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Created April 23, 2020 14:41
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A brainfuck interpreter written in Haskell typeclasses
TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies,
FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances
module Brainfuck where
{- Usage:
Programs are encoded as cons-lists chained by (:-) and terminated by C0.
Input and output are encoded as a cons-list of slightly strange peano numerals:
-3: L (C1 (C1 C0))
-2: L (C1 C0)
-1: L C0
0: C0
1: R C0
2: R (C1 C0)
3: R (C1 (C1 C0))
> type Prog = In :- Lb :- Out :- Dec :- Rb :- Out :- C0
> type Input = R (C1 (C1 (C1 (C1 C0)))) :- C0
To run a program, look at the type of `go` after applying the program and
then the input as arguments. As the output list is pushed to as a stack, the
chronologically last output will be at the head of the list.
>>> :t go (undefined :: Prog) (undefined :: Input)
go (undefined :: Prog) (undefined :: Input)
:: C0
:- (R C0
:- (R (C1 C0)
:- (R (C1 (C1 C0))
:- (R (C1 (C1 (C1 C0)))
:- (R (C1 (C1 (C1 (C1 C0))))
:- C0)))))
Reading from the bottom up, this shows the outputs:
R (C1 (C1 (C1 (C1 C0)))) = 5
R (C1 (C1 (C1 C0))) = 4
R (C1 (C1 C0)) = 3
R (C1 C0) = 2
R C0 = 1
C0 = 0
as expected from the program (,[.-].) and input (5).
data Lt -- <
data Gt -- >
data Inc -- +
data Dec -- -
data Out -- .
data In -- ,
data Lb -- [
data Rb -- ]
data C0
data C1 a
infixr :-
data a :- b
data L a
data R a
data Bf p i o l n r
class Preprocess xs ys zs | xs -> ys zs
instance Preprocess C0 C0 C0
instance (Preprocess xs ys as, Preprocess as bs cs)
=> Preprocess (Lb :- xs) (C1 ys :- bs) cs
instance Preprocess (Rb :- xs) C0 xs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (Lt :- xs) (Lt :- ys) zs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (Gt :- xs) (Gt :- ys) zs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (Inc :- xs) (Inc :- ys) zs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (Dec :- xs) (Dec :- ys) zs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (Out :- xs) (Out :- ys) zs
instance Preprocess xs ys zs => Preprocess (In :- xs) (In :- ys) zs
class Step x y | x -> y
instance Step (Bf (Lt :- ps) is os ls n (r :- rs)) (Bf ps is os (n :- ls) r rs)
instance Step (Bf (Lt :- ps) is os ls n C0) (Bf ps is os (n :- ls) C0 C0)
instance Step (Bf (Gt :- ps) is os (l :- ls) n rs) (Bf ps is os ls l (n :- rs))
instance Step (Bf (Gt :- ps) is os C0 n rs) (Bf ps is os C0 C0 (n :- rs))
instance Succ n n' => Step (Bf (Inc :- ps) is os ls n rs) (Bf ps is os ls n' rs)
instance Succ n' n => Step (Bf (Dec :- ps) is os ls n rs) (Bf ps is os ls n' rs)
instance Step (Bf (Out :- ps) is os ls n rs) (Bf ps is (n :- os) ls n rs)
instance Step (Bf (In :- ps) (i :- is) os ls n rs) (Bf ps is os ls i rs)
instance Step (Bf (In :- ps) C0 os ls n rs) (Bf ps C0 os ls (L C0) rs)
instance Step (Bf (C1 p :- ps) is os ls C0 rs) (Bf ps is os ls C0 rs)
instance Eval (Bf p is os ls (L n) rs) (Bf C0 is' os' ls' n' rs')
=> Step (Bf (C1 p :- ps) is os ls (L n) rs) (Bf (C1 p :- ps) is' os' ls' n' rs')
instance Eval (Bf p is os ls (R n) rs) (Bf C0 is' os' ls' n' rs')
=> Step (Bf (C1 p :- ps) is os ls (R n) rs) (Bf (C1 p :- ps) is' os' ls' n' rs')
class Succ x y | x -> y, y -> x
instance Succ C0 (R C0)
instance Succ (L C0) C0
instance Succ (L (C1 n)) (L n)
instance Succ (R n) (R (C1 n))
class Eval x y | x -> y
instance Eval (Bf C0 i o l n r) (Bf C0 i o l n r)
( Step (Bf (p :- ps) i o l n r) (Bf p' i' o' l' n' r')
, Eval (Bf p' i' o' l' n' r') (Bf C0 i'' o'' l'' n'' r'')
) => Eval (Bf (p :- ps) i o l n r) (Bf C0 i'' o'' l'' n'' r'')
class Run p i o | p i -> o where go :: p -> i -> o
( Preprocess p p' C0
, Eval (Bf p' i C0 C0 C0 C0) (Bf p'' i' o l' n' r')
) => Run p i o where
go = undefined
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