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Created February 17, 2019 12:04
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  • Save TerrorJack/7dc3cb87fb2b5124c39c677850118c9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TerrorJack/7dc3cb87fb2b5124c39c677850118c9f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Using Parsec parser
Configuring test-0.0.1...
creating dist/build
creating dist
creating dist/build
Searching for ghc in path.
Found ghc at
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc --numeric-version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc is
version 8.7.20181115
Warning: Unknown/unsupported 'ghc' version detected (Cabal supports
'ghc' version < 8.7):
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc is
version 8.7.20181115
looking for tool ghc-pkg near compiler in
candidate locations:
found ghc-pkg in
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc-pkg --version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc-pkg is
version 8.7.20181115
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc --supported-languages
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc --info
Reading installed packages...
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc-pkg dump --global -v0
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc-pkg dump '--package-db=/tmp/playground/package.conf.d' -v0
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc --print-libdir -v3
Finalized package description:
cabal-version: 1.12
name: test
version: 0.0.1
build-type: Simple
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall
base -any
executable test
main-is: test.hs
hs-source-dirs: app
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded -feager-blackholing -rtsopts
base -any,
test -any
Dependency base -any: using base-
Dependency base -any: using base-
Dependency test -any: using test-0.0.1
Searching for alex in path.
Found alex at /home/terrorjack/.local/bin/alex
/home/terrorjack/.local/bin/alex --version
/home/terrorjack/.local/bin/alex is version 3.2.4
Searching for ar in path.
Found ar at /usr/bin/ar
Searching for c2hs in path.
Cannot find c2hs on the path
Searching for cpphs in path.
Cannot find cpphs on the path
Searching for doctest in path.
Cannot find doctest on the path
Searching for gcc in path.
Found gcc at /usr/bin/gcc
/usr/bin/gcc -dumpversion
/usr/bin/gcc is version 8
Searching for ghcjs in path.
Cannot find ghcjs on the path
Searching for ghcjs-pkg in path.
Cannot find ghcjs-pkg on the path
Searching for greencard in path.
Cannot find greencard on the path
looking for tool haddock near compiler in
candidate locations:
found haddock in
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/haddock --version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/haddock is
version 2.21.0
Searching for happy in path.
Found happy at /home/terrorjack/.local/bin/happy
/home/terrorjack/.local/bin/happy --version
/home/terrorjack/.local/bin/happy is version 1.19.9
Searching for hmake in path.
Cannot find hmake on the path
looking for tool hpc near compiler in
candidate locations:
found hpc in
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/hpc version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/hpc is
version 0.67
looking for tool hsc2hs near compiler in
candidate locations:
found hsc2hs in
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/hsc2hs --version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/hsc2hs is
Searching for HsColour in path.
Cannot find HsColour on the path
Searching for jhc in path.
Cannot find jhc on the path
Searching for in path.
Found at /usr/bin/
Environment: [("EDITOR","/bin/nano"),("HOME","/home/terrorjack"),("HOSTTYPE","x86_64"),("HTTPS_PROXY",""),("HTTP_PROXY",""),("LANG","en_US.UTF-8"),("LOGNAME","terrorjack"),("LS_COLORS","rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:mi=00:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arc=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lha=01;31:*.lz4=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.tzo=01;31:*.t7z=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lrz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.lzo=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.zst=01;31:*.tzst=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.war=01;31:*.ear=01;31:*.sar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.alz=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.cab=01;31:*.wim=01;31:*.swm=01;31:*.dwm=01;31:*.esd=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.mjpg=01;35:*.mjpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.webm=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.m4a=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.opus=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36:"),("NAME","LAPTOP-A0NTIMCN"),("OLDPWD","/tmp"),("PATH","/home/terrorjack/.local/bin:/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin:/home/terrorjack/v8-node/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games"),("PWD","/tmp/test"),("SHELL","/bin/bash"),("SHLVL","1"),("TERM","xterm-256color"),("USER","terrorjack"),("WSLENV",""),("WSL_DISTRO_NAME","Debian"),("_","./Setup"),("http_proxy",""),("https_proxy","")]
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/ghc -hide-all-packages -c /tmp/1267-0.c -o /tmp/1267-1.o -v3
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.7.20181115, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.6.2
Using binary package database: /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d/package.cache
package flags []
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc1317_0
*** C Compiler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -x c /tmp/1267-0.c -o /tmp/ghc1317_0/ghc_1.s -no-pie -Wimplicit -S -include /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include/ghcversion.h -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -no-pie -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1317_0/ghc_1.s -o /tmp/1267-1.o
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1317_0/ghc_1.s /tmp/ghc1317_0/ghc_2.rsp
*** Deleting temp dirs:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1317_0
/usr/bin/ -x -r /tmp/1267-1.o -o /tmp/1267-2.o
Searching for pkg-config in path.
