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Last active December 17, 2021 02:41
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# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Load parameters
region_names <-
c("East Coast North", "Semi-arid Inland QLD", "Tasmania", "SW WA",
"Central NSW", "SE Coast", "Southern Semi-arid", "Southern Temperate",
"Northern Coastal", "Inland Arid")
params <-
structure(list(`East Coast North` = c(0.327, 0.241, 0.448, 0.36, 0.00096, 0.48, -0.21, 0.012, -0.0013),
`Semi-arid Inland QLD` = c(0.159, 0.283, 0.25, 0.308, 7.3e-07, 1, 0.039, 0, 0),
Tasmania = c(0.0605, 0.347, 0.2, 0.283, 0.00076, 0.347, 0.0877, 0.012, -0.00033),
`SW WA` = c(0.183, 0.259, 0.271, 0.33, 3.845e-06, 0.41, 0.55, 0.00817, -0.00045),
`Central NSW` = c(0.265, 0.241, 0.505, 0.321, 0.00056, 0.414, -0.021, 0.015, -0.00033),
`SE Coast` = c(0.06, 0.361, 0, 0.317, 8.11e-05, 0.651, 0, 0, 0),
`Southern Semi-arid` = c(0.254, 0.247, 0.403, 0.351, 0.0013, 0.302, 0.058, 0, 0),
`Southern Temperate` = c(0.158, 0.276, 0.372, 0.315, 0.000141, 0.41, 0.15, 0.01, -0.0027),
`Northern Coastal` = c(0.326, 0.223, 0.442, 0.323, 0.0013, 0.58, -0.374, 0.013, -0.0015),
`Inland Arid` = c(0.297, 0.234, 0.449, 0.344, 0.00142, 0.216, 0.129, 0, 0)),
class = "data.frame", row.names = c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"))
ARF_long <- function(area, duration, aep, region, params) {
# Area in km-squre
# Duration in minutes
# aep as a fracion e.g. 0.01
# region must be one of the 10 valid regions
# params is a data frame of parameters a,...,i for all regions
# Check the region is valid
all.regions <- names(params)
all.regions.txt <- str_c(all.regions, collapse = ', ')
if(!(region %in% all.regions)) stop (str_c('Invalid region. You input "', region, '". Valid regions are ', all.regions.txt))
# For the select region, assignment the parameters to a,...,i
for(i in 1:9) {
assign(letters[i], params[ ,region][i])
min(1, (1 - a*(area^b - c*log10(duration)) * duration ^-d +
e*area^f*duration^g * (0.3 + log10(aep)) +
h*10^(i*area*duration/1440) * (0.3 + log10(aep))))
ARF_short <- function(area, duration, aep) {
a <- 0.287
b <- 0.265
c <- 0.439
d <- 0.36
e <- 0.00226
f <- 0.226
g <- 0.125
h <- 0.0141
i <- -0.021
j <- 0.213
min(1, (1 - a*(area^b - c*log10(duration)) * duration^(-d) +
e*area^f*duration^g * (0.3 + log10(aep)) +
h * area^j * 10^(i* (1/1440) * (duration - 180)^2) * (0.3 + log10(aep))))
ARF <- function(area, duration, aep, region = NULL, params = NULL) {
# We only need a region and parameters if duration is greater than 12 hours so
# these arguements are optional
# Define the functions we may need
# Checking inputs
if( return('Area must be between zero and 30,000 km-squared')
if( return('AEP must be between 0.5% and 50%')
if( return('Duration must be positive and less than 10080 min (7 days)')
if(area < 0 | area > 30000) return('Area must be between zero and 30,000 km-squared')
if(aep > 0.5 | aep < 0.0005) return('AEP must be between 0.05% and 50%')
if(duration > 7*24*60 | duration < 0) return('Duration must be positive and less than 10080 min (7 days)')
if(duration <= 720 & area > 1000)
return(str_c("Generalized equations are not applicable for short durations when catchment areas exceed 1000 km-squared. ",
"If area > 1000, duration must be greater than 12 hours (720 mins)"))
if(area <= 1) return(1)
if(duration >= 1440){
if(area >= 10){
return(ARF_long(area, duration, aep, region, params))
# This was from Scott Podgers spreadsheet but isn't in ARR2019
# return(max(ARF_long(area, duration, aep, region, params), ARF_short(area, duration = 720, aep)))
# area < 10
# interpolate based on area between the long duration ARF for 10 km-square
# and an ARF of 1
ARF.long.10 <- ARF_long(10, duration, aep, region, params)
ARF = 1 - 0.6614*(1-ARF.long.10)*(area^0.4 - 1)
#ARF.long.10 - (ARF.long.10 - 1)*(10 - area)/10 previous interpolation formula
if(duration <= 720){
if(area >= 10){
if(area > 1000) stop('Generalised equations are not applicable for short duration events on areas > 1000 km-squared.')
