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Last active October 12, 2015 07:49
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Sudoku solver for Haskell
-- Sudoku solver by @ToJans
-- Parses a Sudoku from a string and solves it
-- Parsing happens by filtering out ['1'-'9'] and '.'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Sudoko where
import Data.Maybe(isNothing,fromMaybe)
import Data.List(sortOn,find)
newtype Value = Value Char deriving (Show,Eq)
data Board = Board [[Maybe Value]]
data Position = Position Int Int deriving Show
data PotentialTurn = PotentialTurn Position [Value] deriving Show
data Turn = Turn Position Value deriving Show
data Range = Range [Position] deriving Show
data StepOutcome = BoardSolved Board
| BoardUnsolvable Board
| PotentialBoards [Board]
deriving Show
allValidChars :: String
allValidChars = ['1'..'9']
allValues :: [Value]
allValues = map Value allValidChars
charToMaybeValue :: Char -> Maybe Value
charToMaybeValue c = if c `elem` allValidChars
then Just $ Value c
else Nothing
maybeValueToChar :: Maybe Value -> Char
maybeValueToChar (Just (Value v)) = v
maybeValueToChar Nothing = '.'
stringToBoard :: String -> Board
stringToBoard x = if length filteredChars /= 9*9
then error "Invalid board"
else Board $ partition 9 filteredValues
where allBoardChars = '.' : allValidChars
filteredChars = filter (`elem` allBoardChars) x
filteredValues = map charToMaybeValue filteredChars
partition _ [] = []
partition n xs = take n xs : partition n (drop n xs)
instance Show Board where
show (Board b) = unlines $ "" :
fullLine ++
map showLine [0..2] ++
fullLine ++
map showLine [3..5] ++
fullLine ++
map showLine [6..8] ++
where fullLine = [ "|-----------------------|" ]
showLine y = foldl (\acc x -> acc ++ showEl x y) "" [0..8] ++ "|"
showEl x y = prefix ++ (ch:" ")
where prefix = if x `mod` 3 == 0 then "| " else ""
mv = valueFromPosition (Board b) (Position x y)
ch = maybeValueToChar mv
rangesForPosition :: Position -> [Range]
rangesForPosition (Position x y) = [rangeRow,rangeCol,range3By3]
where rangeRow = Range $ map (`Position` y ) [0..8]
rangeCol = Range $ map ( Position x ) [0..8]
range3By3Left = (x `div` 3) * 3
range3By3Top = (y `div` 3) * 3
range3By3 = Range $ Position
<$> [range3By3Left..range3By3Left+2]
<*> [range3By3Top ..range3By3Top +2]
valueFromPosition :: Board -> Position -> Maybe Value
valueFromPosition (Board b) (Position x y) = b !! y !! x
isValidValueForRange :: Board -> Range -> Value -> Bool
isValidValueForRange b (Range positions) v = Just v `notElem` values
where values = map (valueFromPosition b) positions
isValidValueForPosition :: Board -> Position -> Value -> Bool
isValidValueForPosition b p v = all (\r -> isValidValueForRange b r v) ranges
where ranges = rangesForPosition p
validValuesForPosition :: Board -> Position -> [Value]
validValuesForPosition b p = filter (isValidValueForPosition b p) allValues
positionsToGuess :: Board -> [Position]
positionsToGuess b = filter (isNothing . valueFromPosition b ) allPositions
where allPositions = Position <$> [0..8] <*> [0..8];
potentialTurn :: Board -> Position -> PotentialTurn
potentialTurn b p = PotentialTurn p $ validValuesForPosition b p
isPotentialTurnWithoutValues :: PotentialTurn -> Bool