Found pkg-config at /usr/bin/pkg-config
/usr/bin/pkg-config --version
/usr/bin/pkg-config is version 0.29
looking for tool runghc near compiler in
candidate locations:
found runghc in
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/runghc --version
/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/bin/runghc is
version 8.7.20181115
Searching for strip in path.
Found strip at /usr/bin/strip
/usr/bin/strip --version
/usr/bin/strip is version 2.31
Searching for tar in path.
Found tar at /bin/tar
/bin/tar --help
Searching for uhc in path.
Cannot find uhc on the path
Source component graph:
component lib
component exe:test dependency lib
Configured component graph:
component test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9 include base-
component test-0.0.1-LOlJhgtBOKRE2viUPCFb3k-test
include base-
include test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9
Linked component graph:
unit test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9
include base-
unit test-0.0.1-LOlJhgtBOKRE2viUPCFb3k-test
include base-
include test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9
Ready component graph:
definite test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9 depends base-
definite test-0.0.1-LOlJhgtBOKRE2viUPCFb3k-test
depends base-
depends test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9
Using Cabal- compiled by ghc-8.7
Using compiler: ghc-8.7.20181115
Using install prefix: /tmp/playground
Executables installed in: /tmp/playground/bin
Libraries installed in:
Dynamic Libraries installed in:
Private executables installed in:
Data files installed in:
Documentation installed in:
Configuration files installed in: /tmp/playground/etc
Using alex version 3.2.4 found on system at: /home/terrorjack/.local/bin/alex
Using ar found on system at: /usr/bin/ar
No c2hs found
No cpphs found
No doctest found
Using gcc version 8 found on system at: /usr/bin/gcc
Using ghc version 8.7.20181115 found on system at:
Using ghc-pkg version 8.7.20181115 found on system at:
No ghcjs found
No ghcjs-pkg found
No greencard found
Using haddock version 2.21.0 found on system at:
Using happy version 1.19.9 found on system at:
Using haskell-suite found on system at: haskell-suite-dummy-location
Using haskell-suite-pkg found on system at: haskell-suite-pkg-dummy-location
No hmake found
Using hpc version 0.67 found on system at:
Using hsc2hs version found on system at:
No hscolour found
No jhc found
Using ld found on system at: /usr/bin/
Using pkg-config version 0.29 found on system at: /usr/bin/pkg-config
Using runghc version 8.7.20181115 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.31 found on system at: /usr/bin/strip
Using tar found on system at: /bin/tar
No uhc found
/usr/bin/gcc -fno-stack-protector '-fuse-ld=gold' /tmp/1267-4.c -o /tmp/1267-5 '-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=807' '-Dlinux_BUILD_OS=1' '-Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH=1' '-Dlinux_HOST_OS=1' '-Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH=1' -Idist/build/autogen -I. -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/ghc-prim-0.5.3 -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/rts
Preprocessing library for test-0.0.1..
Building library for test-0.0.1..
