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Created September 14, 2018 06:48
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An example of creating a donut chart with React
import React from 'react';
import { scaleOrdinal } from 'd3-scale';
import { arc as d3Arc, pie as d3Pie } from 'd3-shape';
import { csvParse } from 'd3-dsv';
// Same as data.csv
import dataCsv from './data';
import './chart.css';
const width = 960,
height = 500,
radius = Math.min(width, height) / 2;
const color = scaleOrdinal().range([
const arc = d3Arc()
.outerRadius(radius - 10)
.innerRadius(radius - 70);
const pie = d3Pie()
.value(function(d) {
return d.population;
const data = pie(
csvParse(dataCsv, d => {
d.population = +d.population;
return d;
// <DonutChart/>
export default () => {
return (
<svg width={width} height={height}>
<g transform={`translate(${width / 2}, ${height / 2})`}>
{ => (
<g className="arc" key={`a${}`}>
<path d={arc(d)} fill={color(} />
<text transform={`translate(${arc.centroid(d)})`} dy=".35em">
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