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Last active February 19, 2022 06:38
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Get IGN legends for WMS Raster, WMS Vecteur and WMTS webservices


There is a CSV of available IGN webservices at

Most webservices for raster do not return the legend and point to a broken as shown below


From the French geoportal, we guessed the pattern to retrieve image legends and generate an "augmented" default file with the legend image URL link

To get end result look at:

You can also get each legend image as we retrieved them locally in the repository. There are in the zip file

Not all webservices do have a legend, 241 have a legend (present.txt) and 357 do not have (no_present.txt). We didn't analysed the cause for the missing legend e.g hosted somewhere or not useful like for imagery

How it was done

Done on linux using bash.

Look at file for the recipe

# "" broken since a while
# mkdir legendes
# cd legendes
url=$(curl -k | grep -Eo "(http|https)://[a-zA-Z0-9./?=_%:-]*" | grep '.csv$')
rm $filename
wget --no-check-certificate $url
iconv -f 'WINDOWS-1252' -t 'UTF-8' $filename > temp.txt
dos2unix temp.txt
mv temp.txt $filename
sed -e "1d" $filename > temp.txt
mv temp.txt $filename
echo -e "service;nom_cle;nom_commercial;nom_tech;url_acces\n$(cat $filename)" >| $filename
# true >| content.txt
for name in $(csvcut -d ";" -c 4 $filename);
do png_url="${name}/legendes/${name}-legend.png"
if curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$png_url"; then
echo "1;$png_url" >> content.txt
echo "0;" >> content.txt
unset IFS
sed -e "1d" content.txt > temp.txt
mv temp.txt content.txt
echo -e "present;url_legend\n$(cat content.txt)" >| content.txt
paste -d ';' $filename content.txt >| "${output_file_basename}.csv"
rm content.txt $filename
grep 'WMS Vecteur\|WMS Raster\|WMTS' ""${output_file_basename}.csv"" | grep -v '0;$' >| present.txt
wc -l present.txt
# 241 avec une légende
grep 'WMS Vecteur\|WMS Raster\|WMTS' "${output_file_basename}.csv" | grep '0;$' >| no_present.txt
wc -l no_present.txt
# 357 sans une légende
# L'absence de légende peut se justifier selon les cas de figure.
# Il peut ne pas avoir ce besoin: exemple d'une orthophoto ou d'un contour simple avec une couche d'information
# Retrieve files
remote_urls=$(csvcut -d ';' -c 7 present.txt | sort | uniq)
for f in $remote_urls;
do wget "$f";
zip *.png
rm *.png
# csvtojson --delimiter=';' "${output_file_basename}.csv" | jq -c . | pv -b >/dev/null
csvtojson --delimiter=';' "${output_file_basename}.csv" | jq -c . >| "${output_file_basename}.json"
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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