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.7.20181115, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.6.2
Using binary package database: /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: /tmp/playground/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: dist/package.conf.inplace/package.cache
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
*** Chasing dependencies:
Chasing modules from: *Lib,*Paths_test
Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc1343_0
*** C pre-processor:
gcc -E -undef -traditional -include dist/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h -Idist/build -Idist/build -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include -include /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include/ghcversion.h -Dlinux_BUILD_OS -Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH -Dlinux_HOST_OS -Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__ -D__SSE__ -D__SSE2__ -include/tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_2.h -x assembler-with-cpp dist/build/autogen/Paths_test.hs -o /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_1.hscpp
!!! Chasing dependencies: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 4.296 megabytes
Stable obj: []
Stable BCO: []
Ready for upsweep
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:09:36.2819671 UTC
ms_mod = Lib,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude)]
ms_srcimps = []
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:15:14.2053307 UTC
ms_mod = Paths_test,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude),
(Nothing, System.Environment), (Nothing, Data.Version),
(Nothing, Control.Exception)]
ms_srcimps = []
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_2.h
compile: input file src/Lib.hs
*** Checking old interface for Lib (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[1 of 2] Compiling Lib ( src/Lib.hs, dist/build/Lib.o )
*** Parser [Lib]:
!!! Parser [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.059 megabytes
*** Renamer/typechecker [Lib]:
!!! Renamer/typechecker [Lib]: finished in 31.25 milliseconds, allocated 14.451 megabytes
*** Desugar [Lib]:
Result size of Desugar (before optimization)
= {terms: 9, types: 2, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Desugar (after optimization)
= {terms: 9, types: 2, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Desugar [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.275 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 19, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.265 megabytes
*** Specialise [Lib]:
Result size of Specialise
= {terms: 19, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Specialise [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.069 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Lib]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False})
= {terms: 23, types: 18, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.128 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 19, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 10, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.230 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 0.269 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.115 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Lib]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.054 megabytes
*** Called arity analysis [Lib]:
Result size of Called arity analysis
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Called arity analysis [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.058 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.115 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Lib]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.085 megabytes
*** Worker Wrapper binds [Lib]:
Result size of Worker Wrapper binds
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Worker Wrapper binds [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.054 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.117 megabytes
*** Exitification transformation [Lib]:
Result size of Exitification transformation
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Exitification transformation [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.048 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Lib]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True})
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.117 megabytes
*** Common sub-expression [Lib]:
Result size of Common sub-expression
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Common sub-expression [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.063 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Lib]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.054 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Lib]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.117 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Lib]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.084 megabytes
*** CoreTidy [Lib]:
Result size of Tidy Core
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! CoreTidy [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 2.424 megabytes
writeBinIface: 10 Names
writeBinIface: 26 dict entries
writeBinIface: 10 Names
writeBinIface: 26 dict entries
*** CorePrep [Lib]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! CorePrep [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.066 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Lib]:
!!! CodeGen [Lib]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 0.594 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquotesrc -Idist/build -Idist/build -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build -no-pie -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_4.s -o dist/build/Lib.o
*** CorePrep [Lib]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 19, types: 7, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! CorePrep [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.065 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Lib]:
!!! CodeGen [Lib]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.570 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquotesrc -Idist/build -Idist/build -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build -no-pie -fPIC -U__PIC__ -D__PIC__ -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_6.s -o dist/build/Lib.dyn_o
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_3.s /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_4.s /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_5.c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_6.s /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_7.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_3.s
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_5.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_7.c
compile: input file /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_1.hscpp
