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Created September 8, 2021 00:13
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test('a register user should see the onboarding page and update the data', function () {
$user = User::create([
'uuid' => Str::random(12),
'firstname' => 'John',
'lastname' => 'Doe',
'email' => '',
'password' => '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi', // password
actingAs($user)->get(route('dashboard'))->assertInertia(function (Assert $page) {
// Update Location
$location = [
'country_id' => 233,
'state_id' => 1416,
'city_id' => 120784,
'zip' => '90210',
actingAs($user)->post('/update-user-location', $location)->assertStatus(200);
// Refresh User with new data
$user = $user->fresh();
expect($user->city->name)->toBe('Los Angeles');
// Update Personal Data
$personal = [
'phone' => '5566778899',
'profile_url' => '',
'brief' => 'Hello World!',
actingAs($user)->post('/update-user-info', $personal)->assertStatus(200);
// Refresh User with new data
$user = $user->fresh();
expect($user->brief)->toBe('Hello World!');
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