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Last active June 5, 2016 17:33
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(defsystem "multiple-threads"
:description "Multithreading Utility Library"
:version "1.0"
:author "Chris Dusto <>"
:depends-on ("common-structures")
:components ((:file "multiple-threads")))
(defpackage :multiple-threads
(:nicknames :mt)
(:use :common-lisp :common-structures :sb-thread)
(:export :with-multiple-threads))
(in-package :multiple-threads)
(defmacro with-multiple-threads
((n-threads worker-fn &key add-work get-work n-commands finished wait-work)
&body body)
(let ((work (gensym "work-"))
(thread-id (gensym "thread-id-"))
(command-buf (gensym "command-buf-"))
(command-lock (gensym "command-lock-"))
(command-queue (gensym "command-queue-"))
(result-buf (gensym "result-buf-"))
(result-lock (gensym "result-lock-"))
(result-queue (gensym "result-queue-"))
(n-active (gensym "n-active-"))
(helper-loop-block-name (gensym "outer-loop-"))
(is-finished (or finished (gensym "is-finished-"))))
`(let ((,command-buf (make-instance 'cs:queue))
(,command-lock (sb-thread:make-mutex))
(,command-queue (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))
(,result-buf nil)
(,result-lock (sb-thread:make-mutex))
(,result-queue (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))
(,is-finished nil)
(,n-active 0))
(dotimes (,thread-id ,n-threads)
(lambda (,thread-id)
(incf ,n-active))
(block ,helper-loop-block-name
(let ((,work
(let ((command (cs:buffer ,command-buf)))
(when command
(return command)))
(when ,is-finished
(return-from ,helper-loop-block-name))
,command-queue ,command-lock)))))
(unless ,work
(let ((result
(funcall ,worker-fn ,thread-id ,work)))
(push (cons ,work result) ,result-buf)
(sb-thread:condition-notify ,result-queue))))))
; FIXME Why is this _needed_ to stop deadlocks?
; TODO Make a testing program for this BUG!
(sb-thread:condition-notify ,command-queue))
(decf ,n-active)
(sb-thread:condition-notify ,result-queue))))
:arguments (list ,thread-id)))
(when add-work
(when work
(setf (cs:buffer ,command-buf) work)
(sb-thread:condition-notify ,command-queue)))))
(when finished
`((setf ,finished)
(setf ,finished v)
(when v
(sb-thread:condition-notify ,command-queue)))
(when get-work
`(,get-work () (pop ,result-buf)))
(when n-commands
`(,n-commands () (cs:n-elems ,command-buf)))
(when wait-work
`(,wait-work () (sb-thread:condition-wait ,result-queue ,result-lock)))))
(when (zerop ,n-active)
(require :multiple-threads)
(let ((my-iter 20))
(4 (lambda (tid work-order)
(declare (ignore tid))
(sleep (random 3.0))
(apply #'+ work-order))
:add-work add-work
:get-work get-work
:n-commands n-cmds
:finished finished
:wait-work wait-work)
(unless finished
(loop while (and (< (n-cmds) 5)
(plusp my-iter)) do
(decf my-iter)
(loop for i from 0 below 3 collect (random 10))))
(when (zerop my-iter)
(setf finished t)))
(loop for my-work = (get-work)
while my-work
do (format t "~S -> ~S~%" (car my-work) (cdr my-work)))))
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