*** Checking old interface for Paths_test (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[2 of 2] Compiling Paths_test ( dist/build/autogen/Paths_test.hs, dist/build/Paths_test.o )
*** Parser [Paths_test]:
!!! Parser [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 2.460 megabytes
*** Renamer/typechecker [Paths_test]:
!!! Renamer/typechecker [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 7.357 megabytes
*** Desugar [Paths_test]:
Result size of Desugar (before optimization)
= {terms: 131, types: 96, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
Result size of Desugar (after optimization)
= {terms: 113, types: 78, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Desugar [Paths_test]: finished in 31.25 milliseconds, allocated 0.899 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 255, types: 352, coercions: 40, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier iteration=2
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 10.330 megabytes
*** Specialise [Paths_test]:
Result size of Specialise
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Specialise [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.277 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False})
= {terms: 331, types: 567, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.168 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 279, types: 436, coercions: 71, joins: 6/6}
Result size of Simplifier iteration=2
= {terms: 255, types: 376, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 255, types: 376, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 6.694 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 231, types: 323, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 2.565 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.933 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.212 megabytes
*** Called arity analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Called arity analysis
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Called arity analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.219 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.933 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.828 megabytes
*** Worker Wrapper binds [Paths_test]:
Result size of Worker Wrapper binds
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Worker Wrapper binds [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.096 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.991 megabytes
*** Exitification transformation [Paths_test]:
Result size of Exitification transformation
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Exitification transformation [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.076 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True})
= {terms: 297, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.105 megabytes
*** Common sub-expression [Paths_test]:
Result size of Common sub-expression
= {terms: 296, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Common sub-expression [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.478 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 296, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.218 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 9.337 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.432 megabytes
*** CoreTidy [Paths_test]:
Result size of Tidy Core
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! CoreTidy [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.163 megabytes
writeBinIface: 83 Names
writeBinIface: 124 dict entries
writeBinIface: 83 Names
writeBinIface: 124 dict entries
*** CorePrep [Paths_test]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 454, types: 744, coercions: 95, joins: 0/2}
!!! CorePrep [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.797 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Paths_test]:
!!! CodeGen [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 16.723 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquotedist/build/autogen -Idist/build -Idist/build -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build -no-pie -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_9.s -o dist/build/Paths_test.o
*** CorePrep [Paths_test]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 454, types: 744, coercions: 95, joins: 0/2}
!!! CorePrep [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.796 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Paths_test]:
!!! CodeGen [Paths_test]: finished in 31.25 milliseconds, allocated 17.524 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquotedist/build/autogen -Idist/build -Idist/build -Idist/build/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build -no-pie -fPIC -U__PIC__ -D__PIC__ -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_11.s -o dist/build/Paths_test.dyn_o
Upsweep completely successful.
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_10.c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_11.s /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_12.c /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_8.s /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_9.s
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_10.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_12.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_8.s
link(batch): upsweep (partially) failed OR
Main.main not exported; not linking.
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1343_0/ghc_1.hscpp
*** Deleting temp dirs:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1343_0
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.7.20181115, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.6.2
Using binary package database: /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: /tmp/playground/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: dist/package.conf.inplace/package.cache
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
*** Linker:
gcc -fno-stack-protector '-fuse-ld=gold' -Wl,--no-as-needed -Wl,-rpath,/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -Wl,-rpath,/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/ghc-prim-0.5.3 -Wl,-rpath,/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -Wl,-rpath,/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/rts -lm -o dist/build/ -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -Wl,-h, dist/build/Lib.dyn_o dist/build/Paths_test.dyn_o -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/ghc-prim-0.5.3 -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/rts -lHSbase- -lHSinteger-gmp- -lHSghc-prim-0.5.3-ghc8.7.20181115 -lgmp
Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc1360_0
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1360_0/ghc_1.rsp
*** Deleting temp dirs:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1360_0
Preprocessing executable 'test' for test-0.0.1..
Building executable 'test' for test-0.0.1..
