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Created September 24, 2024 21:21
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A Customizable scrollbar that can be applied in any composable in jetpack compose that supports a Modifier. The scrollbar is not interactive and is just an indicator for the current position of the ScrollState.
fun Modifier.verticalScrollBar(
state: ScrollState,
color: Color = Color.Gray,
ratio: Float = 3f,
width: Dp = 8.dp,
alwaysOn: Boolean = false
): Modifier {
val targetAlpha = if (state.isScrollInProgress || alwaysOn) 1f else 0f
val duration = if (state.isScrollInProgress) 150 else 500
val alpha by animateFloatAsState(
targetValue = targetAlpha,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = duration), label = "scrollBarAlpha"
return drawWithContent {
val needDrawScrollbar = state.isScrollInProgress || alpha > 0.0f
val barHeight = (this.size.height / ratio)
val barRange = (this.size.height - barHeight) / state.maxValue
if (needDrawScrollbar) {
val position = state.value * barRange
color = color.copy(alpha = alpha),
topLeft = Offset(this.size.width - width.toPx(), position),
size = Size(width.toPx(), barHeight)
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