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Created January 11, 2019 17:54
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class BarCard extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
setConfig(config) {
if (!config.entity) {
throw new Error('Please define an entity');
// Card variables
const root = this.shadowRoot;
if (root.lastChild) root.removeChild(root.lastChild);
const cardConfig = Object.assign({}, config);
if (!cardConfig.height) cardConfig.height = "40px";
if (!cardConfig.from) cardConfig.from = "left";
if (cardConfig.from == "left") cardConfig.from = "right";
else cardConfig.from = "left";
if (!config.rounding) config.rounding = "3px";
if (!config.width) config.width = "70%";
if (!config.indicator) config.indicator = true;
if (!config.min) config.min = 0;
if (!config.max) config.max = 100;
config.width = config.width.replace("%","");
// Create card elements.
const card = document.createElement('ha-card');
const background = document.createElement('div'); = "background";
const bar = document.createElement('div'); = "bar";
const content = document.createElement('div'); = "value";
const indicator = document.createElement('div'); = "indicator";
const title = document.createElement('div'); = "title";
const titleBar = document.createElement('div'); = "titleBar";
title.textContent = cardConfig.title;
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `
ha-card {
text-align: center;
height: ${cardConfig.height};
background-color: var(--paper-card-background-color);
--base-unit: ${cardConfig.height};
padding: 5px;
position: relative;
#indicator {
height: ${cardConfig.height};
line-height: ${cardConfig.height};
opacity: 0.0;
color: #000000;
padding-right: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
position: absolute;
#bar {
display: table-cell;
float: right;
height: ${cardConfig.height};
width: ${config.width}%;
--bar-direction: ${cardConfig.from};
--bar-percent: 50%;
--bar-charge-percent: 0%;
--bar-charge-color: #000000;
--bar-fill-color: var(--label-badge-blue);
--test-color: #000000;
background: linear-gradient(to ${cardConfig.from}, var(--bar-fill-color) var(--bar-percent), var(--bar-charge-color) var(--bar-percent), var(--bar-charge-color) var(--bar-charge-percent), var(--bar-background-color) var(--bar-percent), var(--bar-background-color) var(--bar-percent));
border-radius: ${config.rounding};
position: relative;
#value {
display: table-cell;
height: ${cardConfig.height};
width: ${config.width}%;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: left;
font-size: 13px;
vertical-align: bottom;
color: var(--primary-text-color);
padding-bottom: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000;
#title {
display: table-cell;
height: ${cardConfig.height};
width: ${config.width}%;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: left;
font-size: 13px;
vertical-align: top;
color: var(--primary-text-color);
padding-top: 1px;
padding-left: 10px;
text-shadow: 0 0 5px #000000;
#titleBar {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
height: ${cardConfig.height};
width: ${100-config.width}%;
// Build card.
card.addEventListener('click', event => {
this._fire('hass-more-info', { entityId: cardConfig.entity });
this._config = cardConfig;
// Translates entity percentage to bar percentage.
_translatePercent(value, min, max) {
return 100 * (value - min) / (max - min);
// Map range function.
_scale(num, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max) {
return (num - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
// Create animation.