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.7.20181115, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.6.2
Using binary package database: /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: /tmp/playground/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: dist/package.conf.inplace/package.cache
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])},
-package-id test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9{unit test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9 True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])},
-package-id test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9{unit test-0.0.1 True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
*** Chasing dependencies:
Chasing modules from: *Paths_test,*app/test.hs
Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc1376_0
*** C pre-processor:
gcc -E -undef -traditional -include dist/build/test/autogen/cabal_macros.h -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include -include /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include/ghcversion.h -Dlinux_BUILD_OS -Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH -Dlinux_HOST_OS -Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__ -D__SSE__ -D__SSE2__ -include/tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_2.h -x assembler-with-cpp dist/build/test/autogen/Paths_test.hs -o /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_1.hscpp
!!! Chasing dependencies: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 4.505 megabytes
Stable obj: []
Stable BCO: []
Ready for upsweep
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:09:36.2744423 UTC
ms_mod = Main,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude), (Nothing, Lib)]
ms_srcimps = []
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:15:15.3446329 UTC
ms_mod = Paths_test,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude),
(Nothing, System.Environment), (Nothing, Data.Version),
(Nothing, Control.Exception)]
ms_srcimps = []
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_2.h
compile: input file app/test.hs
*** Checking old interface for Main (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[1 of 2] Compiling Main ( app/test.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o )
*** Parser [Main]:
!!! Parser [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.071 megabytes
*** Renamer/typechecker [Main]:
!!! Renamer/typechecker [Main]: finished in 31.25 milliseconds, allocated 16.955 megabytes
*** Desugar [Main]:
Result size of Desugar (before optimization)
= {terms: 18, types: 12, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Desugar (after optimization)
= {terms: 14, types: 8, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Desugar [Main]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 2.240 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 31.25 milliseconds, allocated 12.013 megabytes
*** Specialise [Main]:
Result size of Specialise
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Specialise [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.079 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Main]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False})
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.145 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.172 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.172 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.172 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Main]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.061 megabytes
*** Called arity analysis [Main]:
Result size of Called arity analysis
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Called arity analysis [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.076 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.172 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Main]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.135 megabytes
*** Worker Wrapper binds [Main]:
Result size of Worker Wrapper binds
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Worker Wrapper binds [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.056 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.181 megabytes
*** Exitification transformation [Main]:
Result size of Exitification transformation
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Exitification transformation [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.049 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Main]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True})
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.145 megabytes
*** Common sub-expression [Main]:
Result size of Common sub-expression
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Common sub-expression [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.074 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Main]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.061 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Main]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.181 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Main]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.134 megabytes
*** CoreTidy [Main]:
Result size of Tidy Core
= {terms: 32, types: 24, coercions: 3, joins: 0/0}
!!! CoreTidy [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.813 megabytes
writeBinIface: 19 Names
writeBinIface: 41 dict entries
*** CorePrep [Main]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 38, types: 30, coercions: 8, joins: 0/0}
!!! CorePrep [Main]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.095 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Main]:
!!! CodeGen [Main]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 1.096 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquoteapp -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -no-pie -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_4.s -o dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_3.s /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_4.s /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_5.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_3.s
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_5.c
compile: input file /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_1.hscpp
*** Checking old interface for Paths_test (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[2 of 2] Compiling Paths_test ( dist/build/test/autogen/Paths_test.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Paths_test.o )
*** Parser [Paths_test]:
!!! Parser [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 2.571 megabytes
*** Renamer/typechecker [Paths_test]:
!!! Renamer/typechecker [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 5.417 megabytes
*** Desugar [Paths_test]:
Result size of Desugar (before optimization)
= {terms: 131, types: 96, coercions: 0, joins: 0/1}
Result size of Desugar (after optimization)
= {terms: 113, types: 78, coercions: 0, joins: 0/0}
!!! Desugar [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.918 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 255, types: 352, coercions: 40, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier iteration=2
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 5.590 megabytes
*** Specialise [Paths_test]:
Result size of Specialise
