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Last active September 3, 2019 09:38
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T4 file for generate common operator on C# object
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
class ObjectProxyOperator
var types = new[]{ "sbyte","byte","short","ushort","int","uint","long","ulong","float","double","decimal" };
foreach(var pair in new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string>() { ["Add"] = "+",["Subtract"] = "-",["Multiply"] = "*",["Divide"] = "/",["Mod"] = "%" })
var func = pair.Key;
var op = pair.Value;
public static object <#=func#>(object left,object right)
foreach(var ltype in types)
#> case <#=ltype#> l:
foreach(var rtype in types)
if(ltype == "decimal" && (rtype == "float" || rtype == "double"))
if(rtype == "decimal" && (ltype == "float" || ltype == "double"))
if(ltype == "ulong" && (rtype == "sbyte" || rtype == "short" || rtype == "int" || rtype == "long"))
if(rtype == "ulong" && (ltype == "sbyte" || ltype == "short" || ltype == "int" || ltype == "long"))
#> case <#=rtype#> r:
return l <#=op#> r;
#> default:
return <#if(op == "+")#>(right is string rs) ? l + rs : null;<#else#>null;<# #>
#> default:
return null;
var ltypes = new[]{ "sbyte","byte","short","ushort","int","uint","long" };
var rtypes = new[]{ "sbyte","byte","short","ushort","int" };
foreach(var pair in new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string,string>() { ["Shift"] = "<<",["Unshift"] = ">>" })
var func = pair.Key;
var op = pair.Value;
public static object <#=func#>(object left,object right)
foreach(var ltype in ltypes)
#> case <#=ltype#> l:
foreach(var rtype in rtypes)
#> case <#=rtype#> r:
return l <#=op#> r;
#> default:
case string s:
return null;
case System.IConvertible ico when int.TryParse(ico.ToString(),out int r):
return l <#=op#> r;
#> default:
return null;
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