_animation(entityState, configDirection, configDuration, hue, saturation, configStop) {
const config = this._config;
const root = this.shadowRoot;
if (!config.speed) config.speed = 1000;
let currentPercent = this._translatePercent(entityState, config.min, config.max);
let totalFrames = ((currentPercent)*10)+(config.delay/(config.speed/250));
let scaledPercent = (currentPercent)*10;
const element = root.getElementById("bar");
if(configStop == true){
configDuration = 0;
let options = {
iterations: Infinity,
iterationStart: 0,
delay: 0,
endDelay: 0,
direction: 'normal',
duration: configDuration,
fill: 'both',
let keyframes = [];
let i = scaledPercent;
if (configDirection == 'normal'){
for(; i <= totalFrames; ){
let brightness = this._scale(i/10, currentPercent, currentPercent+25, 50, 15);
if(brightness <= 15) brightness = 15;
let keyframe = {"--bar-charge-percent": i/10+"%", "--bar-percent": currentPercent+"%", "--bar-charge-color": "hsla("+hue+","+saturation+","+brightness+"%,0.5)"};
if(configDirection == 'reverse'){
for(; i <= totalFrames; ){
const reversePercent = currentPercent - ((i-scaledPercent)/10);
let brightness = this._scale(i/10, currentPercent, currentPercent+25, 30, 50);
if(brightness >= 50) brightness = 50;
let keyframe = {"--bar-charge-percent": currentPercent+"%","--bar-percent": reversePercent+"%", "--bar-charge-color": "hsla("+hue+","+saturation+","+brightness+"%,1)"};
element.animate(keyframes, options);
// Attributes action
_fire(type, detail, options) {
const node = this.shadowRoot;
options = options || {};
detail = (detail === null || detail === undefined) ? {} : detail;
const event = new Event(type, {
bubbles: options.bubbles === undefined ? true : options.bubbles,
cancelable: Boolean(options.cancelable),
composed: options.composed === undefined ? true : options.composed
event.detail = detail;
return event;
// Returns hue value based on severity array
_computeSeverity(stateValue, sections) {
let numberValue = Number(stateValue);
let hue;
sections.forEach(section => {
if (numberValue <= section.value && !hue) {
hue = section.hue;
return hue;
// Create card
set hass(hass) {
const config = this._config;
if (!config.saturation) config.saturation = "50%";
if (!config.delay) config.delay = 5000;
if(!config.animation)config.animation = 'auto';
if(!config.indicator)config.indicator = true;
const root = this.shadowRoot;
let entityState;
if(hass.states[config.entity] == undefined || hass.states[config.entity].state == "unknown") entityState = "N/A";
else {
entityState = hass.states[config.entity].state;
entityState = Math.min(entityState, config.max);
entityState = Math.max(entityState, config.min);
let measurement
if(hass.states[config.entity] == undefined || hass.states[config.entity].state == "unknown") measurement = "";
else measurement = hass.states[config.entity].attributes.unit_of_measurement || "";
let hue;
if(!config.severity) {
hue = 220;
hue = config.hue;
hue = this._computeSeverity(entityState, config.severity);
const color = 'hsl('+hue+','+config.saturation+',50%)';
const backgroundColor = 'hsla('+hue+','+config.saturation+',15%,0.5)';
const chargeColor = 'hsla('+hue+','+config.saturation+',30%,0.5)';
if(config.animation == 'auto'){
if (entityState > this._entityState) {
root.getElementById("indicator").style.setProperty('right', 0);
root.getElementById("indicator").textContent = '▲';
this._animation(entityState, 'normal', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, false);
if (entityState < this._entityState) {
root.getElementById("indicator").style.setProperty('left', 0);
root.getElementById("indicator").textContent = '▼';
this._animation(entityState, 'reverse', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, false);
if (entityState == config.max || entityState == config.min) {
root.getElementById("indicator").textContent = '';
if(entityState == config.max){
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-percent', '100%');
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-fill-color', color);
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-charge-percent', '100%');
this._animation(entityState, 'normal', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, true);
if(entityState == config.min){
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-percent', '0%');
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-charge-percent', '0%');
this._animation(entityState, 'normal', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, true);
if(config.animation == 'charge'){
let chargeEntityState;
entityState = "define 'charge_entity'";
measurement = "";
root.getElementById("value").style.setProperty('color', '#FF0000');
chargeEntityState = hass.states[config.charge_entity].state;
if (chargeEntityState == "charging" || chargeEntityState =="on" || chargeEntityState == "true") {
root.getElementById("indicator").style.setProperty('right', 0);
root.getElementById("indicator").textContent = '▲';
this._animation(entityState, 'normal', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, false);
if (chargeEntityState == "discharging" || chargeEntityState =="off" || chargeEntityState == "false") {
root.getElementById("indicator").style.setProperty('right', 0);
root.getElementById("indicator").textContent = '';
this._animation(entityState, 'normal', config.delay, hue, config.saturation, true);
if (entityState !== this._entityState) {
if (config.min !== undefined && config.max !== undefined) {
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-percent', `${this._translatePercent(entityState, config.min, config.max)}%`);
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-charge-percent', `${this._translatePercent(entityState, config.min, config.max)}%`);
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-fill-color', color);
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-background-color', backgroundColor);
root.getElementById("bar").style.setProperty('--bar-charge-color', chargeColor);
root.getElementById("value").textContent = `${entityState} ${measurement}`;
root.lastChild.hass = hass;
this._entityState = entityState;
getCardSize() {
return 1;
customElements.define('bar-card', BarCard);
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