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Last active October 9, 2015 05:48
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-- A quadtree implementation with a max points per node
module Main where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
data Point = Point Int Int
deriving Show
type LeafPointCount = Int
data QuadTreeNode = Leaf [Point]
| Node { nNW :: QuadTreeNode
, nNE :: QuadTreeNode
, nSW :: QuadTreeNode
, nSE :: QuadTreeNode
data Bounds = Bounds { bLeft :: Int
, bTop :: Int
, bRight :: Int
, bBottom :: Int
} deriving Show
data QuadTree = QuadTree { qtBounds :: Bounds
, qtMaxLeafPoints :: LeafPointCount
, qtRoot :: QuadTreeNode
instance Show QuadTree where
show (QuadTree bnds maxc nodes) = "Bounds: " ++ show bnds
++ "\nMax points per node: " ++ show maxc
++ "\nNodes:\n" ++ show nodes
instance Show QuadTreeNode where
show (Leaf points) = "Leaf: " ++ show points
show (Node nw ne sw se) = padl $ "\nNW: " ++ show nw
++ "\nNE: " ++ show ne
++ "\nSW: " ++ show sw
++ "\nSE: " ++ show se
where padl = unlines . map (" " ++) . lines
isInBounds :: Bounds -> Point -> Bool
isInBounds (Bounds l t r b) (Point x y) = x >= l && y >= t && x <= r && y <= b
subdivideBounds :: Bounds -> (Bounds,Bounds,Bounds,Bounds)
subdivideBounds (Bounds l t r b) =
( Bounds l t cx cy
, Bounds cx t r cy
, Bounds l cy cx b
, Bounds cx cy r b
where cx = (l+r) `div` 2
cy = (t+b) `div` 2
emptyTree :: Bounds -> LeafPointCount -> QuadTree
emptyTree bounds maxLeafPoints = QuadTree bounds maxLeafPoints (Leaf [])
splitNode :: QuadTreeNode -> Bounds -> QuadTreeNode
splitNode (Leaf pts) bnds =
let (nwb,neb,swb,seb) = subdivideBounds bnds in
Node (leafInBounds nwb)
(leafInBounds neb)
(leafInBounds swb)
(leafInBounds seb)
where leafInBounds b = Leaf $ filter (isInBounds b) pts
splitNode other _ = other
pushPointToTree :: QuadTree -> Point -> QuadTree
pushPointToTree (QuadTree b maxc node) point =
QuadTree b maxc $ maybeAddPointToNode node b
where maybeAddPointToNode n bnds =
if isInBounds bnds point
then addPointToNode n bnds
else n
addPointToNode (Leaf pts) bnds =
if length pts > maxc
then addPointToNode (splitNode (Leaf pts) bnds ) bnds
else Leaf $ point:pts
addPointToNode (Node nw ne sw se) bnds =
let (bnw,bne,bsw,bse) = subdivideBounds bnds in
Node (maybeAddPointToNode nw bnw)
(maybeAddPointToNode ne bne)
(maybeAddPointToNode sw bsw)
(maybeAddPointToNode se bse)
pushPointsToTree :: QuadTree -> [Point] -> QuadTree
pushPointsToTree = foldl pushPointToTree
randomPoint :: Bounds -> IO Point
randomPoint (Bounds l t r b) = do
x <- randomRIO (l, r)
y <- randomRIO (t, b)
return (Point x y)
randomPoints :: Bounds -> Int -> IO [Point]
randomPoints bnds cnt = replicateM cnt $ randomPoint bnds
main :: IO ()
main = do
let bounds = Bounds 0 0 1000 1000
let emptytree = emptyTree bounds 3
points <- randomPoints bounds 20
let tree = pushPointsToTree emptytree points
print tree
-- E:\Dev\haskell\learning>runghc "0002 Quadtree.hs"
-- 0002 Quadtree.hs: warning: _tzset from msvcrt is linked instead of __imp__tzset
-- Bounds: Bounds {bLeft = 0, bTop = 0, bRight = 1000, bBottom = 1000}
-- Max points per node: 3
-- Nodes:
-- NW: Leaf: [Point 196 178,Point 86 330]
-- NE:
-- NW: Leaf: [Point 560 43,Point 618 28,Point 550 0,Point 576 185]
-- NE: Leaf: [Point 817 78]
-- SW: Leaf: [Point 593 371]
-- SE: Leaf: [Point 946 339,Point 792 313,Point 830 364]
-- SW:
-- NW: Leaf: []
-- NE: Leaf: [Point 346 515,Point 378 708]
-- SW: Leaf: [Point 28 951,Point 51 904]
-- SE: Leaf: [Point 366 807]
-- SE: Leaf: [Point 721 526,Point 944 685,Point 502 796,Point 770 661]
-- E:\Dev\haskell\learning>
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