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Created August 9, 2019 12:53
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macro_rules! select_variables (
() => {""};
($head:ident $($tail:ident)*) => {
concat!(" ?", stringify!($head), select_variables!($($tail)*));
macro_rules! fmt(
($a:tt) => {stringify!($a)};
(?$a:tt) => {concat!("?", stringify!($a))};
macro_rules! single_statement(
($a:tt $b:tt $c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!($a), " ", fmt!($b), " ", fmt!($c), ".\n");};
(?$a:tt $b:tt $c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!(?$a), " ", fmt!($b), " ", fmt!($c), ".\n");};
($a:tt ?$b:tt $c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!($a), " ", fmt!(?$b), " ", fmt!($c), ".\n");};
($a:tt $b:tt ?$c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!($a), " ", fmt!($b), " ", fmt!(?$c), ".\n");};
(?$a:tt ?$b:tt $c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!(?$a), " ", fmt!(?$b), " ", fmt!($c), ".\n");};
(?$a:tt $b:tt $c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!(?$a), " ", fmt!($b), " ", fmt!(?$c), ".\n");};
($a:tt ?$b:tt ?$c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!($a), " ", fmt!(?$b), " ", fmt!(?$c), ".\n");};
(?$a:tt ?$b:tt ?$c:tt) => {concat!(fmt!(?$a), " ", fmt!(?$b), " ", fmt!(?$c), ".\n");};
macro_rules! statement(
() => {""};
($a:tt $b:tt $c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!($a $b $c), statement!($($tail)*));};
(?$a:tt $b:tt $c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!(?$a $b $c), statement!($($tail)*));};
($a:tt ?$b:tt $c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!($a ?$b $c), statement!($($tail)*));};
($a:tt $b:tt ?$c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!($a $b ?$c), statement!($($tail)*));};
(?$a:tt ?$b:tt $c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!(?$a ?$b $c), statement!($($tail)*));};
(?$a:tt $b:tt $c:tt. ?$($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!(?$a $b ?$c), statement!($($tail)*));};
($a:tt ?$b:tt ?$c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!($a ?$b ?$c), statement!($($tail)*));};
(?$a:tt ?$b:tt ?$c:tt. $($tail:tt)*) => {concat!(single_statement!(?$a ?$b ?$c), statement!($($tail)*));};
macro_rules! select(
($($var:tt),* where $($statement:tt)*) => {
"SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language \"en\". }"
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