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Last active August 28, 2015 02:40
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import Signal exposing (Address)
import Html exposing (Html, div, button, span, text)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
type alias Component action state effect view
= action
-> state
-> (state, List effect, view)
type alias HtmlComponent action state effect
= Component action state effect (Address action -> Html)
type alias HigherOrderComponent fromAction fromState fromEffect toAction toState toEffect
= HtmlComponent fromAction fromState fromEffect
-> HtmlComponent toAction toState toEffect
type alias ContainerComponent fromAction fromState fromEffect toAction toState toEffect context
= List (HtmlComponent fromAction fromState fromEffect)
-> context
-> HtmlComponent toAction toState toEffect
type alias ListComponent action state effect
= ContainerComponent action state effect (action, Int) (List state) (effect, Int) Int
pure : (state, view) -> (state, List Never, view)
pure (state, view) =
(state, [], view)
type Action
= Increment
| Decrement
| NoOp
counter : HtmlComponent Action Int Never
counter action oldState =
state =
case action of
Increment ->
oldState + 1
Decrement ->
oldState - 1
NoOp ->
view address =
[ button
[ onClick address Increment ]
[ text "+" ]
, button
[ onClick address Decrement ]
[ text "-" ]
, span
[ text (toString state) ]
(state, view)
main =
run counter NoOp 0
|> .views
run : HtmlComponent action state effect
-> action
-> state
-> Output action state effect Html
run component initialAction initialState =
{address, signal} =
Signal.mailbox initialAction
initial =
component initialAction initialState
update action (state, _, _) =
component action state
outputs =
Signal.foldp update initial signal
{ states = (\(a,_,_) -> a) outputs
, effects = (\(_,b,_) -> b) outputs
, views = (\(_,_,f) -> f address) outputs
, actions = signal
type alias Output action state effect view =
{ states : Signal state
, effects : Signal (List effect)
, views : Signal view
, actions : Signal action
type Never = Never Never
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