= {terms: 223, types: 303, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Specialise [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.277 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False})
= {terms: 331, types: 567, coercions: 23, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = False}) [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.170 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 279, types: 436, coercions: 71, joins: 6/6}
Result size of Simplifier iteration=2
= {terms: 255, types: 376, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 255, types: 376, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 4.324 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 231, types: 323, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 2.567 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.932 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.212 megabytes
*** Called arity analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Called arity analysis
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Called arity analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.220 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.932 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.828 megabytes
*** Worker Wrapper binds [Paths_test]:
Result size of Worker Wrapper binds
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Worker Wrapper binds [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.096 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.990 megabytes
*** Exitification transformation [Paths_test]:
Result size of Exitification transformation
= {terms: 223, types: 309, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Exitification transformation [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.076 megabytes
*** Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True})
= {terms: 297, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float out(FOS {Lam = Just 0,
Consts = True,
OverSatApps = True}) [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.103 megabytes
*** Common sub-expression [Paths_test]:
Result size of Common sub-expression
= {terms: 296, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Common sub-expression [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.474 megabytes
*** Float inwards [Paths_test]:
Result size of Float inwards
= {terms: 296, types: 472, coercions: 47, joins: 0/0}
!!! Float inwards [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.218 megabytes
*** Simplifier [Paths_test]:
Result size of Simplifier iteration=1
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
Result size of Simplifier
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! Simplifier [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 4.100 megabytes
*** Demand analysis [Paths_test]:
Result size of Demand analysis
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! Demand analysis [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.431 megabytes
*** CoreTidy [Paths_test]:
Result size of Tidy Core
= {terms: 422, types: 713, coercions: 95, joins: 0/0}
!!! CoreTidy [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 1.166 megabytes
writeBinIface: 83 Names
writeBinIface: 124 dict entries
*** CorePrep [Paths_test]:
Result size of CorePrep
= {terms: 454, types: 744, coercions: 95, joins: 0/2}
!!! CorePrep [Paths_test]: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 0.798 megabytes
*** Stg2Stg:
*** CodeGen [Paths_test]:
!!! CodeGen [Paths_test]: finished in 15.63 milliseconds, allocated 16.555 megabytes
*** Assembler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -iquotedist/build/test/autogen -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -no-pie -x assembler -c /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_7.s -o dist/build/test/test-tmp/Paths_test.o
Upsweep completely successful.
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_6.s /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_7.s /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_8.c
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_6.s
Warning: deleting non-existent /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_8.c
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1376_0/ghc_1.hscpp
*** Deleting temp dirs:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1376_0
Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 8.7.20181115, stage 2 booted by GHC version 8.6.2
Using binary package database: /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: /tmp/playground/package.conf.d/package.cache
Using binary package database: dist/package.conf.inplace/package.cache
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])},
-package-id test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9{unit test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9 True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
package flags [-package-id base-{unit base- True ([])},
-package-id test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9{unit test-0.0.1 True ([])}]
loading package database /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/package.conf.d
loading package database /tmp/playground/package.conf.d
loading package database dist/package.conf.inplace
wired-in package ghc-prim mapped to ghc-prim-0.5.3
wired-in package integer-wired-in mapped to integer-gmp-
wired-in package base mapped to base-
wired-in package rts mapped to rts-1.0
wired-in package template-haskell mapped to template-haskell-
wired-in package ghc mapped to ghc-8.7
*** Chasing dependencies:
Chasing modules from: *Paths_test,*app/test.hs
Created temporary directory: /tmp/ghc1388_0
*** C pre-processor:
gcc -E -undef -traditional -include dist/build/test/autogen/cabal_macros.h -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -Idist/build/test/autogen -Idist/build/global-autogen -Idist/build/test/test-tmp -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include -include /home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include/ghcversion.h -Dlinux_BUILD_OS -Dx86_64_BUILD_ARCH -Dlinux_HOST_OS -Dx86_64_HOST_ARCH -D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__ -D__SSE__ -D__SSE2__ -include/tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_2.h -x assembler-with-cpp dist/build/test/autogen/Paths_test.hs -o /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_1.hscpp
!!! Chasing dependencies: finished in 0.00 milliseconds, allocated 4.501 megabytes
Stable obj: [ ESf39 :-> Paths_test, ESf7D :-> Main]
Stable BCO: []
Ready for upsweep
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:09:36.2744423 UTC
ms_mod = Main,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude), (Nothing, Lib)]
ms_srcimps = []
ModSummary {
ms_hs_date = 2019-02-17 06:15:15.3446329 UTC
ms_mod = Paths_test,
ms_textual_imps = [(Nothing, Prelude),
(Nothing, System.Environment), (Nothing, Data.Version),
(Nothing, Control.Exception)]
ms_srcimps = []
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_2.h
compile: input file app/test.hs
*** Checking old interface for Main (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[1 of 2] Skipping Main ( app/test.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o )
*** Deleting temp files:
compile: input file /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_1.hscpp
*** Checking old interface for Paths_test (use -ddump-hi-diffs for more details):
[2 of 2] Skipping Paths_test ( dist/build/test/autogen/Paths_test.hs, dist/build/test/test-tmp/Paths_test.o )
Upsweep completely successful.
