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Last active January 27, 2025 14:58
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Debloating LDPlayer

Inspired by this

More of my guides: Debloating MEMu - Debloating Nox (Updated)

This mainly applies to LDPlayer9. They will probably work on the low end options (like LDPlayer5) but not guaranteed.

Debloating LDPlayer

This emulator seems to have less stability issues than MEMu. I think we get the shtick that these emulators do spooky stuff.

  1. Download LDPlayer, preferably an offline version from the version history
  2. Go to LDPlayer Settings, make system.vmdk writable, go to Other Settings and enable Root Permission
  3. I would suggest getting off of LD's Launcher. Go get another one and set it as a default home app.
  4. Get a file manager that supports root, go to the root directory, then delete /system/priv-app/LDAppStore and /system/app/Launcher3. (why did they modify the AOSP launcher lol)
  5. Get AdAway and set it up, preferably with root-based blocking.
  6. Open C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts with a text editor of your choice and add this in

(Most of these domains are according to Glasswire. If there are any more to block, tell me in the comments)

  1. Block dnplayer.exe in the firewall

And block the IP addresses using the files attached to this gist (original courtesy of ehindiayleau). Make sure both the batch and the text file are in the same folder! Open command prompt as admin and CD to the folder where you saved the two files.

Now let's install Magisk! (optional). Make sure you kept root on during all of this.

  1. Download Magisk Delta
  2. Launch it and allow everything it throws at you
  3. Directly install to system partition (you may need to relaunch the app for this option)
  4. Reboot, go to a root-supported file manager and delete /system/xbin/su to avoid conflicts and reboot again.
  5. That's about it. Go crazy

As far as I know there aren't any known ways to get around the SafetyNet detection. I've tried the usual methods that I use on my rooted phone and they didn't work. If you found a solution, please comment below! At the moment, SafetyNet requirements do not seem to pose a big threat and devs do use workarounds so that everyone can play no matter which platform (e.g. multiplayer games putting you in emulator lobbies).

@echo off
if "%1"=="list" (
netsh advfirewall firewall show rule ld_ip_to_fw_rule | findstr RemoteIP
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="ld_ip_to_fw_rule"
for /f %%i in (ld_block.txt) do (
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ld_ip_to_fw_rule" protocol=any dir=in action=block remoteip=%%i
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="ld_ip_to_fw_rule" protocol=any dir=out action=block remoteip=%%i
call %0 list
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TameemS commented Aug 23, 2024


Install latest version of LDPlayer 9 (I couldn't find existence of any "offline" version)

You can still get the latest offline version from the version history Do you have any issues accessing it?

I mean no version says its the offline version or is it that all of them are offline version?

All of them are offline

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825i commented Aug 23, 2024

Hello. Please don't quote my name lol unless you mean to actually reply to me. It just results in email spam even if I have disabled notifications :(

So please remove @825i from any of your comments.

Thanks! <3

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TameemS commented Aug 23, 2024

Hello. Please don't quote my name lol unless you mean to actually reply to me. It just results in email spam even if I have disabled notifications :(


Ah, I apologize

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Install latest version of LDPlayer 9 (I couldn't find existence of any "offline" version)

You can still get the latest offline version from the version history Do you have any issues accessing it?

I mean no version says its the offline version or is it that all of them are offline version?

All of them are offline

Ok cool thanks! I think you meant to quote me.

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TameemS commented Aug 23, 2024

Install latest version of LDPlayer 9 (I couldn't find existence of any "offline" version)

You can still get the latest offline version from the version history Do you have any issues accessing it?

I mean no version says its the offline version or is it that all of them are offline version?

All of them are offline

Ok cool thanks! I think you meant to quote me.

I did xd. You quoted me quoting him where I included the mention. I'll edit the one that mentions him.

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825i commented Sep 22, 2024

I updated my own gist because I had to do this again on a new Windows install.
I believe this is the fastest way to get this emulator set up for frequent and hassle-free use.
Bear in mind, it does add a few optional steps which I needed for my own use-case.

You can just comment below.

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Hey, I love your guides on debloating emulators! Do you happen to know how to remove the massive, annoying ads that pop up when launching and using Mumu Player? It's the best emulator for running Android 12, but the ads are driving me crazy.

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HongYue1 commented Oct 9, 2024

Hey, I love your guides on debloating emulators! Do you happen to know how to remove the massive, annoying ads that pop up when launching and using Mumu Player? It's the best emulator for running Android 12, but the ads are driving me crazy.

root + adaway

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ImGGAAVVIINN commented Oct 10, 2024

root + adaway

What about the starting ads that fills the screen?
and the popup ads that show when the emulator finish running?

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TameemS commented Oct 10, 2024

Hey, I love your guides on debloating emulators! Do you happen to know how to remove the massive, annoying ads that pop up when launching and using Mumu Player? It's the best emulator for running Android 12, but the ads are driving me crazy.

Same principle tbh
In the case of removing ads, record the connections using Glasswire, Fiddler, Wireshark, etc and add any sus one to a firewall or hosts.

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I am in /system/priv-app and I don't have any "LDAppStore" folder. My version is not that old but it's not new either, I haven't updated in months, my version is: I remember that I disabled their apps through settings though, maybe this has something to do with it ?

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Actually, if you have non standard FireWall (i use TinyWall for example), you can block most of the things with just 1-4 steps. Just don't allow "dnplayer.exe" to go online ever, i let it connect once and have to reinstall LDPlayer from scratch. You only need to allow "Ld9BoxHeadless.exe" to use network in android.

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Will you be making one for Mumu Player?

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I am in /system/priv-app and I don't have any "LDAppStore" folder. My version is not that old but it's not new either, I haven't updated in months, my version is: I remember that I disabled their apps through settings though, maybe this has something to do with it ?

same :(

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I cannot delete Launcher3 or LDAppStore in Amaze File Manager, nor can I encrypt them, disable them, or remove permissions, even with root access. Am I doing something wrong?

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TameemS commented Jan 27, 2025

I cannot delete Launcher3 or LDAppStore in Amaze File Manager, nor can I encrypt them, disable them, or remove permissions, even with root access. Am I doing something wrong?

seems like it's doing the same thing as nox is doing, this might work

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