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typing fast

Tev Tevinthuku

typing fast
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// ...code
function beginWork(wipFiber) {
if (wipFiber.tag == CLASS_COMPONENT) {
} else {
function updateHostFiber(wipFiber) {
Tevinthuku / reconciler.js
Created August 14, 2019 09:36
// ... code
function performUnitOfWork(wipFiber) {
// lets work on the fiber
if (wipFiber.child) {
// if a child exists its passed on as
// the nextUnitOfWork
return wipFiber.child;
function performWork(deadline) {
if (!nextUnitOfWork) {
// on initial render
// or if all work is complete and the nextUnitOfWork is null
//grab the first item on the workInProgress queue.
if (nextUnitOfWork || workQueue.length > 0) {
// if theres more work to be done. get to know when the browser will be occupied
const HOST_ROOT = "root";
const HOST_COMPONENT = "host";
// code..
export function render(elements, containerDom) {
from: HOST_ROOT, // the root/parent fiber
dom: containerDom, // document.getElementById("app") just a dom node where this fiber will be appended to as a child
newProps: { children: elements }
const CLASS_COMPONENT = "class";
// ...code
export function scheduleUpdate(instance, partialState) {
from: CLASS_COMPONENT, // we know scheduleUpdate came from a class so we have CLASS_COMPONENT here.
instance: instance, // *this* object
partialState: partialState // this represents the state that needs to be changed
Tevinthuku / component.js
Last active August 14, 2019 14:24
a call to scheduleUpdate from setState
import {scheduleUpdate} from "./reconciler"
export class Component {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props || {};
this.state = this.state || {};
setState(partialState) {
// we'll define this function in the reconciler.js file.
import { updateDomProperties } from "./dom-utils";
import { TEXT_ELEMENT } from "./element";
const ENOUGH_TIME = 1; // we set ours to 1 millisecond.
let workQueue = []; // there is no work initially
let nextUnitOfWork = null; // the nextUnitOfWork is null on initial render.
// the schedule function heere can stand
// for the scheduleUpdate or the
// call to render
import { render } from "./reconciler";
import { createElement } from "./element";
import { Component } from "./component";
export { createElement, render, Component };
export default {
Tevinthuku / class.html
Last active August 13, 2019 21:53
a class example of
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge" />
<div id="app"></div>
Tevinthuku / reconciler.js
Last active August 13, 2019 21:19
updated reconciler function.
export function reconcile(parentDom, instance, element) {
if (instance == null) {
// initial render
const newInstance = instantiate(element);
return newInstance;
} else if (element == null) {
* this section gets hit when
* a childElement was previously present