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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Create NuGet packages.config files for csproj-files.
// This program will create packages.config files for each .csproj.
// It will enumerate your projects dll references to know the corresponding NuGet packages.
// packages.config files are used by Paket when converting from NuGet.
#r "System.Xml.dll" //for scripts or interactive
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll" //add reference if using F# as library
module GeneratePaketConfigs
open System
open System.IO
open System.Linq
open System.Xml.Linq
/// Directory of your source control project root folder
// Environment.CurrentDirectory <- @"c:\git\myProject"
let directory = Environment.CurrentDirectory
/// Possible HintPaths of your NuGet package locations in your hard drive.
let nugetFolder, nugetEnvVariable = @"packages\", @"$(NugetPath)\"
let readFile files =
Directory.GetFiles(directory, files, SearchOption.AllDirectories)
|> Array.toSeq
type System.String with
member x.has i = x.IndexOf(i, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
let ``find packages from projects`` (``project file name``:string) =
let xn ns s = XName.Get(s,ns)
let xml = XDocument.Load ``project file name``
let xns = xn (xml.Root.Attribute(XName.Get("xmlns")).Value)
let ``find packages``=
xml.Element(xns "Project")
.Elements(xns "ItemGroup")
.Elements(xns "Reference")
|> x -> match x.Element(xns "HintPath") with null -> "" | v -> v.Value)
|> Seq.filter(fun path -> path.has nugetFolder + path.has nugetEnvVariable >= -1)
|> path ->
let startPosition =
match path.has nugetFolder, path.has nugetEnvVariable with
| -1, x -> x + nugetEnvVariable.Length
| x, -1 -> x + nugetFolder.Length
| _ -> failwith path
let endPosition = path.IndexOf(@"\", startPosition)-startPosition
let target =
match path.IndexOf(@"lib\", endPosition) with
| -1 -> None
| targetStart ->
match path.IndexOf(@"\", targetStart+4) with
| -1 -> None
| targetEnd -> path.Substring(targetStart+4, targetEnd-targetStart-4) |> Some
let _, name, version =
let ``split version from first number`` =
fun (found,n,v) -> fun i ->
let ok = i |> Int64.TryParse |> fst
match found || ok with
| false -> false, n+"."+i, v
| true -> true, n, v+"."+i
path.Substring(startPosition, endPosition).Split '.'
|> Seq.fold ``split version from first number`` (false,"","")
match name.Length = 0 || version.Length = 0, target with
| false, Some t -> " <package id=\"" + name.Substring(1) + "\" version=\"" + version.Substring(1) + "\" targetFramework=\"" + t + "\" />"
| false, _ -> " <package id=\"" + name.Substring(1) + "\" version=\"" + version.Substring(1) + "\" />"
| true, _ ->
printf "%s was not a NuGet package" path
|> Seq.toArray
let ``update package.configs`` =
let ``package config`` =
``project file name``.Substring(0,1+``project file name``.LastIndexOf @"\") + "packages.config"
match ``find packages``.Length, File.Exists(``package config``) with
| 0, true -> ``package config`` + " was ok."
| 0, false -> ``package config`` + " not needed."
| _, false ->
File.WriteAllText( ``package config``, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\n<packages>\r\n")
File.AppendAllLines( ``package config``, ``find packages``)
File.AppendAllText( ``package config``, "</packages>")
``package config`` + " created."
| _, true ->
let lines = File.ReadAllLines ``package config``
let ``except exsisting`` =
Array.filter (function // rip target framework from check
| (p:string) when p.Length > 3 ->
let ``no target`` = p.Substring(0, p.Length-3)
lines.Any (fun i -> ``no target`` |> i.StartsWith) |> not
| _ -> false)
let ``new content`` =
seq {
yield! lines.Take(lines.Length-1)
yield "\r\n"
yield! ``find packages`` |> ``except exsisting``
yield lines.Last()
File.Delete ``package config``
File.WriteAllLines( ``package config``, ``new content``)
``package config`` + " updated."
``update package.configs``
let projectFiles = ("*.csproj" |> readFile).AsParallel().Select ``find packages from projects``
|> Seq.filter(fun p -> p.Any()) |> Seq.toArray
// projectFiles |> Seq.iter(printfn "%s")
// Now you should be able to run (path depending your version of course):
// nuget install Paket
// packages\Paket.0.38.4\tools\paket.exe convert-from-nuget
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