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Last active August 26, 2020 05:00
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An F# agent for throttling the number of concurrently executing asynchronous workflows. The default limit is 5 concurrent tasks. The agent also supports pausing and resuming work.
open System
open System.Collections.Concurrent
// Messages received by the throttling agent
type Message =
| Work
| Start of AsyncReplyChannel<unit>
| Pause
| Resume
| Quit
// Throttling agent status
type Status =
| Idle
| Paused
| Working
/// <summary>
/// An agent for throttling the number of concurrently
/// executing asynchronous workflows. The default limit
/// is 5 concurrent tasks. The agent also supports pausing
/// and resuming work.
/// </summary>
type ThrottlingAgent(?Limit) as this =
let mutable status = Idle
let limit = defaultArg Limit 5
// Stores the asynchronous workflows waiting for execution.
let tasksStack = ConcurrentStack<Async<unit>>()
// The agent expects to receive a "Start" message first.
// The message carries a reply channel that is used to
// notify the caller once all the queued asynchronous
// workflows are executed.
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable private replyChannel: AsyncReplyChannel<unit>
// Attempts to pop and return an asynchronous workflow
// from the tasks stack.
let tryPopTask() =
match tasksStack.TryPop() with
| false, _ -> None
| true, workflow -> Some workflow
let agent =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop count =
async {
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Pause ->
status <- Paused
let! _ = inbox.Scan(fun msg ->
match msg with
| Resume -> Some (async {do ()})
| _ -> None
status <- Working
return! loop count
| Resume ->
return! loop count
| Start reply ->
status <- Working
this.replyChannel <- reply
[1 .. limit] |> List.iter (fun _ -> inbox.Post Work)
return! loop count
| Work ->
let workOption = tryPopTask()
match workOption with
| Some work ->
async {
do! work
inbox.Post Work
} |> Async.Start
return! loop count
| None ->
inbox.Post Quit
return! loop (count + 1)
| Quit ->
match count with
| _ when count = limit ->
status <- Idle
return! loop 0
| _ -> return! loop count
loop 0
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() =
agent :> IDisposable
|> fun x -> x.Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// Throttles executing the supplied asynchronous workflows.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="asyncs">The asynchronous workflows.</param>
member __.Work asyncs =
async {
match status with
| Idle ->
tasksStack.PushRange <| Seq.toArray asyncs
do! agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun replyChannel -> Start replyChannel)
| Working -> failwith "The agent is currently working."
| Paused -> failwith "The agent is currently paused."
/// Gets the count of the asynchronous workflows waiting
// for execution.
member __.RemainingTasks = tasksStack.Count
/// Pauses the agent.
member __.Pause() =
match status with
| Working -> agent.Post Pause
| Paused -> failwith "The agent has already been paused."
| Idle -> failwith "The agent is idle and can't be paused."
/// Resumes executing the asynchronous workflows.
member __.Resume() =
match status with
| Paused -> agent.Post Resume
| Working -> failwith "The agent is already working."
| Idle -> failwith "The agent is idle, there is no work to resume."
/// Cancels executing the remaining asynchronous workflows.
member __.CancelRemainingTasks() = tasksStack.Clear()
/// Gets the agent's status.
member __.Status = status
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