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Created September 16, 2021 11:25
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LSL Gateway (no server included)
integer DEBUG = TRUE;
integer registered = FALSE;
key objectId;
key regRequestId;
key urlRequestId;
key eventRequestId;
string objectUrl;
string serverUrl = "<you need your own>";
debugSay(string text)
if (DEBUG)
list readEventData(string eventData)
debugSay("Read: " + eventData);
list data = llJson2List(eventData);
return data;
key post(string path, string jsonData)
return llHTTPRequest(serverUrl + "/" + path, [HTTP_METHOD, "POST", HTTP_MIMETYPE, "application/json"], jsonData);
jsonResponse(key requestId, integer status, string data)
llSetContentType(requestId, CONTENT_TYPE_JSON);
llHTTPResponse(requestId, status, data);
string jsonString(string str)
return "\"" + str + "\"";
badRequest(key requestId)
jsonResponse(requestId, 400, "{}");
unsupportedMediaType(key requestId)
jsonResponse(requestId, 415, "{}");
ok(key requestId)
jsonResponse(requestId, 200, "{}");
okPayload(key requestId, string jsonData)
jsonResponse(requestId, 200, jsonData);
notFound(key requestId)
jsonResponse(requestId, 404, "{}");
objectId = llGetKey();
urlRequestId = llRequestURL();
registrationHandler(key requestId, integer status)
if (status == 200)
debugSay("Object registered");
registered = TRUE;
debugSay("Object registration failed with status: " + (string)status);
urlRequestHandler(key requestId, string requestStatus, string url)
if (requestStatus == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
debugSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a URL for this object:\n \n" + url);
else if (requestStatus == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
objectUrl = url;
debugSay("Url retrieved: " + objectUrl);
// Register object and url with gateway
string jsonData = "\"" + objectUrl + "\"";
regRequestId = post("object/register/" + (string)objectId, jsonData);
eventRequest(integer eventCode, list args)
string jsonArgs = llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, args);
string jsonData = llList2Json(JSON_OBJECT, ["code", eventCode, "args", jsonArgs]);
debugSay("Sent: " + jsonData);
eventRequestId = post("events/receive/" + (string)objectId, jsonData);
// Command Event Codes
integer CEC_LLOwnerSay = 0;
integer CEC_LLSay = 1;
integer CEC_LLRegionSay = 2;
integer CEC_LLRegionSayTo = 3;
integer CEC_LLApplyRotationalImpulse = 4;
integer CEC_LLListen = 5;
integer CEC_LLListenRemove = 6;
integer CEC_LLDie = 7;
integer CEC_LLEjectFromLand = 8;
integer CEC_LLGetOwner = 9;
integer CEC_LLGetAgentList = 10;
integer CEC_LLGetAgentInfo = 11;
integer CEC_LLRequestAgentData = 12;
integer CEC_LLRequestDisplayName = 13;
// Object Event Codes
integer OEC_Listen = 0;
integer OEC_Dataserver = 1;
// Internal codes
integer INVALID = -1;
integer NOT_HANDLED = -2;
integer OK = 0;
integer commandSwitch(key requestId, list args)
integer eventCode = (integer)llList2String(args, 0);
integer argLength = llGetListLength(args);
if (eventCode == CEC_LLOwnerSay)
if (argLength < 1)
return INVALID;
string text = llList2String(args, 1);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLSay)
if (argLength < 2)
return INVALID;
integer channel = llList2Integer(args, 1);
string msg = llList2String(args, 2);
llSay(channel, msg);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLRegionSay)
if (argLength < 2)
return INVALID;
integer channel = llList2Integer(args, 1);
string msg = llList2String(args, 2);
llRegionSay(channel, msg);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLRegionSayTo)
if (argLength < 3)
return INVALID;
key target = llList2Key(args, 1);
integer channel = llList2Integer(args, 2);
string msg = llList2String(args, 3);
llRegionSayTo(target, channel, msg);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLApplyRotationalImpulse)
if (argLength < 4)
return INVALID;
float forceX = llList2Float(args, 1);
float forceY = llList2Float(args, 2);
float forceZ = llList2Float(args, 3);
integer local = llList2Integer(args, 4);
vector force = <forceX, forceY, forceZ>;
llApplyRotationalImpulse(force, local);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLListen)
if (argLength < 4)
return INVALID;
integer channel = llList2Integer(args, 1);
string name = llList2String(args, 2);
key id = llList2Key(args, 3);
string msg = llList2String(args, 4);
integer retVal = llListen(channel, name, id, msg);
okPayload(requestId, (string)retVal);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLListenRemove)
if (argLength < 1)
return INVALID;
integer handle = llList2Integer(args, 1);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLDie)
// This is the only one that has its request/function call reversed
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLEjectFromLand)
if (argLength < 1)
return INVALID;
key avatar = llList2Key(args, 1);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLGetOwner)
okPayload(requestId, jsonString(llGetOwner()));
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLGetAgentList)
if (argLength < 2)
return INVALID;
integer scope = llList2Integer(args, 1);
list li = llDeleteSubList(args, 0, 1);
list result = llGetAgentList(scope, li);
okPayload(requestId, llList2Json(JSON_ARRAY, result));
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLGetAgentInfo)
if (argLength < 1)
return INVALID;
key id = llList2Key(args, 1);
integer result = llGetAgentInfo(id);
// Json number
okPayload(requestId, (string)result);
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLRequestAgentData)
if (argLength < 2)
return INVALID;
key id = llList2Key(args, 1);
integer data = llList2Integer(args, 2);
key result = llRequestAgentData(id, data);
okPayload(requestId, jsonString(result));
else if (eventCode == CEC_LLRequestDisplayName)
if (argLength < 1)
return INVALID;
key id = llList2Key(args, 1);
key result = llRequestDisplayName(id);
okPayload(requestId, jsonString(result));
return OK;
commandEventHandler(key requestId, string data)
list parsedData = readEventData(data);
integer dataLength = llGetListLength(parsedData);
integer argLength = dataLength - 1;
if (dataLength < 1)
integer result = commandSwitch(requestId, parsedData);
if (result != OK)
if (result == NOT_HANDLED)
else if (result == INVALID)
// Handle remote server response
http_response(key requestId, integer status, list metadata, string body)
if (requestId) {
if (requestId == regRequestId)
registrationHandler(requestId, status);
else if (requestId == eventRequestId)
debugSay("Event sent with status: " + (string)status + "\n\nResponse: " + body);
// Handle remote server request
http_request(key requestId, string method, string body)
if (requestId)
if (requestId == urlRequestId)
urlRequestHandler(requestId, method, body);
else if (method == "POST" && registered)
commandEventHandler(requestId, body);
listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
if (registered)
eventRequest(OEC_Listen, [channel, name, id, message]);
dataserver(key queryId, string data)
if (registered)
eventRequest(OEC_Dataserver, [data]);
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