return(max(0,ARF_short(area, duration, aep))) # Sometimes, short duration events on large catchments produce values less than zero, here I set them to zero.
# area < 10 and duration less than 12 hours
# interpolate based on area between the short duration ARF for 10 km-square
# and an ARF of 1
ARF.short.10 <- ARF_short(10, duration, aep)
ARF = 1 - 0.6614*(1-ARF.short.10)*(area^0.4 - 1)
#ARF.short.10 - (ARF.short.10 - 1)*(10 - area)/10 old interpolation formula
# duration between 720 and 1440 i.e. between 12 hours and 24 hours
if(area > 1 & area < 10){
# 1. Calculate long duration ARF for 10 km-squared and 24 hours duration
ARF.long.24 <- ARF_long(10, 1440, aep, region, params)
# 2. Calculate short duration ARF for 10 km-squared and 12 hours (720 min)
ARF.short.12 <- ARF_short(10, 720, aep)
# 3. Interpolate ARF for 10 km-squared and selected duration
ARF.interp.10 <- ARF.short.12 + (ARF.long.24 - ARF.short.12)*(duration - 720)/720
#4. Interpolate ARF for catchment area and selected duration
ARF <- 1 - 0.6614*(1-ARF.interp.10)*(area^0.4 - 1)
if(area >= 10){
# 1 Calculate long duration ARF for 24 hours and selected area, duration and AEP
ARF.long.24 <- ARF_long(area, 1440, aep, region, params)
# 2. Calculate short duration ARF for 12 hours and selected duration and AEP
ARF.short.12 <- ARF_short(area, 720, aep)
# 3. Interpolate for the selected duration and AEP
ARF <- ARF.short.12 + (ARF.long.24 - ARF.short.12)*(duration - 720)/720
# We should never fall through to here
stop('Error in ARF calculations')
# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define UI for application that draws a histogram
# Define UI for dataset viewer application
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("ARR2019 ARF Calculator"),
# Sidebar with controls to select a dataset and specify the
# number of observations to view
selectInput("region", "Choose a region:",
choices = c("East Coast North",
"Semi-arid Inland QLD",
"SW WA",
"Central NSW",
"SE Coast",
"Southern Semi-arid",
"Southern Temperate",
"Northern Coastal"
numericInput(inputId = "area",
label = "Area km-squared (between 1 and 30,000):",
numericInput(inputId = "duration",
label = "Duration (min) (between 1 and 10080 (7 days)):",
step = 1),
numericInput(inputId = "aep",
label = "Annual Exceedance Probability (%) (between 0.5% and 50%):",
value=1 )
# Show a summary of the dataset and an HTML table with the
# requested number of observations
img(src = "ARFregions.png", height = 480, width = 640),
h3('The ARF is:'),
textOutput({ 'results' })
HTML('<a href="" target="_blank">About</a>')
# server ------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Return input data
InputValues <- reactive({
# Compose data frame
Name = c("Region",
"Area (km-squared)",
"Duration (min)",
"Duration (hours)",
"Annual Exceedance Probability"),
Value = as.character(c(input$region,
format(input$duration/60, digits = 4),
# Return the parameter values
ParameterValues <- reactive({
Value = data.frame(Parameter = letters[1:9], Value = params[ ,input$region])
# Return the ARF
ARFValues <- reactive({
Value = ARF(input$area, input$duration, input$aep/100, input$region, params)
# Show the values using an HTML table
output$values <- renderTable({
output$parameters <- renderTable({
output$results = renderText({
format(ARFValues(), digits = 3)
#output$value = renderPrint({ round(ARFValues(), digits =3) })
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
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