isPotentialTurnWithoutValues (PotentialTurn _ []) = True
isPotentialTurnWithoutValues _ = False
applyTurn :: Board -> Turn -> Board
applyTurn (Board b) (Turn (Position x y) newVal) =
Board $ replace y rowToReplace b
where replace pos nv list = take pos list ++ nv : drop (pos+1) list
rowToReplace = replace x (Just newVal) $ b !! y
applyPotentialTurnsToBoard :: Board -> PotentialTurn -> [Board]
applyPotentialTurnsToBoard b (PotentialTurn pos vals) =
map getBoardForTurnVal vals
where getBoardForTurnVal v = applyTurn b (Turn pos v)
nextStep :: Board -> StepOutcome
nextStep b
| isBoardSolved = BoardSolved b
| isNotSolvable = BoardUnsolvable b
| otherwise = PotentialBoards potentialBoards
where positionsToGuess' = positionsToGuess b
isBoardSolved = null positionsToGuess'
potentialTurns = map (potentialTurn b) positionsToGuess'
potentialTurnLength (PotentialTurn _p v) = length v
sortedPotentialTurns = sortOn potentialTurnLength potentialTurns
-- we only need to walk the paths with the least possibilities
potentialBoards = applyPotentialTurnsToBoard b $ head sortedPotentialTurns
unsolvablePoints = filter isPotentialTurnWithoutValues potentialTurns
isNotSolvable = not $ null unsolvablePoints
isSolution :: StepOutcome -> Bool
isSolution x = case x of
BoardSolved _ -> True
_ -> False
isUnsolvable :: StepOutcome -> Bool
isUnsolvable x = case x of
BoardUnsolvable _ -> True
_ -> False
stepToBoards :: StepOutcome -> [Board]
stepToBoards (PotentialBoards bs) = bs
stepToBoards _ = []
solve :: Board -> StepOutcome
solve b = case nextStep b of
PotentialBoards bs -> solveMultiple bs
BoardSolved bs -> BoardSolved bs
BoardUnsolvable bs -> BoardUnsolvable bs
solveMultiple [] = BoardUnsolvable b
solveMultiple bs =
let ns = filter (not . isUnsolvable) $ map nextStep bs in
(solveMultiple $ concatMap stepToBoards ns)
(find isSolution ns)
testboard :: Board
testboard = stringToBoard
\| 4 . 3 | 1 . . | 9 . 8 |\n\
\| . 2 9 | . . . | 4 5 . |\n\
\| 1 7 . | 8 4 9 | . . . |\n\
\| . 4 . | . 2 . | . . . |\n\
\| . 9 . | 4 . 7 | . 3 . |\n\
\| . . . | . 3 . | . 8 . |\n\
\| . . . | 5 9 8 | . 4 7 |\n\
\| . 5 7 | . . . | 8 6 . |\n\
\| 2 . 4 | . . 3 | 5 . 9 |\n\
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Sudoku solver by @ToJans"
print testboard
putStrLn "Finding solution"
print $ solve testboard
-- output:
-- E:\Dev\haskell\learning>runhaskell "0003 Sudoku.hs"
-- Sudoku solver by @ToJans
-- |-----------------------|
-- | 4 . 3 | 1 . . | 9 . 8 |
-- | . 2 9 | . . . | 4 5 . |
-- | 1 7 . | 8 4 9 | . . . |
-- |-----------------------|
-- | . 4 . | . 2 . | . . . |
-- | . 9 . | 4 . 7 | . 3 . |
-- | . . . | . 3 . | . 8 . |
-- |-----------------------|
-- | . . . | 5 9 8 | . 4 7 |
-- | . 5 7 | . . . | 8 6 . |
-- | 2 . 4 | . . 3 | 5 . 9 |
-- |-----------------------|
-- Finding solution
-- BoardSolved
-- |-----------------------|
-- | 4 6 3 | 1 5 2 | 9 7 8 |
-- | 8 2 9 | 3 7 6 | 4 5 1 |
-- | 1 7 5 | 8 4 9 | 3 2 6 |
-- |-----------------------|
-- | 3 4 8 | 6 2 1 | 7 9 5 |
-- | 5 9 6 | 4 8 7 | 1 3 2 |
-- | 7 1 2 | 9 3 5 | 6 8 4 |
-- |-----------------------|
-- | 6 3 1 | 5 9 8 | 2 4 7 |
-- | 9 5 7 | 2 1 4 | 8 6 3 |
-- | 2 8 4 | 7 6 3 | 5 1 9 |
-- |-----------------------|
-- E:\Dev\haskell\learning>
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