*** Deleting temp files:
link: linkables are ...
LinkableM (2019-02-17 06:15:15.7022837 UTC) Main
[DotO dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o]
LinkableM (2019-02-17 06:15:15.8066729 UTC) Paths_test
[DotO dist/build/test/test-tmp/Paths_test.o]
Linking dist/build/test/test ...
*** C Compiler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -c /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_3.c -o /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_4.o -no-pie -I/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/include
*** C Compiler:
gcc -fno-stack-protector -c /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_6.s -o /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_7.o
*** Linker:
gcc -fno-stack-protector '-fuse-ld=gold' -Wl,--no-as-needed -o dist/build/test/test -lm -no-pie -Wl,--gc-sections dist/build/test/test-tmp/Main.o dist/build/test/test-tmp/Paths_test.o -L/tmp/test/dist/build -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/base- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/integer-gmp- -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/ghc-prim-0.5.3 -L/home/terrorjack/.stack/programs/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.7.20181115/lib/ghc-8.7.20181115/rts /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_4.o /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_7.o -Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runIO_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runNonIO_closure -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTuple_Z0T_closure -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_True_closure -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_False_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziPack_unpackCString_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_stackOverflow_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_heapOverflow_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_allocationLimitExceeded_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnMVar_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_blockedIndefinitelyOnSTM_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactFunction_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactPinned_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziIOziException_cannotCompactMutable_closure -Wl,-u,base_ControlziExceptionziBase_absentSumFieldError_closure -Wl,-u,base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nonTermination_closure -Wl,-u,base_ControlziExceptionziBase_nestedAtomically_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziEventziThread_blockedOnBadFD_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziSync_runSparks_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziIO_ensureIOManagerIsRunning_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziIO_ioManagerCapabilitiesChanged_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziConcziSignal_runHandlersPtr_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_flushStdHandles_closure -Wl,-u,base_GHCziTopHandler_runMainIO_closure -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Czh_con_info -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Izh_con_info -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Fzh_con_info -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Dzh_con_info -Wl,-u,ghczmprim_GHCziTypes_Wzh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziPtr_Ptr_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziPtr_FunPtr_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I8zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I16zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I32zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziInt_I64zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W8zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W16zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W32zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziWord_W64zh_con_info -Wl,-u,base_GHCziStable_StablePtr_con_info -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_add64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_sub64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_and64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_nand64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_or64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomic_xor64 -Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg8 -Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg16 -Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg32 -Wl,-u,hs_cmpxchg64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicread8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicread16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicread32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicread64 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite8 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite16 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite32 -Wl,-u,hs_atomicwrite64 -Wl,-u,findPtr -lHStest-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9 -lHSbase- -lHSinteger-gmp- -lHSghc-prim-0.5.3 -lHSrts_thr -lCffi -lgmp -lm -lrt -ldl -lnuma -lpthread -lpthread
link: done
*** Deleting temp files:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_3.c /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_5.rsp /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_6.s /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_8.rsp /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_9.rsp /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_1.hscpp /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_4.o /tmp/ghc1388_0/ghc_7.o
*** Deleting temp dirs:
Deleting: /tmp/ghc1388_0
Installing library in /tmp/playground/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.7.20181115/test-0.0.1-8pbPeVlIvqkL9jOpQikqh9
Installing executable test in /tmp/playground/bin
Warning: The directory /tmp/playground/bin is not in the system search path.
Registering library for test-0.0.1..
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