帰り) when the 動詞 comes next to a て・た・たり、 a 促音(っ) is introduced in between.
・This only occurs with the following endings「ち」「ひ・い」「り」

kolber / pandoras_vox.mdown
Created March 20, 2012 05:23
pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace

pandora’s vox: on community in cyberspace

by humdog (1994)

when i went into cyberspace i went into it thinking that it was a place like any other place and that it would be a human interaction like any other human interaction. i was wrong when i thought that. it was a terrible mistake.

the very first understanding that i had that it was not a place like any place and that the interaction would be different was when people began to talk to me as though i were a man. when they wrote about me in the third person, they would say “he.” it interested me to have people think i was “he” instead of “she” and so at first i did not say anything. i grinned and let them think i was “he.” this went on for a little while and it was fun but after a while i was uncomfortable. finally i said unto them that i, humdog, was a woman and not a man. this surprised them. at that moment i realized that the dissolution of gender-category was something that was happening everywhere, and perhaps it was only just very obvious on the ne



  • チームレベルからランクへ
  • (チーム内での最大レベル - チームレベル)が10以上ならランクから2を引く
  • ランクプラスの条件にマッチしたらランクをその分あげる (複数のランクプラスの条件にマッチしても適用されるのは一番高いもののみ)
  • 調整
    • ランクが16のとき: ランクを14~16からランダム
    • ランクが15のとき: ランクを13~15からランダム